Florida Growers Thread


New Member
so i just found out i can get meds from cali; Sour Diesel, Trainwreck, OG Kush. The guy is taxing up the ass though, he wants 200 for a quarter that's nuts! It smells awesome and looks delicious but at 200 a quarter? nah i'll pass.
Greed hath no boundaries..... those jackers will get sifted out as med comes online in a big way.


Well-Known Member
Ok I got 9 plants in one area and now one has shown sex and its female. My ? is why have the other 8 shown nothing?


Well-Known Member
Ok I got 9 plants in one area and now one has shown sex and its female. My ? is why have the other 8 shown nothing?






Well-Known Member
Ok well what about a Indoor grow, same city dude mentioned, using 1 1000HPS inside a grow tent, (56" x 56"x 78.75")with a 1/2hp water chiller and 2 of those hydrogen Ice box heat exchagers,(to water cool the light and act as an AC for surrounding room/active air intake and intake air for light) with some thermal sheild for tent & cealing< if ness...reflector heat sheild too...ALL to battle FLIR! whatta ya think??

Not only do I think it would be odd but I think it would be very obvious. Jax, like Gainsville, Tampa, Orlando, and the space coast to Miami all have the money for helicopters and they do use them. I wouldn't do an outdoor grow in a metropolitan area of this state unless you had some REALLY good camouflage plants to mix in and make it look less like marijuana.

A fence around your grow 'might' thwart neighbors and thieves but to a helicopter it'd look like a bulls-eye for your grow. If you want to hide it from neighbors and such I'd put a privacy fence around the whole yard, I know it's expensive (having just done it myself) but in the end it just makes you look like everyone else.

You could buy a good sized pre-made shed and setup a grow in there, but you'll have to insulate the hell out of it and seal it 100% to prevent the FLIR helicopters from detecting your grow. I was originally going to do this to my 10X20 shed but decided that the cost involved of not only sealing it but also cooling it in the summer would be too prohibitive. A brand new shed I could work with and make both sealed and economical to keep cool, but my 20 year old shed was just going to be too much work.

I would love to grow outdoor but unless we get legalization of some kind it's just too risky in the metro areas of Florida, now if you lived in the sticks or swamp I'd say different, but not in Jax or any of the other really big towns or cities.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like an expensive but clean setup. I'm going to be running 1K hps when I go into flower. I've completely lined my closet with Panda film and vented it with a 400CFM fan, and I have AC from my house being pumped into the closet. All in all sounds like we both should have a nice crop.

Speaking of which I've finally germinated my first seeds. Starting at 9pm last night I had 9 seeds soaking in RO water until 2:00 today. Now they are in paper towels inside of zip locks, sitting on plates, located on a heating pad on low. Two of the belladonna's already cracked and are showing the tap root, one of the AK's is splitting but not showing the tap root yet. 24 - 49 more hours and I should be putting them all in soil to start their seedling stage.

I've been as giddy as a child with a science project he really wants to do. My wife thinks it's 'cute' but in turn she looked down at the 2 tap roots today and said, "Wow! I know it's basic biologoy but that's still amazing!" So at a minimum I"m going to have to Belladonna and AK47, still hope the Northern Lights cracks but if it doesn't I won't be too upset. Let's all hope for females.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I know! Let's hope those stupid ass draconian laws they just passed get knocked the fuck down when we ALL vote for MMJ in 2010!!!!(keep those sig coming peoples!!!) If your not registered to vote I suggest you do it A.S.A.P!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Shit another 813er on this shit wat up.But really does anyone know why only one of my nine plants are showing sex?


Well-Known Member
Shit another 813er on this shit wat up.But really does anyone know why only one of my nine plants are showing sex?
How long they been going for,all the same seeds,germed all the same time.
Ive had plants do that before,one show the 4 nothing.Then a week later a girl.
So wait a bit longer.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
26.5 hours into germination..

3 Belladonna's - all three have cracked and started their tap root.
3 Northern Lights - 2 have cracked and started their taproot, 1 is swelling a lot.
3 AK-47 - none cracked, 2 very swollen and 1 a little swollen.

24 - 48 more hours until dirt (unless all 9 show tap sooner)



Well-Known Member
In Florida, what do you think the max lights you can have in a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house with adequate ventilation without the power bill being obscene?>