Why Do You Grow Marijuana?


Well-Known Member
i first started growing about 2 years ago, i had just moved house and me and ma mate was walkin in the new garden and we found a weird bush that had leaves that looked like weed then to both our supprise at the bottom of the bush was a 1 foot hemp plant we both thought it was weed though so we moved it to a hidden area and grew it. My mate new about weed a little and told me what he new then i started researching and couldnt stop and eventualy got some seeds and i havnt looked back.:)


Active Member
i first started growing about 2 years ago, i had just moved house and me and ma mate was walkin in the new garden and we found a weird bush that had leaves that looked like weed then to both our supprise at the bottom of the bush was a 1 foot hemp plant we both thought it was weed though so we moved it to a hidden area and grew it. My mate new about weed a little and told me what he new then i started researching and couldnt stop and eventualy got some seeds and i havnt looked back.:)
Hahahaha that's awesome. I think I'm going to start a search for the guy who did look back. lol. I've noticed that no one looks back. Thanks for postin bro.

bam bam

Active Member
I dont really mind paying for weed, the high and happiness I get from weed is well worth the money that I woudl pay.

But I want to start growing weed because I hate dealing with a hole dealers who dick you around cause they think you need them and their weed.


Well-Known Member
Same here. That was the last straw for me.... I went over to my dealers house for some weed, it was all cut up, full of stems and seeds. I told him no thanks.
I went home and ordered some Early Misty seeds from Nirvana and Ive never looked back.
Ive been growing for personal use only for a few years now. And I love it. Nothing better than a good harvest.

Start a journal. I started one a while back and its been pretty cool. A journal may be the best way to get help if you do have problems down the road. It also helps me keep track of how big they are at what age. I like to scroll back and see the growth. Check the link in my sig if you wanna check it out.

Happy growing everybody!!!
I want to start a journal, but I am going to end up giving my plants
to my boyfriend, who lives out in the boonies here in SoCal, so yeah.

My little lady looks healthy right now. It actually rained for
2 days on and off, and since the rain, my baby is drooping;

too much water. So I hope the rainy days go away
and the sun comes out, because I need some of that
water to evaporate.


Well-Known Member
I grow for medical reasons. I have IBS extremely bad and marijuana is the only medicine that I have found to work. ( nothing even comes close.) Basically what happens is when I eat, my stomach goes into very painful spasms and I also get the runs. But then I medicate, and get on my way pain free for a few more hours.
I found that buying weed at the clubs is to dang expensive.
I am loving growing. It is becoming a fantastic hobby for me. I am learning a ton and starting to free up the pocket book a little more.
It's an amazing herb isn't it?
How is your girl doing? hopefully well.
talk to ya later bro


Well-Known Member
I smoke for medical use but in my state there is no med laws yet. I grow because i am not payin 300+ per ounce of decent stuff and i like the finer strains. Also i grow bagseed like hell. Because the way i see it is if weed is growing everywhere how can they keep it illegal, so each year i save all my bag seeds until 1s of may and germ and plant them everywhere i can. I put the sprouts in city planters, ditches, city gardens, you name it if there is a public area that wont get mowed i got sprouts in there lol. I dont know why but it makes me feel like a modern day johny appleseed lol. i probly put out 350+- sprouts this spring.
DUDE!!! This is the funniest / freaking greatest thing I have heard in a long time. Ha ha ha ha. Bravo dude. You ARE the modern day Johny appleseed!!
I am going to join you by planting seeds in my town.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I started because I have always wanted to. Since i began smoking the herb 18-20 years ago i have always thought about growing my own. I knew id be good at it because i love plants and have always worked in nurseries or garden stores... it relaxes me. I love cannabis, it has saved me from heroin addiction and growing it has become the most theraputic thing ever for me. However, i only enjoy the finest herbs and around me they go for big bucks.. I always thought, "I could do better" and now I do. I grow sick ganja better than anything around me that the kids sell for 400-500 a zip... and I smoke it with all my friends and give away the extra to friends and family. I just started this hobby last Sept and it has become my passion. I was always passionate about cannabis tho, always had books about it and read and researched it. I have only gone a few days without it in the last 20 years and that was because i was in countries that were dry... Its a miraculous plant, and I really look forward to it becoming more and more accepted in the future. I love you Mary Jane and thank you


Active Member
I started because I have always wanted to. Since i began smoking the herb 18-20 years ago i have always thought about growing my own. I knew id be good at it because i love plants and have always worked in nurseries or garden stores... it relaxes me. I love cannabis, it has saved me from heroin addiction and growing it has become the most theraputic thing ever for me. However, i only enjoy the finest herbs and around me they go for big bucks.. I always thought, "I could do better" and now I do. I grow sick ganja better than anything around me that the kids sell for 400-500 a zip... and I smoke it with all my friends and give away the extra to friends and family. I just started this hobby last Sept and it has become my passion. I was always passionate about cannabis tho, always had books about it and read and researched it. I have only gone a few days without it in the last 20 years and that was because i was in countries that were dry... Its a miraculous plant, and I really look forward to it becoming more and more accepted in the future. I love you Mary Jane and thank you
BRAVO! and thanks for posting!


Well-Known Member
I am 41 and I cannot believe it took me this long to figure out to grow my own.
I was in Key West for Fantasy Fest, awesome. Well, my brother n law was with these escort girls and he brought them back to our house....They had some killer weed, so I bought some off of them and in the bag was a couple of seeds. When I got home from vacation I threw it in a pot and didn't think much of it. Well, I was shocked when it grew and went into flower. I was shocked, it was the best smoke I have ever had. Then I went out and bought my set up and having been growing ever since. So I owe my growing to a couple of hot escort chicks in Key West....Good times.

LOL, I am such a stoner! I grow because after that happened, I knew it was the way to go. You can control your quality and it saves $$$ Big Time!


Active Member
I am 41 and I cannot believe it took me this long to figure out to grow my own.
I was in Key West for Fantasy Fest, awesome. Well, my brother n law was with these escort girls and he brought them back to our house....They had some killer weed, so I bought some off of them and in the bag was a couple of seeds. When I got home from vacation I threw it in a pot and didn't think much of it. Well, I was shocked when it grew and went into flower. I was shocked, it was the best smoke I have ever had. Then I went out and bought my set up and having been growing ever since. So I owe my growing to a couple of hot escort chicks in Key West....Good times.

LOL, I am such a stoner! I grow because after that happened, I knew it was the way to go. You can control your quality and it saves $$$ Big Time!
Hahahhaaa...thats awesome...great story!


Well-Known Member
I am 41 and I cannot believe it took me this long to figure out to grow my own.
I was in Key West for Fantasy Fest, awesome. Well, my brother n law was with these escort girls and he brought them back to our house....They had some killer weed, so I bought some off of them and in the bag was a couple of seeds. When I got home from vacation I threw it in a pot and didn't think much of it. Well, I was shocked when it grew and went into flower. I was shocked, it was the best smoke I have ever had. Then I went out and bought my set up and having been growing ever since. So I owe my growing to a couple of hot escort chicks in Key West....Good times.

LOL, I am such a stoner! I grow because after that happened, I knew it was the way to go. You can control your quality and it saves $$$ Big Time!
I wish I could just throw some in a pot and get great pot. I have two 6 day
old babies in the veggie garden that i planted late so they wouldn't get
too big. I plan on supercropping or lst.

I planted one in the tomatoes and one in the squash. Its cool.


I haven't been smoking for very long. But like most people here on RIU, I am just sick and tired of over paying for unreliable crappy SHweed (shitty weed). In all honesty I wouldn't mind spending a lil extra for good bud. Maybe even a lil more than extra. I have yet to grow my own bud. I always knew that there was alot of things to take into consideration when growing GOOD bud. There are so many people here to help and share their experiences to make it easier for people like me. So I couldn't help but get tempted to start growing my own. If I can manage to cover cost and have a good stash for myself, I couldn't complain. Sort of off the topic but there was someone here that said something about paying $500 for an ounce? What kind of bud was it if u don't mind me asking? I thought paying $350 was highway robbery...well at least for the Shweed I was getting. Supply vs Demand... gotta love the curve

grow space

Well-Known Member
yeah mates-the same reasons as you all have pointed out-I was just tired to serve this stupid and unlogical system, where a the MAN says, that this beautiful herb, what can cure over 90 Diseases, is ILLEGAL.what the hell????and where i live the weed prices are so high that its really expensive.And growing MJ is the finest hobbie there is-TAKE THAT THE MAN!!!!!!!!!

keep that herb sweet herb growing ya all.....


Well-Known Member
weed round where i live is utterly pish, over-priced, and hard to get hold of. the dealers are mainly assholes too. i love cannabis, it's amazing to smoke something you grew yourself. like a real sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.


Active Member
weed round where i live is utterly pish, over-priced, and hard to get hold of. the dealers are mainly assholes too. i love cannabis, it's amazing to smoke something you grew yourself. like a real sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
I hear that...I'm pumped to take a hit of my own grow. How long have you been growing for?


Active Member
So one thing I've noticed since I started this thread is that no one or very few people grow to sell. It's all mostly for personal use...and as a hobby...medicinal purposes. Anyone on here own/operate a dispensary?


Well-Known Member
i was originally going to sell half my crop (ive only had one so far... working on number 2. not looking good. fucking deer...) but when it came time i thought... ahh fuck it. no money is worth this. lol so i kept it and smoked it all.


Active Member
i was originally going to sell half my crop (ive only had one so far... working on number 2. not looking good. fucking deer...) but when it came time i thought... ahh fuck it. no money is worth this. lol so i kept it and smoked it all.
Hahhahaha thats funny. I had thought about it but I mainly grow for my GF and her medical conditions so the more we have the less stressed I am during a grow.