anyone with Koolbloom liquid and dry experience in soil?


I'm entering week 7 of flowering and I've been using the General Hydro line along with KoolBloom liquid and I want to start using the dry.

I'm growing in soil and I was wondering if anyone has used both in soil and could help me out. I'm wondering if I should just jump from liquid to dry or if I should transition like use half strength for both and gradually move to the dry. Anyone with any experience with this?

I've read if you use too much of KoolBloom it can be really bad for your plants, so I don't want to hurt my babies. Any help or advice would be MUCH appreciated. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Bump.. no one???
i used the dry with amazing results!! i didnt use the liquid yet only because i was using a different blossom booster.. but the dry worked amazingly.. added a BUNCH of extra weight to my girls.. they didnt act like they could get enough of it!! i didnt transistion into it.. just started using it.. actually used it along with the other blossom booster i was using for a little while.. it is VERY strong so be careful.. i didnt go over the 1/4 tsp per gallon of water recomendation.. but again i experienced a SHIT ton of extra growth with it.. just harvested my girls actually.. you can check out the pics in my journal if you want..



Well-Known Member
I'm using both right now and it's showing a huge difference compared to my last grow. Right now I'm using the liquid and on the last 3 weeks I will switch to the dry.


I'm a new grower, but why do some growers start with liquid then switch to dry nutrients?
Can you please explain?