PC or MAC?


Well-Known Member
I'm using Mac OS X on PC because windows is overrated. and any other OS for that matter.

and it's by far the best OS I've ever used...


Well-Known Member
mac. no more viruses or hd crashes for me.
hell yeah +1 to that.

plus the most usable user interface ever invented. I've never seen an operating system look nicer than mac, or act nicer, or perform nicer. it's not all about looks and it being popular or cool, it's about a computer TRULY working how it SHOULD.


Well-Known Member
A PC won't crash if you know how to use it.
a proper operating system wont crash if built right . . . .

doesn't mean windows is better in any way, just because you've adapted to its extreme errors and shitty structure.

mac os x is a really well built operating system, I mean, I'm running it on a PC for christ sake and it runs smoother, faster and more stable than windows.

so I don't know if that equates to fanboy in your mind, but to me I'm just a computer person who figured out which OS works best for him.

the only reason I keep windows on my hard drive is to play maybe 2 games, other than that, I don't boot on to windows.


Well-Known Member
The only reason macs don't get viruses is becuase noones wants to waste there time programming them. It's no more stable then windows.


Well-Known Member
The only reason macs don't get viruses is becuase noones wants to waste there time programming them. It's no more stable then windows.

sadly this is a bold-faced lie.

the reason mac (and linux) doesn't get viruses is not because no one has 'designed' them, its because it CAN'T be done by current architecture.

because mac and linux both use Unix, or something almost exactly like it (Linux) it's based entirely upon the Root Password.

this root password wont let any application, any program whatsoever, do anything without your permission and root password. by this concept (unlike any that windows even has except for that piece of shit user account control) no virus can compromise a system without you knowingly typing in your password and allowing it.

therefore, mac > windows.


Well-Known Member
A PC won't crash if you know how to use it.
bullshit it wont.

I grew up playing on PCs and they are terrible, its the truth.
I bought a macbook pro about 3 years ago and I will never go back to a PC.
Once you experience how a computer should function, you realize that whatever machine you used before should be thrown into a wood chipper.

Get yourself a real computer and you'll understand.

And yes I am a fan of products that function properly. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I guess that is the reason this program doesn't exist, right?

And apart from viruses, if I want to upgrade, I'd rather go spend $200 on a graphics card, then go drop $1500 on a new system.

Sounds like someone's mad they couldn't keep there computer stable so they wanted to blame the OS.

Your argument is like having a ferrari, but not wanting to learn how to drive it so you stay on your tricycle.


Well-Known Member
I guess that is the reason this program doesn't exist, right?

And apart from viruses, if I want to upgrade, I'd rather go spend $200 on a graphics card, then go drop $1500 on a new system.

Sounds like someone's mad they couldn't keep there computer stable so they wanted to blame the OS.

Your argument is like having a ferrari, but not wanting to learn how to drive it so you stay on your tricycle.

it may exist but I don't know anyone that uses it....

find me proof of a virus that actually compromises the OS without using the root password and we'll talk.

as far as the farrari argument . . . this is what I'm running osx on . . . .

and seriously, maybe you should take a look at your argument, you're sounding like a windows 'fanboy' yourself.


Well-Known Member
Not bad poplars. Now you should try takin the training wheels off and see what it can REALLY do.

Edit. It doesn't work like that. You need to prove to me that it is immune to viruses.

My pc may not be immune, but my common sense makes it damn near impossible. I've got maybe 7 noticably evil viruses in the last 5 years. Everytime is becasue I was being stupid, careless, or trying to do something illegal.


Well-Known Member
Not bad poplars. Now you should try takin the training wheels off and see what it can REALLY do.
I can already tell by your responses that you've barely even used mac os x, and if you have your use is already biased towards windows.

but yeah, that's cool, you can stay in your little windows world full of bugs and crashes and tell yourself that you have a stable system.

just ignore the casual blue screen error, the casual constant slowing of your system due to it's baseline inefficiency.

seriously, windows is fucking pathetic compared to osx.