"How many foster children are eligible for adoption each year?
The number varies from year to year, however over the past several years, the number of children in foster care who were legally free for adoption has been over 100,000."
Here are the requirements for adoption.
Here are just a few links.Now let's talk about how many adoptive parents only want an infant, not an older they don't want a special needs single parent families and gays are discriminated against and have a harder road to adoption.Now...let's talk about all the children in other countries, where the population is out of control, where AIDS affects 50 percent of the population,where rape rates are 1 in 2 women....where these same children are sold into sexual slavery,starved,neglected,forced into manual labor,theft,poverty.Let's ask them if life is such a wonderful choice, shall we?Let's see how many families wish to adopt a child with full blown AIDS, who lived in a brothel,who is developmentally delayed,malnourished,and distrustful...and who is NOT an infant,but a six year old, eight, ten, twelve.For each thing I listed, the number of willing adoptive families plummets.Yeah,illegal abortion is doing the world a lot of good.
Abortion laws Worldwide
Legal World Map -
RED Abortion illegal in all circumstances or permitted only to save a woman's life. PINK Abortion legally permitted only to save a woman's life or protect her physical health. YELLOW Abortion legally permitted only to protect mental health. BLUE Abortion legally permitted on socioeconomic grounds WHITE Abortion on request
Approximately 25% of the world population lives in countries with highly restrictive abortion laws, mostly in Latin America, Africa and Asia. These are the countries where abortion is most restricted according to the law. In some countries, such as in Chili, women still go to prison for having an illegal abortion.
For abortion laws in specific countries
click here to see ABORTION LAWS OF THE WORLD from Harvard university
Legalization of abortion can prevent the unnecessary suffering and death of women. Restrictive abortion laws violate women's human rights based on agreements made at the UN International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (article 1 & 3 &12 &19 & 27.1).
Prior to the beginning of the 19th century, there were no abortion laws in existence. In 1869 Pope Pius IX declared that ensoulement occurs at conception. As a result the laws in the 19th century did not allow any termination of pregnancy. These laws form the basis of the restrictive legislation on abortion that still exist in many developing countries. Between 1950 and 1985 almost all developed countries liberalized their abortion laws for reasons of human rights and safety. Where abortion is still illegal this is often due to old colonial laws and not always an expression of the opinion of the local population.
Colorindex to the map:
Abortion illegal in all circumstances or permitted only to save a woman's life.
Abortion legally permitted only to save a woman's life or protect her physical health.
Abortion legally permitted only to protect mental health.
Abortion legally permitted on socioeconomic grounds
Abortion on request
Red countries on the map
South America:
Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Gustamala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nigaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Venezuela,
Sub-Saharan Africa:
Angola, Benin, Central African Rep.Chad, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of Congo, Gabon, Guinea- Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mali, Mauretania, Mauritius, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda.
Middle East and North Africa:
Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Sudan (r), Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.
Asia and Pacific:
Bangladesh, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka.
Ireland, Malta.
PINK countries on the map
The Americas and the Caribbean:
Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay
Sub-Saharan Africa:
Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe
Middle East and North Africa:
Kuwait, Morocco, Saudi Arabi
Asia and Pacific:
Pakistan, South Korea, Thailand
created: 07.08.04, 19:15, ; modified: 15.01.09, 10:33,
And here are two stories about children who have been impregnated.One is keeping hers.The other is not.
Girl, 11, will be Britain's youngest mother
By IAN DRURY, Daily Mail
Last updated at 16:17 12 May 2006
How can society curb youth pregnancy?
A girl is to become Britain's youngest mother after becoming pregnant at 11.
The girl smokes 20 cigarettes a day despite being eight months' pregnant. She conceived aged 11 when she lost her virginity to a boy of 15 on a drunken night out with friends.
The 15-year-old has since been charged with rape by police, and is due to appear again at Edinburgh sheriff court on July 10.
Her 34-year-old mother, who gave birth to her youngest child eight months ago, said she was 'proud' of her daughter.
She will be 12 years and 8 months when she has the child next month. Jenny Teague, Britain's youngest mother until now, was a month older when she gave birth in 1997.
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The youngster, who lives near Edinburgh, says looking after her younger brothers has prepared her for motherhood.
But the girl admits she "panics and cries" when babies are unwell and does not feel able to bathe them.
The mother-to-be, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had unprotected sex with the teenage boy, who also cannot be identified, while drunk last August.
She told the Sun: "I didn't think I'd get pregnant because it was my first time. But I'm really excited and looking forward to being a mum.
"I can't wait to take the baby swimming and out for walks in the pram. I think I'll be able to cope as I've had lots of practice looking after my brothers.
"I know how to feed a baby its bottle and I can change nappies. But I panic and cry if they're sick and I don't like giving them a bath because I'm a bit frightened.
"It's good to know I'll have my mum here to help me if I need her."
Concerned she might be pregnant, the girl visited a GP three times but tests proved negative. She learned the truth after buying a home-testing kit from a supermarket.
After the device displayed two blue lines, indicating she was pregnant, she pleaded with a female relative to break the news to her mother. The girl, who has been suspended from her first year of secondary school for fighting, said: "I was paranoid about what my mum was going to say and just frightened about being pregnant too.
"I knew straight away that I couldn't have an abortion because that's something I don't believe in.
"I was upset and so was my mum, especially as she'd just had my wee brother. We had a big argument and I ended up locking myself in my room and running away to a friend's.
"It was really hard but it's brought me and my mum closer, which is good. I knew my mum would stand by me no matter what, but I told her straight away I was going to keep the baby.
"The social worker suggested I got rid of it but I'd never do that."
Smoking at nine
The girl, who has shoulder-length dark hair, began smoking at nine and started drinking tonic wine and vodka cocktails at ten. She claimed her cigarette habit was not harming the health of her unborn child.
She said: "I can give up smoking at any time, but I don't find it affects my pregnancy."
The girl, whose parents split up several years ago, said she would like a baby boy - and may call him Leo.
She is currently being educated at a local community centre but knows she must return to school.
She told the Sun: "My mum has said she will look after the baby so I can go to school. I don't know what I want to do with my life when I leave. I used to want to be a nursery nurse, but now I'm not so sure."
'Proud of my daughter'
Her mum said: "I'm not ashamed of my daughter at all - in fact, I'm proud of her for keeping the baby.
"I know she's worried what other people will say but she can walk out there with her head held high.
"At first I wasn't too happy about becoming a gran. But now I'm used to the idea. I'm really looking forward to having another baby in the house."
The Scottish Conservatives has called for society and families to unite to change attitudes towards sex following the news.
updated 5:11 a.m. EDT, Fri June 27, 2008
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Romanian child rape victim allowed abortion
- Story Highlights
- 11-year-old Romanian girl raped by her teenage uncle allowed abortion
- Church groups had opposed the abortion, offering to care for the child
- Girl 21 weeks pregnant -- too far along to have abortion in Romania
(CNN) -- A Romanian government committee has decided to allow a pregnant 11-year-old who was raped by her teenage uncle to have an abortion, a government spokesman said Friday.
The girl is 21 weeks pregnant -- too far along to have an abortion in Romania, where the limit is 14 weeks unless the pregnancy poses problems for the mother's health, said the spokesman, who asked not to be named.
The girl's parents had said they would take their daughter to Britain for an abortion if the committee did not allow her to have one in
Romania. Abortions are legal in Britain up to 24 weeks.
It was unclear whether the parents would still take the girl to Britain following the committee's decision, reached late Thursday.
Church groups have opposed an abortion for the girl, the government spokesman said. The Romanian Orthodox Church has urged the girl to keep the baby, and has said it will take care of the baby if the family wants to give it up for adoption, he said.
The uncle who raped the girl has since disappeared, the Romanian Health Ministry said. Media reports say the uncle is age 19.