Well-Known Member
I agree with Sciens wiz, if you don't get it to recirc. then each farm or grow cell will be different PH's and ppm's....I'd daisy chain each bucket w/ 3/4 in. tubing, to a central res....
I diy'd a RDWC w/ 10 gal. buckets, a res, and a controller bucket....
Each bucket and the res has airstones, the res has valves that I can close, and the controller bucket pumps the water from the grow buckets back to the res, for ph or ppm checks...
then I open the valves and gravity fills the buckets back up, and the recirculation begins again...I also use drip rings, I've found that I can grow bigger plants quicker and keep them happier in bloom w/ the drip rings....I have seen this done w/ 2 to 20 gallon grow cells, so Jump in and get yer feet wet, the water's fine...
yea you have to get the kit if you want to use the waterfarm..otherwise its not worth it when you could just get a good ebb and flow...
Hey D4 what kind of pump are you using to return to the control unit? Ive got the regular old recirculating setup with a 30-60 gal air pump im using..its not pumping hardly any water out of it anymore though and im thinking maybe its because there is so much root mass in my buckets? Any opinions would be much appreciated.