This juust in. Mass exodus of californians

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya baiscally the people with the largest egos on earth are the ones who run for power.

we are basically being fucked in the ass by the most egotistical mother fuckers on earth

lets be honest egomanics only do things to help themselves.

why do the american people get duped so easyly

i can tell when a person is sincere, I could tell bush believed deeply in everything he did. i could tell that about mccain to. they had a consience

obama only does things as part of a plot and a plan do further his part, he is the opossite of sincere, and would rather see us suffer than let any other party have his power.

pls oh pls giet rid of the deomcarts in the house and senate so we can stop him!!!! pls!!!!!!


New Member
I agree but in this instance we have flown way off. This is because right now only ONE party is in control. This is NEVER a good thing.....ever.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
bush may have been sincere about his beliefs ill agree with that but hes also very unintelligent and religious thats a bad combo religious people should never be in power. at the same time saying there honest and sincere contradicts the first part of your post which i agree with as well only egomaniacs dedicate there lifes to slithering through the political system in america.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
when daddys ex president you go many places. do you feel all who go through such schools are automatically intelligent? i cant count how many people i have known who are supposed to be intelligent based on papers and certificates that actually are extremely stupid. in cases of bush and others like him its more climbing the latter than learning anything bush was and still is a simple man. when have you ever heard bush speak with authority in a respectable elegant manner including proper vocabulary. i thought they teach that in those colleges. then there is cheney maybe not stupid but most certainly a morally reprehensible human. all politicians suck as i have said but the last 8 years must be accounted for with regards to whats happening now.


Well-Known Member
yah, all unintelligent ppl go to Yale and Harvard.
Just because Bush was handed everything in life doesn't mean he actually used it to his advantage.

Yes he went to Yale and Harvard, but that doesn't say jack shit about his intelligence or basic knowledge! He's a member of the Skull and Bones as well, but he's dumb as a door nail.

Just because you went to a great school, doesn't mean shit. He had plenty of money to get his way into Yale/Harvard.


Well-Known Member
John F. Kennedy was the last real President.

At least the last one who wasn't controlled like a puppet. We all know how that ended..


New Member
Just because Bush was handed everything in life doesn't mean he actually used it to his advantage.

Yes he went to Yale and Harvard, but that doesn't say jack shit about his intelligence or basic knowledge! He's a member of the Skull and Bones as well, but he's dumb as a door nail.

Just because you went to a great school, doesn't mean shit. He had plenty of money to get his way into Yale/Harvard.

His dad was a junior congressman at the time, unlike Big Daddy Gore, so let's keep it in perspective. Bush had the grades to go to Harvard after, unlike Gore.

Either way, you can't be a dumbass and GRADUATE from Harvard or Yale. It's not a community college you know.

Getting in is one thing, staying in is another.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i dont consider graduating from a college be it yale or harvard as automatically qualifying as intelligent i know lots of people who are allegedly smart on paper.


New Member
So, there is no barometer? Why bother with SAT's?

I'll go with Bush's governorship as competency. I've always felt that it is from the forest of governors which produces the best presidential timber. There are exceptions (Carter)

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
well he needs to go back and take basic english again if you cant speak eloquently as the president somethings wrong. i believe his sat was 1206 not real low but not real high compared with other presidents dem or repub.


New Member
Oh sure. hey how about I stick a camera in your face 18/7 and record everything you say for 8 years. How do you think you will do?


Well-Known Member
So, there is no barometer? Why bother with SAT's?

I'll go with Bush's governorship as competency. I've always felt that it is from the forest of governors which produces the best presidential timber. There are exceptions (Carter)
So what you're saying is Bush was a good President?

I agree with some of what you're saying, but you insinuate he was a great President, which he was not.

I somewhat feel bad for him, a little.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
hes almost always asked scripted questions its when he had to answer questions he did not know were coming that it got amusing. yeah anyone will make mistakes under the circumstances at some point but he was known for it.