Why Do You Grow Marijuana?


Well-Known Member
i like growing more now then befor! since i hooked up with RIU iv learned alot of new techniques and methods that yall got me exploreing now! thanks RIU!

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Dudes, this is why we have to stick together. We are going to be the ones who change history. When our kids are adults and can smoke wherever and buy weed freely they will have all of us here right now to thank for it because MLK Jr said it right the first time....an unjust law is no law at all and it is our responsibility to break laws that are unjust.


Active Member
Dudes, this is why we have to stick together. We are going to be the ones who change history. When our kids are adults and can smoke wherever and buy weed freely they will have all of us here right now to thank for it because MLK Jr said it right the first time....an unjust law is no law at all and it is our responsibility to break laws that are unjust.
RIU has certainly aided in many grows and I know we've all taken something wonderful from here...and all will change...someday we will smoke and grow freely! Thanks for posting kids.,


Well-Known Member
haha! right now with this slow economy ofcourse im laid off! drawing unemployment! wife drawing dissability! we get to chill at home and grow and TOKE! TOKE! TOKE!


Active Member
i started because im tired of getting dicked around and short sacked by the local guys. so i figured i would cut those punk ass guys outta my money. but now i do it because i love it. i am also going back to school for molecular biology and plant science. :)


i am also going back to school for molecular biology and plant science. :)
Fuck yeah! I am going to take as many courses as I can that will teach me more about plant growth and needs. I'm a chemical engineering major, so I get to take bio this fall anyhow. =]


Active Member
Fuck yeah! I am going to take as many courses as I can that will teach me more about plant growth and needs. I'm a chemical engineering major, so I get to take bio this fall anyhow. =]
i started because im tired of getting dicked around and short sacked by the local guys. so i figured i would cut those punk ass guys outta my money. but now i do it because i love it. i am also going back to school for molecular biology and plant science. :)
Sounds pretty sweet...I wish I could go back to school.


Active Member
why cant you?
Well I was pushed into a private school right out of high school that I later found that I had to pay for 50% of it all. So when I decided that I didnt want to spend the money I was left with crazy debt that was building more interest than what I could pay monthly...so my credit went to shit crossing out any chance of ever taking out a loan again. Now with rent and insurance and all the other shit that comes with being grown up I am unable to return to school for anything. That's why I rely on you guys to tell me all the cool shit I need to know to grow awesome weed so I can cross that out of my expenses...


Well-Known Member
oh damn im sorry man. im with you kinda. no one wants to give me a loan cuz my credit hasnt been established that long and my parents and everyone i know has shit credit so they cant co sign for me. most i could take is a course at the local junior college.but i think i want to figure out what i want to do before i take any classes.


Active Member
oh damn im sorry man. im with you kinda. no one wants to give me a loan cuz my credit hasnt been established that long and my parents and everyone i know has shit credit so they cant co sign for me. most i could take is a course at the local junior college.but i think i want to figure out what i want to do before i take any classes.
Know what you want to do...school can be a blast but the decision on what to do needs to be yours and no one elses...not your mom or your dad or any1 else. Fuck them.


Well-Known Member
its probably one of the hardest things ive ever had to do. i see myself staying a manual labor working the rest of my life. the world needs ditch diggers too right? just never thought id be one.

sorry for getting off topic. anyways back to the stories :)


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow right now outside, no journal though.

I got interested in growing about 2 years ago.
I guess I'm doing it because my big brother inspired me...

he grew hydro.

He was the best weed man here where I live in SoCal.
He delivered, cut deals, and it was the best shit you could
find locally.

They didn't even call the weed master kush, they called it
my brothers first name. lmao!!!

Even though I do live in SoCal there are no dispensaries here where
I'm at.

So what did you do when you wanted the best weed at a good
price? You call up my big bro.

I saw how happy he made people by being an honest dealer.
I want to make people happy by doing what he did. (kinda,
he harvested over 8 oz, I am kinda starting off with personal

My big bro was a stoner ever since I could remember and I guess
he got sick of paying insane prices for good weed.

I have never paid 300 for an ounce, and I don't think I ever will
because I'm starting to grow.

I guess some other reasons are....

1. Its your own homegrown. You know where its been, who has touched
it, and that it hasn't been baked and compressed in an oven and imported
from mexico along with male plants.

2. Its great quailty. If you love your plants, they will love you back with
good bud.

3. No more getting more seeds than bud.

4. No more getting ripped off by people saying "this is the bomb-bomb"
and it tastes like someone just grew crappy outdoor bagseed. (not saying bagseed is crappy, I'm growing it outdoors too. lol. :hump:)

5. You can choose what strains you want to get the type of high you want. For example, sativas for the morning, and a good heavy indica before bed.

6. I love gardening!!! I have a full fledged veggie garden going right
now, and let me tell you, there is nothing better than picking off a
zucchini from your backyard and frying it up for breakfast or lunch.
Ya know, same thing as bud, I just haven't harvested any of that yet.


Active Member
This is my first grow right now outside, no journal though.

I got interested in growing about 2 years ago.
I guess I'm doing it because my big brother inspired me...

he grew hydro.

He was the best weed man here where I live in SoCal.
He delivered, cut deals, and it was the best shit you could
find locally.

They didn't even call the weed master kush, they called it
my brothers first name. lmao!!!

Even though I do live in SoCal there are no dispensaries here where
I'm at.

So what did you do when you wanted the best weed at a good
price? You call up my big bro.

I saw how happy he made people by being an honest dealer.
I want to make people happy by doing what he did. (kinda,
he harvested over 8 oz, I am kinda starting off with personal

My big bro was a stoner ever since I could remember and I guess
he got sick of paying insane prices for good weed.

I have never paid 300 for an ounce, and I don't think I ever will
because I'm starting to grow.

I guess some other reasons are....

1. Its your own homegrown. You know where its been, who has touched
it, and that it hasn't been baked and compressed in an oven and imported
from mexico along with male plants.

2. Its great quailty. If you love your plants, they will love you back with
good bud.

3. No more getting more seeds than bud.

4. No more getting ripped off by people saying "this is the bomb-bomb"
and it tastes like someone just grew crappy outdoor bagseed. (not saying bagseed is crappy, I'm growing it outdoors too. lol. :hump:)

5. You can choose what strains you want to get the type of high you want. For example, sativas for the morning, and a good heavy indica before bed.

6. I love gardening!!! I have a full fledged veggie garden going right
now, and let me tell you, there is nothing better than picking off a
zucchini from your backyard and frying it up for breakfast or lunch.
Ya know, same thing as bud, I just haven't harvested any of that yet.
Thats awesome...I wish I had the room to have a full garden. and I used to get so pissed when I had a bag full of seeds and no bud...mother fuckers lol


Well-Known Member
I used to get so pissed when I had a bag full of seeds and no bud...mother fuckers lol
Same here. That was the last straw for me.... I went over to my dealers house for some weed, it was all cut up, full of stems and seeds. I told him no thanks.
I went home and ordered some Early Misty seeds from Nirvana and Ive never looked back.
Ive been growing for personal use only for a few years now. And I love it. Nothing better than a good harvest.

purplekitty7772008 said:
This is my first grow right now outside, no journal though.
Start a journal. I started one a while back and its been pretty cool. A journal may be the best way to get help if you do have problems down the road. It also helps me keep track of how big they are at what age. I like to scroll back and see the growth. Check the link in my sig if you wanna check it out.

Happy growing everybody!!!


Active Member
Same here. That was the last straw for me.... I went over to my dealers house for some weed, it was all cut up, full of stems and seeds. I told him no thanks.
I went home and ordered some Early Misty seeds from Nirvana and Ive never looked back.
Ive been growing for personal use only for a few years now. And I love it. Nothing better than a good harvest.

Start a journal. I started one a while back and its been pretty cool. A journal may be the best way to get help if you do have problems down the road. It also helps me keep track of how big they are at what age. I like to scroll back and see the growth. Check the link in my sig if you wanna check it out.

Happy growing everybody!!!
Ur the man...thanks for keepin up with the thread ;)