Getting Started


hi all,
I have just succesfully germinated 4 Lowrider2 seeds in 24 hours!
Wrapped the 4 seeds in wet kitchen paper and kept them in a very hot and dark place for 24 hours. Today surprise they all germinated!
have planted them.
will keep updated with future growth.


Well-Known Member
Why lowrider you should have done this with a plant that you can clone and get value for money i bet that they do the same stain has you are growing now but it's bigger and alot better bigger brother.But everyone to there own i suppose just don't get why folk buy these plants say the ak47 plant you can get in auto or the original strain all you realy have to do is flower has soon has the original plant takes root but keep one back has a mother this way you are not wasteing money you will be lucky to get 1 ounce,Shit my top cola weight is that.dam


Eh eh... first one (out of 4)has started coming up today ... just poking it's head through the potting compost!:clap:


quick update............... only 3 of my 4 Lowryders survived. the last one was planted too deep or something and the new leafs never made it through the compost...damn
2 of them are looking quite good and of them is a little mutant strange leafs formation. they are on my window seal and are getting as much direct sunshine as the weather permits.
there is still no sign of sex!!!! yet
will update later with photos....


leaf mutation could be due to compost virility. sorry one of your kids died :/ they will show sex in about 2-2.5 weeks from seed if i recall correctly... so you've got a little ways to go :D btw, dont pay attention to the post downing what you decided to do. auto ak47 still has ruderalis genetics, just like the lowryder2. potency is about the same as well.


Well-Known Member
You don't want the temp too high too germanate room temp is fine dark is more important just put them in the liveing room under a sofa or in a unit.Don't waste you hard earned cash on these plants they will only dissapoint you when it comes to harvest.You should have orded the real macoy that way you could have cloned and had the plant for has long has you want to grow.lowrider auto flowering plants are a gimmik just like the coulouring on the greenhouse seeds it helps germanateing like shit it take's longer to germanate because you have to wait for the coulouring to disspurce.


hey tike... what coloring on GH seeds are you talking about? if you're talking about the color coded packs, thats just different strains, they dont have any special coating on the seeds. btw, to all who keep saying auto is a gimmick, try growing it first... it will not disappoint if done right. and maybe he doesnt care about making clones... that may be more work than he wants to handle right now. not to mention extra room for mothers, extra lighting, etc. enjoy what he's doing here and try to see the positives :)


Well-Known Member
Coloured greenhouse seeds do have a special coating on them. Its an anti Pathogen, check the greenhouse website before putting up duff info without knowing what you talking about.


Well-Known Member
Dont let people diss what you grow man. Its your grow and your choice of what you grow. I have 5 diff strains on the go just now, none of them auto flowering. But thats my choice, i have thought about growing lowriders myself. Purely for ease and simplicity.


Coloured greenhouse seeds do have a special coating on them. Its an anti Pathogen, check the greenhouse website before putting up duff info without knowing what you talking about.
My apologies on the duff info :D you learn something new every day (when i asked what he was talking about, it was a legitimate question, not sarcasm). didnt realize gh started doing that...


Well-Known Member
My apologies on the duff info :D you learn something new every day (when i asked what he was talking about, it was a legitimate question, not sarcasm). didnt realize gh started doing that...
i do apologise, that post i put up may have sounded a bit abrupt. After all this site is about learning new stuff. You can maybe tell i am a greenhouse seeds fan! I have had 100 percent success using their fem seeds.


ive had 100% as well... nevilles haze fem.. but they werent coated :D im about to start 5 of their indica strains, hopefully they turn out well :)


i didn't buy my seeds from Greenhouse Seeds..... there were not coated at all....
week 3 from germination. they are doing well except for the weather being bad at the moment (one day sunny one day grey) so i suppose they are not getting enough light right now.
the reason why i decided to grow LR2 is due to a lack of space and also for the short growing/flowering time.
i also have some Thai seeds which i planted in March and they are still not yet flowering despite being on 12/12.
will upload some pics later today.


hi all....
now in day 43 !!!! my luck might be that i got 3 FEMALES..... Hip Hip Hooray. have been trying to upload some pics but haven't yet managed got to reduce the size maybe.
They have had a bit of stress afflicted to them, as they were growing on my balcony in the sun but neighbors told us to hide them more discreetly... so they had to spend a week in light box in the loft with the rest of my girls...( growing some tall Sativa Thai in cupboard) they kind on went vegetating somehow for almost a week, now that i have returned them to the sun ( out of view from the neighbors) they seem to have pick up again but seem very tall and not very bushy.
will try again upload some pics
keep you updated soon.


hey... the 3 girls are doing very well... getting a lot of sun finally. they are not very big.. even the buds are quite small but they are full of crystals... and smell absolutely divine ( Coffee like).
the pistils are just starting to turn brown.... been feeding them regularly with Bloom Iguana Juice......
hoping to give the chop to the first plant in a week or two. they look and feel so potent at the moment...
will post more pics soon
were are now in day 60 from germination.