Super Plant Tonic...what it is and what it is not...

I just found some more info in your other post. I also recieved the guano 0-7-0, worm castings, and the chicken manure. I can make a tea with the bat guano, will this replace the foxfarm? The directions from BMO say feed every two weeks on tea and its for fruit development. Im using FF oceanforest soil and synergy. I plan on taking your advice and watering 2 times per week. 1) spt/molasses 2)BMO Bloom/synergy.

Also what do you recommend adding to your tea? SPT? Molasses? Just the bubbling chlorine free water? Thanks for all your help man
Look for a thread called "Making Tea is EZ & Cheap." It's in the organic forum, usually on the first page. There is a lot of great info in there.
Crazy.. J... Here is your anwser, I just bumped this old thread to save some typing. It might help someone else also.
Keep it Real....Organic...
my girls are just loving the BMO line :bigjoint:
jw, have you ever nute burned with BMO ferts though, OhSo?
NotoriousB.... Yes, I did toast the tips of several leaves, on a dozen plants, when I first started using the SPT. It was my fault, it tells you right on the label to reduce your fert strength when using it. I didn't and experienced some nute burning, luckily it was not bad.
The BMO ferts themselves are mellow, nice middle of the road strengths. Use them a little lighter for Haze strains or Blueberry strains, use them a little stronger for heavy feeding Indicas or Indica dominate crosses.
Use the SPT as per the label and no worries. Then stop using it the last few weeks of flowering. Since, you will already have a good tribe of micro-beasties thriving in your grow medium. No need to waste it.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real...Organic....
First off, awesome thread OhSo and many thanks for keeping it alive. Sticky?

"Yes, I did toast the tips of several leaves, on a dozen plants, when I first started using the SPT. It was my fault, it tells you right on the label to reduce your fert strength when using it." - OhSoGreen

So does this mean that if I plan to use SPT during the whole grow, should I reduce my other ferts to say 1/2 strength?
Also, how soon can you start using SPT? At first sign of seedlings? BTW I will be growing seeds in 100% Fox Farm Light Warrior for first couple of weeks or so.
First off, awesome thread OhSo and many thanks for keeping it alive. Sticky?

"Yes, I did toast the tips of several leaves, on a dozen plants, when I first started using the SPT. It was my fault, it tells you right on the label to reduce your fert strength when using it." - OhSoGreen

So does this mean that if I plan to use SPT during the whole grow, should I reduce my other ferts to say 1/2 strength?
Also, how soon can you start using SPT? At first sign of seedlings? BTW I will be growing seeds in 100% Fox Farm Light Warrior for first couple of weeks or so.

Forest of Cheem... Yes, it's a good ideal to drop mixing strengths on your ferts to 1/2 strength, then slowly..... work your way upwards.
I also stop using the SPT the last few weeks of flowering, since a good sized population of micro-beasties is already established. I'm frugal and just hate wasting anything that cost dough......
You can use SPT in the seedling stage, but I think waiting until you have two true sets of leaves is best.
I've tried it both ways and saw no real difference when used as soon as the seedlings broke the surface. So, again, I try not to waste it, and just start from the second set of true leaves.
Hope this helps......
Keep it Real....Organic.....
Hey OhSo, is there any way to create a substance like this SPT without purchasing from a company? I have access to as much cow and horse manure as possible, so I have been avoiding buying anything. I absolutely love the qualities the SPT provides a grow, and would love to incorporate it, but will not unless I could create it myself or pick it up cheap at the store downtown. Thanks for being an expert, very helpful. One other thing just came to mind, OhSo. What could I possibly make to fert Mary through her flowering. I know bat gauno is the recommended answer, but is there anything else I could substitute so I may once again avoid purchasing anything? Thanks a lot Green. -Bauglir
I got an idea, by the way I had no idea spt contained myco. lol, I read this so long ago when I had no idea what the hell myco is by the time I got around to what a mycocorizhae fungi is and the soil food web is I totaly forogot. I wonder if they are endo or ecto specific. MJ being an annual is considered generally to like the endo I read, but being so long in veg as it is indoor I wonder if it can take on an ecto according to its roots exudates and prosper. I asked the master gardener this in an email, the ca one. Any way, I ramble, my idea is that since it contains fungi we best be careful not to bubble it too much in the teas or with too small of bubbles as fungi are delicate things that are easily damaged. I read that they are damaged even by P levels being over 10. That is an eye opener. But with so many applications it looks like it has not had any affect. That is good news as to the potency then of the spt. I am thinking now of brewing a seperate compost tea then adding that at a cupful to 2-3 gallons, if it is frothy, to my mix of spt and flower nutes. This way I can get the full benefit without damage and burn. I have had tip burn with heavy to light bubbly teas and flower power and spt and a topdress of indo batguano. I have also either added a capful of bio bizz bloom to three gallons or a minor amount of indo to the tea as well. This is not much. But just a good natured warining. Organics can burn. But then again I have heavy fungus gnat invasion and am determined to remain organic. I have gone through all the omri listed sprays and sand and have had no luck. So I have no found the caddilac of killers BTI, mosiquito dips. Fungus gnat incasion can cause these signs.

I mixed this for my seedlings. Artesian water, hydroguard, superthrive, and spt. Also I added some BTI chunks. This should keep my fem wws good. :)
Hey OhSo, is there any way to create a substance like this SPT without purchasing from a company? I have access to as much cow and horse manure as possible, so I have been avoiding buying anything. I absolutely love the qualities the SPT provides a grow, and would love to incorporate it, but will not unless I could create it myself or pick it up cheap at the store downtown. Thanks for being an expert, very helpful. One other thing just came to mind, OhSo. What could I possibly make to fert Mary through her flowering. I know bat gauno is the recommended answer, but is there anything else I could substitute so I may once again avoid purchasing anything? Thanks a lot Green. -Bauglir
Morgoth... SPT is unique, I wish there was a way to make it without buying it, but I fairly certain it can't be done without lot's of lab equipment. You can make a very good compost tea, which is always good in my book, but the SPT is far more than a simple tea.
With anything, you get out of it, what you put into it. The short answer is no on homemade flowering nutes.
If you use hardwood ash for the K, it's very alkaline and can lock out other nutes if not used very carefully. A simple source of P is bone meal, but it takes time to break down, unless you buy the finely powdered stuff. Anything done in your backyard, will generally not come close.
You can get by on compost, cow, rabbit, chicken and worm manure in veg growth. But for flowering, those will not cut it. Just bite the bullet and buy some quality bone meal or high phosphorus seabird or bat guano. Otherwise, all your efforts in veg growth, will have been wasted.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real...Organic.....
TeaTree..... The most effective way to use SPT, is mix it into some unchlorinated water as per the label and water it in. The fungi in it, become active when they encounter a substance excreted by the roots of your plants. All the bubbling in tea will do, is increase the number of bacteria in the mix.
I'm not saying don't bubble it, just that it's not an absolute " it needs to be done " thing.
Sometimes simple is better. & Yes, when making teas, bigger bubbles are better and do less damage to bacteria & fungi in the mix, if you want to get very technical.
Just remember, a single bacteria can reproduce into over a million in under 24 hours, given a food source and temps above 70 degrees.
So you would really have to be churning out a massive volume of small bubbles to kill them all off. I think a ounce of SPT has something like 120, 000 to 180, 000 bacteria and fungi in it. So, even if your bubbles took out 3/4 of them. At that rate of reproduction, I'd say killing them all off would be almost impossible.
If there is anything else you want answered, please put it in a shorter post. I'm really stoned right now and can only handle short questions... LOL ...
Hope this helps.....
Keep it Real...Organic.....
so SPT can be used as a rooting hormone when taking clones correct?
NotoriousB..... Yes, just mix up 1/4 ounce of SPT to a quart of room temp, unchlorinated water. Dip clones in, then pop them in your rapid rooter, rockwool or peat pellet. & no worries.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real...Organic.....
I am growing outdoors, OhSo, and the experienced growers I have learned from told me never to use bone or blood meal outdoors where I live. Deer and a couple other animals smell it and will dig up the plant to get at it. I absolutely cannot have that! So I was wondering if you know for sure if it would be safe to use a type of bone meal during flowering, it may be that they are only attracted to the blood meal. Furthermore, I was wondering if you could tell me whether or not guano from pigeons or seagulls would be suitable for flowering nutes. I live just off one of the largest lakes in Minnesota, and a huge load of birds like to loft in an empty silo near my house. If I end up having to purchase chemicals or organics, what specifically am I going for during the flowering stage? During my first grow, I ended up using miraclegro Rose-budding food. I had heard it worked, and my buds were tasty indeed. But I'd much prefer a more natural, perfect foodsource. Thanks a lot OhSo. -Bauglir
I am growing outdoors, OhSo, and the experienced growers I have learned from told me never to use bone or blood meal outdoors where I live. Deer and a couple other animals smell it and will dig up the plant to get at it. I absolutely cannot have that! So I was wondering if you know for sure if it would be safe to use a type of bone meal during flowering, it may be that they are only attracted to the blood meal. Furthermore, I was wondering if you could tell me whether or not guano from pigeons or seagulls would be suitable for flowering nutes. I live just off one of the largest lakes in Minnesota, and a huge load of birds like to loft in an empty silo near my house. If I end up having to purchase chemicals or organics, what specifically am I going for during the flowering stage? During my first grow, I ended up using miraclegro Rose-budding food. I had heard it worked, and my buds were tasty indeed. But I'd much prefer a more natural, perfect foodsource. Thanks a lot OhSo. -Bauglir
Morgoth.... The bone meal will absolutely attract pests, opposums, skunks..etc... You'd be better off to purchase some high P seabird or bat guano. The seabird and bat guano sold by most hydro stores or on Ebay is fossilized.
The fresh stuff you speak of is very high in N and can burn plants easily. It also can have disease pathogens in it, which can make you sick.
Any manure you would use for bloom, needs to be composted (aged).
The fossilized seabird guano from Peru can be anywhere from 100 years old up to a 1000 years old. The fossiled bat guano tends to come from Indonesia for the most part and it too is very well aged. Neither of these will attract pests, like bone meal or blood meal.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real...Organic....
NotoriousB..... Yes, just mix up 1/4 ounce of SPT to a quart of room temp, unchlorinated water. Dip clones in, then pop them in your rapid rooter, rockwool or peat pellet. & no worries.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real...Organic.....

should I soak the rockwool in the SPT solution as well? or just dip the ends of the cuttings in it?

Glad that I found this thread... I just heard about BMO SPT from a buddy in Cali who uses it in his organic hydro setup.

I grow 100% organic and overall I'm really happy with my current soil performance but I can't resist trying a great organic tonic to see what the difference in my grow is. I'm using Subcool's 'super soil' mix and it is heavily amended with organics: Roots Organic soil with added worm castings, bone meal, blood meal, bloom bat guano, rock phosphates, epsom salts, azomite, powdered humic acid and sweet lime.

Since the soil is quite hot do you suggest using it at less than the suggested rate on the bottle? I plan on giving it a go at half strength but wanted any input from those using it in soil. Currently I feed my girls water and an occasional feed every couple of weeks with Liquid Karma for humic/fulvic acid and Sweet for carbos to keep the beasties happy.

Thanks in advance for any tips or info!
