Feminized Seeds Hermie Test - 14 strains, which are high risk; frequency; DM Reverse;


Well-Known Member
my worst herm experience was with normal male female seeds on the other hand i have grown out bagseed fems without issue go figure.
this is exactly what i mean, there is alot of bad said about fem seeds people blame it on the seeds but i think its more down too the breeder,s myself. breeders like greenhouse seem too care more about marketing than actually producing a stable product. i had three himalayan golds from them that had three different pheno,s, one was so leafy i had to let it go 12 weeks at which point there was still hardly any bud, the whole plant went into some cannabutter. i mean dont get me wrong i had some nice strains from greenhouse before but i choose to not risk using them anymore

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
nothing worse than growing a plant not worth trimming at all i have had bad strains i make the whole plant into bho.


Well-Known Member
Week 6 for the feminized Red Diesel clone.

To recap for anyone who didn't read the whole thread: I had a Red Diesel from a Barney's Farm feminized seed, the mother in Pro Mix hermied excessively. A Red Diesel clone from this mother was flowered in hydro at the same time, it produced bananas excessively. Both mother and clone were sprayed with reverse once a week for 3 weeks and the bananas slowly stopped being produced by the 8th or 9th week. Several different strains were grown at the same time, in pro mix and hydro, and no other plants hermied.

I rooted another Red Diesel cutting to be grown in hydro, and sprayed both the leaves and roots with reverse once a week for three weeks starting the first day of 12/12. So far the clone hasn't produced a single banana at 6 weeks of 12/12 while the other two Red Diesels were producing bananas excessively by 4 weeks.

Spraying with Reverse for the first few weeks of 12/12 may prevent a high hermie risk plant from producing bananas. We'll see how things go from now til harvest.


" breeders like greenhouse seem too care more about marketing than actually producing a stable product."

I've been noticing this too Willy, it seems that the best seeds I'm getting come from small breeders. And Serious Seeds.



bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
right on so true smaller breeders cant afford to screw seeds up when there trying to get established against the big boys.


Well-Known Member
Small breeders are usually concentrating on just a few strains. Quality not quantity


Well-Known Member
Hobbes, do you think that the Pro-Mix had anything to do with the hermie rate or.......? The reason I ask is because Im using some Pro-Mix BX and like I said got lots of herms this round.


Well-Known Member
Hey haze

No, I don't think it's the pro mix. I grow 5 or 6 strains at the same time - I'll have one strain like Barney's Red Diesel feminized hermie horribly in pro-mix, and on both sides have a Bubblegum and Big Laughing in pro-mix with no bananas and growing perfectly.

It's something in the breeding, I don't know enough about breeding to know what. Breeding for characteristics other than stability maybe. Obvious example is an S1 - breed to produce feminized seeds at the cost of sexual stability.


"The reason I ask is because Im using some Pro-Mix BX and like I said got lots of herms this round. "

Was it just the 2 DP Blueberry that went hermie or did some of the others as well? I've had two breeder's Blueberry strain and both hermied - DP's Feminized and another F2 pollen chucker's regular. Tough strain to grow well or tough strain to breed out instability. Next blue strain for me will be Subcools Querkle - consistent grape taste and sounds much more potent than Blueberry.




Well-Known Member
Well the 2 BB were the first to start showing about 3 days or more before then I started to see single balls on the rest of the 7 that went. I was cutting the balls off for about a week before I decided to chuck them only because I didnt have the space to keep them indoors or out so yeah I was bumbed. I honestly think that they could have hermed from heat issues it got up to around 80+ for a few days and shortly after that is when I started to notice. Oh does Subcool have a website??


Well-Known Member
pinkus I have Peak's Blueberry seeds packed away in my seed box, waiting for an opening in the garden. I checked their website a dozen times a week for a year and a half while they were out of stock and as soon as they stocked some BB beans I ordered just to have them, even though I've got lots of strains to go in the garden before BB. Next I'm waiting for Texada Timewarp, still out of stock. They're on Vancouver Island (or one of the little Islands) so I'm hoping they'll have pure TT genetics instead of the crosses most breeders have. They've got (TT X BB) and (TT X Skunk), I might pick up the BB cross.

I've read some very good things about their Blueberry. Skunkberry, Northern Lights and Northern Berry were some of the most healthy and robust strains I've grown - short with huge nugget buds hanging. Easy to grow, excellent yields, great breeding. They're Blueberry might just not hermie without excessive stress.




Well-Known Member
(Breedbay / Bidzbay / Cannaseur) sites are all linked and I assume they're they same company, or owners. Subcool recommended these guys specifically as his main listing site - that's as good a recommendation as I could ask for. I ordered JTR, Pandora & Jillybean from them last week, probably another 3 or 4 weeks for the seeds to be delivered - have to mail in payment if you live outside the UK (inside can use credit cards).

THC farmer I know nothing about.


http://www.peakseedsbc.com/seeds.htm - good people.




Well-Known Member
Peak Seeds - Customer Testimonials

- a 4 star on www.seedbankupdate.com

- "...I can honestly say that these guys and their genetics are medical grade! Peak had been a supporter of ours from the very beginning and continue to support the med community."

- "I just wanted to thank you for your outstanding seeds, I received 15 of each skunk and taxada timewarp. I thought that you would like to know that i got not only 100% germimation, but also 100% female for my outside garden!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. this was a 1st!!"

- "...that was so fast. great service. I'll be recomending your seedbank to friends."

- "Hi, Congrats on your new site - looks very professional, simple, informative w/ great pics - good job! I will send my Order by mail today! You are the BEST as far as my vote - and I will continue to pass it on to the Seed Banks and friends!"






Well-Known Member
Thanks for that link.
Interesting thread. Way more interesting than I thought it would be. I just sprouted 12 feminized seeds. 8DP White Widow and + BB Blue Cheese.

I have them all starting in my veg room right now. I am planning to mark all of the plants and take clones before they go into flower. I am going to flower the originals and note which of them hermie's up. If it hermies I'll kill it's clone back in the veg room. Hopefully in the end I'll have plenty of dank buds and a few mothers that don't seem to have the hermie genetics.

Does this sound like good logic? Trying to avoid growing regular seeds and basically achieving the same things, but with less bud from the original run.


Well-Known Member
Red Diesel Clone - Barney's Farm: Week 7

. 7-8 weeks in 12/12 (estimate 3-4 weeks left)
. Sprayed once a week (leaves and roots) for three weeks with Reverse from onset of 12/12
. No bananas to date
. Mother and previous clone hermied excessively, even when sprayed with Reverse.
. Spray for mother and first clone started about 6 weeks into flower.

I've been waiting to see if the RD clone will turn hermie but a little Reverse at the start of flower seems to work better than a lot of Reverse when the plant is bigger and is popping bananas.


Taiga - Dutch Passion:

Taiga is a Ruderalis / Power Plant cross (with a little indica in there). The ruderalis should help with sexual stability. I've got lots of fluffy white pistols around small buds starting to form so it should be a week or two before I see any bananas, but I don't think there will be any. Full grown at 29", but grown in 12/12 for the past 4 weeks, might hit 3' if grown under proper lighting.

