don't ever use fiji water but found killer for mites


Active Member
i listen to some fn idiot who told me using fiji water in the first 30 days will sprout your plants up so i tried it. first off this dam water is not cheap and i brought a box of 12, second i did a trial and error since im a noobie and im looking for the next big thing, i used straight fiji water on one plant and that shit died in 3 days, i used half water half fiji and that shit made my plant look like a rainbow. long story short don't use high mounts of fiji or half and half, BUT wait on one of my plants i usually use rain water to water my playboy bunnies anyway, one 1 plant i used a cup full of fiji water added to the rain water and that shit killed all those dam spider mites no joke, them shits where all in my pot but once i used the fiji there gone,BUT i do have a little yellow growing on my plants but nothing out of control.

Fallen Buckshot

fiji water shouldn't harm plants unless yer ph is jacked up. All the info is on the back and its like 7.5 ph and has a total 210 ppm on dissolved solids which are mostly good for your plant.


Well-Known Member
A very wise man once said " Wild animals all drink out of the same pool of water and none of them get sick. People are all drinking water from a bottle and we're all getting sick" Hospitals are 2 and 3 beds to a room now!
Thats too bad about your plants man. You just cant win in this day and age. My tap water is PH 8.4 and smells like a swimming pool. :-| I cant drink it, my cat wont even drink it. I dont even need soap to wash my dishes. The water kills all germs on contact! My skin cant stand the damn shower water, I'm breaking out, it itches like a...F#%k Bottled water is a joke. The brand they sell here is ACADIA. ACADIA is banned in california because it "contains a substance know by the state of California to cause cancer" !!! What, it doesn't cause cancer in Massachusetts? WTF can we do? Buy a water filter or BE a water filter I guess.
Humans lived on this plants for thousands and thousands of years without water treatment facilities, water filters, bottled water, or any of that crap. WTF happened to this planet???????


Active Member
the ph level on fiji is 7.5 but with a soil grow and the soil being mg the ph level must be higher than california water

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Hahaha! You should come to Oregon. My 7.2 pH 60ppm water is fantastic. Since moving here I've noticed my finger nails and my hair grow faster and are healthier.
I grew up in the Santa Cruz Mountains. We grow 'em big out there, they say it's "in the water." (My dad: 5'9", my mom: 5'5", myself: 6'2") I grew up drinking what I still consider to be some of the best water on earth, all from a water shed (wells, rivers, streams, reservoir) rather than recycled human waste. My life eventually took me to the Silicon Valley where I was subjected to years of funky ass water. Now that I'm up here in NW Oregon... I'll probably never leave. The water is just that good.

If you do have a water issue, Alhambra (or a similar water delivery service) can have gallons of water to your door for about $20 a month. Makes a big difference in the health of your plants and of yourself.


Active Member
use reverse osmosis water. its pretty close to the same as distilled. dont use rain water, you dont know what kinda shit it has in it. reverse osmosis is very cheap. i just get it at walmart from the culligan water machine. its less than $2 for 5 gallons. add some fox farm big bloom to lower the ph a bit if needed.

thing about spider mites is you have to make sure to kill the eggs as well, or they will come back in a matter or days.