My attempt on building a semi-stealth cabinet (pix inside)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice fellas. I'll see what I can do with some black tape and about the banana peels, I've read a post about it in the past. As for nutes I'm gonna go 1/2 strength next feeding just to be on the safe side.

I removed the two passive intake elbows since on one of them I put that intake fan and on the other side I added a plastic drain cap with two layers of filter so no light leaks there. As of now the cab looks like this, I'll take some pics without the plant in there and also some side shots so you all can see how I hammered the shit outta the drainage cap in to the passive intake hole. I attached some ducting to the intake fan and placed upwards as to blow cold air straight up to the bulb.

2009-06-22 22.18.34.jpg


Well-Known Member
As far as light leaks at the door, just line the inside edge of one door with like a quad layer of duct tape, and close that side first, then the other like those cabinets that require the doors get closed in a certain order..


Well-Known Member
doc brown is growing weed?!?!? ill bet this mad scientist grows some superior buds, ill bet if this grow cab is as done up as that crazy helmet in the picture that reads thoughts then ill bet he grows dank


Well-Known Member
So here is a pic of the cap I added on the side of the cabinet where the intake fan is. Worked out pretty well, notice there is no light leaks with the lights on. The other side has the same deal going on except it's a passive intake hole.

2009-06-23 12.43.05.jpg


Well-Known Member
this cabinet is pretty sweet. did you purchase a cabinet kit from wal mart or target etc??? also where do you have it to make it seem not out of place? (for stealths sake i mean)


Well-Known Member
this cabinet is pretty sweet. did you purchase a cabinet kit from wal mart or target etc??? also where do you have it to make it seem not out of place? (for stealths sake i mean)

I went to Wallyworld and to Target and they didn't have shit. I mean literally.. nothing worth growing in. I went to Lowes and also Home Depot but H.D had a slightly wider cabinet for an extra 10 bucks so I went with that. But I'll be honest with you, these cabinets aren't worth it. It's made out of some weak ass material, kinnda looks like pressed cardboard or something. I'm not a handyman so I bought a cabinet instead of building one. If I could start over I'd go with building one from scratch and try my luck, I mean this cabinet didnt even have a back piece to it. Well I take that back... they gave me a piece of cardboard as the back piece, wtf?? .. I had to go to lowes and buy a 1/2 inch piece of plywood and had them cut it to size (an extra 10 bucks). I don't recall reading on the box (back piece of cabinet is a piece of cardboard)

I have the cabinet in my "man cave" as she calls it and it's placed in the corner of the room next to the closet. It looks like it belongs there since it's next to my closet and they're both painted white.


Well-Known Member
Hey Doc, how much noise is there when everything is running? I know that fan has got to make some noise at the outlet. Do you have some sort of exhaust muffler to quiet it down? I'm looking to make something similar, but need almost complete silence.


Well-Known Member
Hey Doc, how much noise is there when everything is running? I know that fan has got to make some noise at the outlet. Do you have some sort of exhaust muffler to quiet it down? I'm looking to make something similar, but need almost complete silence.
I don't have a muffler on it but it basically sounds like you have a couple computers running. The noise of the air is noticeable that's for sure. If I have people over I just close the door to my room and you can't hear shit. It's when you open the bedroom door that you hear it.


Well-Known Member
How are you managing the humidity?
To be honest with you, I have no clue. It's always between 40%-60% on it's own, so I suppose it's a good thing. I'm pretty sure I'll have to get a dehumidifier once I begin to flower.


Well-Known Member
Here is a picture of my plant 20 days after planting it. I have noticed 2 spots on 1 leaf and 1 spot on another leaf that look like nute burn. I figured this was probably going to happen since my ppm reading after watering last time was all fucked up.

Also I headed over to wally world last night and bought some pretty cool weather strip it's not all weak like the one I got from Lowes. It handled well and it was a lot easier to put on. No more light leaks for me.:hump: The last pic is just the inside of my cab so you all can see how I sorta fixed my temp issue with my intake fan.

2009-06-25 12.43.19.jpg2009-06-24 23.12.46.jpg2009-06-24 22.59.47.jpg


Well-Known Member
So I just finished attempting to lst my plant. Didn't go so well :cry: I guess it's to big already (5 nodes) After setting the anchor down I carefully began to bend the stem and it felt fine. Then I let it go to make sure everything was cool before I attached my white coated paper clip to the side of the pot and that shit was all crooked. It didnt fall over or anything but I know if I didnt give it any support I would of woken up to a lop sided plant. So now it's just chillin with an anchor at the stem so the fan doesnt tip it over. Guess I'll try my luck next time and attempt to do it when it's 3 nodes big.


Well-Known Member
hmmm... try topping! once the new tops begin to branch out you'll have young soft stems that LST nicely... and double what you would have had LST the non-topped plant... ya' dig??

or don't! haha your call



Well-Known Member
After I fucked up the lst I was thinking of FIMing it but read that the plant has to recover for 2 weeks before flowering. I plan to start flowering next Friday so I guess I'm just gonna let it grow the natural way for my first time and then try new techniques for my 2nd grow. This way I can make comparisons and stick to a method that works best for me. I will also veg longer next tim around and dabble with cloning and all that good stuff.