Why Do You Grow Marijuana?


Active Member
I don't lose sleep over number 4 especially when buying good bud. But I've bought a lot of shwag that probably came out of Mexico. I don't think for a minute that selling/smoking is wrong. But because it is illegal,there are bad people that do it to make easy money. I don't like the though of giving bad people money. Its just something that gets fixed when you grow your own and I think it's a pretty good reason to grow.
Gotcha...I cant stand bad people! Nice post man.


Well-Known Member
I grow as a hobby. it's fun, and i enjoy getting better at something, no matter what it is. I'm a very determined person and enjoy figuring things out until I improve. I can't smoke anything but I sell what I grow to friends, and they say the quality is improving. Which means My techniques are improving, and I owe it all to RIU. thnx


Active Member
I grow as a hobby. it's fun, and i enjoy getting better at something, no matter what it is. I'm a very determined person and enjoy figuring things out until I improve. I can't smoke anything but I sell what I grow to friends, and they say the quality is improving. Which means My techniques are improving, and I owe it all to RIU. thnx
I wish I could be sampling every one of your crops. I'd be so interested to see the improvements and quality of each new crop. Good show. Keep up the good work and keep me updated on your grows. Thanks for sharing!
A lot of the same reasons other people have. I don't really have a lot of money to spend on weed. The last time I DID have enough to buy myself a 1/4 bag, it took me forever to score some. I don't know any dealers personally, so I had to go through friends and family who may have been able to get me some. And around that time the supply around here seemed to have been engulfed by a black hole.

When I finally did score some, I realized a) I won't be able to afford this very often right now. And b) when I *CAN*, I could end up going through this same clusterfuck of trying to get my hands on some. So, I looked into seeing what it might take to grow some, seemed like something I could try my hand at, and I planted my bag seed.

Do I expect to get something on par with an experienced grower who uses top-of-the-line equipment and starts from only the best seed or clones? No, but I'm having fun with this, and the pot will be just for me, or I'll tell my friends "I've got some weed, let's get baked!" (but not telling them HOW I acquired it).

And if the day finally comes where it's made legal, I'll probably still grow, but I can be more open about it then.


Active Member
A lot of the same reasons other people have. I don't really have a lot of money to spend on weed. The last time I DID have enough to buy myself a 1/4 bag, it took me forever to score some. I don't know any dealers personally, so I had to go through friends and family who may have been able to get me some. And around that time the supply around here seemed to have been engulfed by a black hole.

When I finally did score some, I realized a) I won't be able to afford this very often right now. And b) when I *CAN*, I could end up going through this same clusterfuck of trying to get my hands on some. So, I looked into seeing what it might take to grow some, seemed like something I could try my hand at, and I planted my bag seed.

Do I expect to get something on par with an experienced grower who uses top-of-the-line equipment and starts from only the best seed or clones? No, but I'm having fun with this, and the pot will be just for me, or I'll tell my friends "I've got some weed, let's get baked!" (but not telling them HOW I acquired it).

And if the day finally comes where it's made legal, I'll probably still grow, but I can be more open about it then.

I remember when it was tough to find weed. There was a bust on some indoor a little while back that left my area dry no KB or Dro to be found...it was a sad sad time :(


Well-Known Member
when i was like 16 or 17 me and a buddy of mine always would say "oh yeah when we move out were going to grow..." blah blah blah so it was always in the back of my head but i never knew what it took. hell to be honest back then i didnt even know what part of the plant i was really smoking.

but the real reason i grow is...

about last july or august i decided i wanted to deal a little. cuz i was tired of dealing with shitty dealers. so after work one day i went to go pick up a quarter from this kid my friends have done business with. little did i know they only bought a 1/8. later i found out he rips people off who buy quarters from him. he takes them to the back room hold a gun to their head and says give me the money or ill shoot you.

anyway i drove a good 1 hour out of my way with my gf to this shady spot where we wait for him for another 30 minutes. then he gets in the car and we drive him to this house. he asked if i wanted to come in but my gf didnt wanna be left alone. so for some unknown reason i gave him my money and he said hed be back witht he weed. (idiot mistake i know!!!) i ended up waiting another 1 and a half hours... calling him and getting pissed. i end up leaving PISSED off at him and myself for being so stupid. and on that drive home i said "fuck this im going to grow my own" and the next day i started reasearching and i grew a couple of bag seeds. one thing led to another and i just kept learning the basics and getting equipment as i moved along.

so now here i am 10 months later with a pretty good understanding of how to grow weed vegging my little 2 day old seedling waiting for it to get older so i can do my first outdoor grow! :)

thats my story.

thanks to bad dealers i grow pot.

but the reasons i keep growing pot are different.


so after work one day i went to go pick up a quarter from this kid my friends have done business with. little did i know they only bought a 1/8. later i found out he rips people off who buy quarters from him. he takes them to the back room hold a gun to their head and says give me the money or ill shoot you.

anyway i drove a good 1 hour out of my way with my gf to this shady spot where we wait for him for another 30 minutes. then he gets in the car and we drive him to this house. he asked if i wanted to come in but my gf didnt wanna be left alone. so for some unknown reason i gave him my money and he said hed be back witht he weed. (idiot mistake i know!!!) i ended up waiting another 1 and a half hours... calling him and getting pissed. i end up leaving PISSED off at him and myself for being so stupid. and on that drive home i said "fuck this im going to grow my own" and the next day i started reasearching and i grew a couple of bag seeds. one thing led to another and i just kept learning the basics and getting equipment as i moved along.
holy FUCK dude I have never had problems like THAT getting weed. glad to hear you have found a better method though!! I have reliable friends that get weed, but I feel like growing is more adventurous. xD


Well-Known Member
holy FUCK dude I have never had problems like THAT getting weed. glad to hear you have found a better method though!! I have reliable friends that get weed, but I feel like growing is more adventurous. xD

i know what you mean! growing weed is fun. the best part is if you do it right oz's just pop up out of no where. its great.

not everyone agrees though. my friend thinks its a waste of money. i think its a great lifelong talent.

the reason i had to jump through hoops to get weed is cuz out of my friends im the only one who smokes. so i have to find my own connects. ive got way better ones now though. they have no intention on killing me for 100 bucks lol


Active Member
when i was like 16 or 17 me and a buddy of mine always would say "oh yeah when we move out were going to grow..." blah blah blah so it was always in the back of my head but i never knew what it took. hell to be honest back then i didnt even know what part of the plant i was really smoking.

but the real reason i grow is...

about last july or august i decided i wanted to deal a little. cuz i was tired of dealing with shitty dealers. so after work one day i went to go pick up a quarter from this kid my friends have done business with. little did i know they only bought a 1/8. later i found out he rips people off who buy quarters from him. he takes them to the back room hold a gun to their head and says give me the money or ill shoot you.

anyway i drove a good 1 hour out of my way with my gf to this shady spot where we wait for him for another 30 minutes. then he gets in the car and we drive him to this house. he asked if i wanted to come in but my gf didnt wanna be left alone. so for some unknown reason i gave him my money and he said hed be back witht he weed. (idiot mistake i know!!!) i ended up waiting another 1 and a half hours... calling him and getting pissed. i end up leaving PISSED off at him and myself for being so stupid. and on that drive home i said "fuck this im going to grow my own" and the next day i started reasearching and i grew a couple of bag seeds. one thing led to another and i just kept learning the basics and getting equipment as i moved along.

so now here i am 10 months later with a pretty good understanding of how to grow weed vegging my little 2 day old seedling waiting for it to get older so i can do my first outdoor grow! :)

thats my story.

thanks to bad dealers i grow pot.

but the reasons i keep growing pot are different.
holy FUCK dude I have never had problems like THAT getting weed. glad to hear you have found a better method though!! I have reliable friends that get weed, but I feel like growing is more adventurous. xD
WOW! I dont think I've ever had that much trouble finding weed...fuck if ne1 ever pulled a gun on me they better shoot to fuckin kill. It's most def. more adventurous growing. Best of luck to both of you...!


Active Member
well i actually haven't started growing yet. i'm still waiting for my beans to arrive. But my main reason relates to the TC. My wife deals with a lot of neck pain, because her job requires her to look down all day long. She also got into a car wreak in high school that probably contributes to the pain. She's constantly popping pain pills for it and that freaks me out. I know that there just IB prophens, but still those can F up your liver or who knows what else. She's tried all sorts of weird crazy ideas and i have finally talked her into trying weed to help.

The other main reason is that i'm not from the area i currently live in and i don't know anyone reliable to get it from. Plus being almost 30 years old with a career now. I dont want to risk dealing with shady people or risk getting caught on the street buying only to lose my job. That would suck big time.

Some other reasons, since i'm not from the area i get extremly bored not having any friends i need a new hobby to do in order to keep myself from going crazy. I had hernia surgery years ago and every now and then i get extreme pain, usually during weather changes. So i know it will help with that. I have smoked on and off since i was in high school and i have been getting cravings lately. Plus i think it will be fun and can't wait to start.

What sucks is that we go on vacation in the 1st week of july so i'm not going to start until we get back. The wait is killing me.

Although it has giving me plenty of time to figure out my grow area. I already built i pretty sweet 4ft T5 light fixture that holds 4 bulbs. It has a on/of switch, timer, and an extra outlet. I felt proud after building it. I started to make a carbon filter last week using a exhuast fan you would install in a bathroom.

Well i better stop typing cause i'll start boring people. But i'm sure others where the sameway when they started with the self pride in what they have made.


Active Member
well i actually haven't started growing yet. i'm still waiting for my beans to arrive. But my main reason relates to the TC. My wife deals with a lot of neck pain, because her job requires her to look down all day long. She also got into a car wreak in high school that probably contributes to the pain. She's constantly popping pain pills for it and that freaks me out. I know that there just IB prophens, but still those can F up your liver or who knows what else. She's tried all sorts of weird crazy ideas and i have finally talked her into trying weed to help.

The other main reason is that i'm not from the area i currently live in and i don't know anyone reliable to get it from. Plus being almost 30 years old with a career now. I dont want to risk dealing with shady people or risk getting caught on the street buying only to lose my job. That would suck big time.

Some other reasons, since i'm not from the area i get extremly bored not having any friends i need a new hobby to do in order to keep myself from going crazy. I had hernia surgery years ago and every now and then i get extreme pain, usually during weather changes. So i know it will help with that. I have smoked on and off since i was in high school and i have been getting cravings lately. Plus i think it will be fun and can't wait to start.

What sucks is that we go on vacation in the 1st week of july so i'm not going to start until we get back. The wait is killing me.

Although it has giving me plenty of time to figure out my grow area. I already built i pretty sweet 4ft T5 light fixture that holds 4 bulbs. It has a on/of switch, timer, and an extra outlet. I felt proud after building it. I started to make a carbon filter last week using a exhuast fan you would install in a bathroom.

Well i better stop typing cause i'll start boring people. But i'm sure others where the sameway when they started with the self pride in what they have made.
Very nice. It sucks moving to a new place and not havin shit to do. I havent had to deal with being 30 and moving(since the last time i moved I was 7 or 8)so it was a little bit easier to make friends at school. Your motivation behind growing is sound and I wish you the best of luck! What strains did you end up ordering? There are some really good trees to grow for shit like joint pain and muscle soreness. Ussually they're strong indicas...look into some of the kush's.!


Well-Known Member
well tools need to be put to work! you know and what better then to work them on then our better halfs


Active Member
Very nice. It sucks moving to a new place and not havin shit to do. I havent had to deal with being 30 and moving(since the last time i moved I was 7 or 8)so it was a little bit easier to make friends at school. Your motivation behind growing is sound and I wish you the best of luck! What strains did you end up ordering? There are some really good trees to grow for shit like joint pain and muscle soreness. Ussually they're strong indicas...look into some of the kush's.!
I ordered Ak-47 since they where cheap and since its my 1st grow i know ill screw something up. Therefore gotta keep the price down the 1st time around. I'll totally move to different strains once i have experienced growing on my own.

damn i wish my wife had to look down all day long! lol on me only ofcourse


Well-Known Member
Lots of reasons...too old to be chasing down bags, it's too expensive...but mostly because I just love growing. Anything, really. My house is filled with plants, I have a vegetable garden, and I even hatch chickens and quail as a hobby. I think I just like nurturing things but I don't want anymore kids - they've moved out in the last few years. And you can't really smoke kids or quail.


Active Member
Lots of reasons...too old to be chasing down bags, it's too expensive...but mostly because I just love growing. Anything, really. My house is filled with plants, I have a vegetable garden, and I even hatch chickens and quail as a hobby. I think I just like nurturing things but I don't want anymore kids - they've moved out in the last few years. And you can't really smoke kids or quail.
I would be so much more motivated to have kids if I could smoke them...can u imagine a bud that takes 9 months to flower...lol...it must really fuck you up. I'm only 23 and I cant tell you how many times my uncle has thanked me and thrown me extra cash because he's so happy he doesnt hafta chase down bud anymore haha. Thanks for sharing. Are you sure you cant smoke quail?