When should i clone....and when should i start flowering.. plzzz help guys


thanx for all the help u guys have me...it helped a lot..but i got a nother question since im stuck with only one plant...
how old...or tall should the plant be to be able to clone it and when should i start fllowering it...on wednesday the plant will be 3weeks from seed


as long as you have 3 nodes at least go ahead and cut below the third one. clone now just don't wait to clone after flowering as it takes sooo long for plants to revert back to veg state I would say as long as it is in veg state and not seedling state you will be ok. approx 4 weeks is a good nuber to start with. and you can keep taking cuttings from then on. Start flowering when the plant is Half as tall as you would like the end result to be. Example if you want a 3ft plant start flowering at 18 inches. Good luck . hope this helps


Well-Known Member
the mother should b healthy (obviously), with several side branches, the cutting should b at least 3 inches in length & have about 5 nodes. two to three of these nodes get buried in the soil.

faq section has instructions


New Member
yeah I definitely remember talking to you about this in the irc. flower whenever you feel like it. clone right before you flower.
expect it to grow twice as tall during flower, even more if its got more sativa in it. If its only 3 weeks, changing the lights to 12/12 most likely won't flower it for another week or two.