Topsy Turvy Grow - upsidedown


Well-Known Member
i just came across this thread! fuck yea man! i had thought it wouldnt work for mj growin up to light and with light being on the ground you caint adjust your lights so your plants wont streatch you have to raise your plant (buy a ladder) this is what i thought when i saw the infomerchials! but now that i got to see one in action! im gonna have to go make love to my wife now!lol


New Member
Hell yeah it is I just want to see how/if a cola is gonna form on that stalk cause it looks like it may stress the plant out to much and just produce cluster buds....which isnt always bad but I love chopping colas off the size of my arm :) GL Brutus lets see some updates

I think its going to make 4 colas. =D And 1 Pepsi


Well-Known Member
can u train it to encircle the grow bag? that way u can rotate it to get more light all around. just a thought


Well-Known Member
very sweet...i'm ionterested in hearing about how the buds turn out. I would have thought that they would be real sticky because all the resins are running straight to the buds, but now that i'm looking at it the buds are growing up right. Hows this compare to the rest of the plants you have growing??? Are they all the same strain??


Well-Known Member
i know it has nothin to do with resin production i mean they all run to the bids when they are upside down. all the resin is already there just goes straight to o the bids rather than staying in the plant


New Member
aw brut... the thread broke.. I'm sad about this, what happened?

that is why I post my pics for rollitup on rollitup, no bandwidth limits and no broken links.