Help needed with fertilizer/pro-mix


This is my first outdoor garden in about 20 years. I started some plants Miracle Grow potting soil and hated it within a few weeks. It's mostly wood products and sand, which compact very nicely due to the noticeable lack of perlite in the mix.

I then tried something called "Jungle Growth" from Lowes which was far superior, but still needed perlite added.

After 6 weeks, I have one smallish (stunted) White Widow in a 15 gal pot that is starting to yellow. It is pale green with yellow lower leaves. The rest of my crop (with the same mix) looks fine. A test crop with lime additives also yellowed, and had to be washed and repotted. In any case, there should have been plenty of nutrients after 6 weeks.

I switched to a pro-mix and need to choose the right fertilizer. I have one bag of organic fertilizer that cost $15 and contains enough for about ONE 15 gallon pot. :) I need to fertilize 30 of them and (10) 25 gallon containers. I've had to use some Miracle Grow already, but would like to wash it out good (with the next big rain) and use something safer.

Does anyone know of an economical solution for this many cubic feet of pro-mix?


Active Member
This is my first outdoor garden in about 20 years. I started some plants Miracle Grow potting soil and hated it within a few weeks. It's mostly wood products and sand, which compact very nicely due to the noticeable lack of perlite in the mix.

I then tried something called "Jungle Growth" from Lowes which was far superior, but still needed perlite added.

After 6 weeks, I have one smallish (stunted) White Widow in a 15 gal pot that is starting to yellow. It is pale green with yellow lower leaves. The rest of my crop (with the same mix) looks fine. A test crop with lime additives also yellowed, and had to be washed and repotted. In any case, there should have been plenty of nutrients after 6 weeks.

I switched to a pro-mix and need to choose the right fertilizer. I have one bag of organic fertilizer that cost $15 and contains enough for about ONE 15 gallon pot. :) I need to fertilize 30 of them and (10) 25 gallon containers. I've had to use some Miracle Grow already, but would like to wash it out good (with the next big rain) and use something safer.

Does anyone know of an economical solution for this many cubic feet of pro-mix?
Do you mean promix alternatives? I'd just use promix honestly... 1 bale is more like 9 cubic feet since its compressed so its actually one of the cheaper soils out there, setting MG and other wally world crap aside.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I LOVE pro-mix. I have pro-mix bx.

So I like to mix worm castings with it, 20%

Outdoors I do half a compressed bale ( 3.8 cf) per hole. I throw in 2 handfulls of Fox Farm Marine Cuisine. Then I liquid feed with liquid nutes from fox farm once a week. Let me know if you want the ratio's to mix.