I modeled the mini-sog I am in the middle of on your sog method. Your threads are a goldmine! Thanks so much!
You're most welcome.
Keep in mind that I didn't invent SoG. My only innovation (and I'm sure it also has been done before I yapped about it a lot) was the staggering of crops in 2-week intervals to break up the harvesting job a bit yet keep a steady output from the op. My main motivation in posting about growing was/is to help noobs get success quicker- quicker than I did, anyway.
Hey man...damn..good to see you're around.....
Thanks. Nice to see you too.

I did kinda want to reassure folx that I hadn't died or become a drug war prisoner or anything foul like that. I got a paying gig running a few websites that suited my interests and just had to bail off the pot boards. I only get 24 hours in most days... well, not counting the hours I spend goofing off, of course.
Props Al! - I read your thread front to back. Lots of great info and suggestions.
Thanks for that.

Those threads ran on and
on and
on. Good on you for persevering through them. I do have to say that for the most part, they were pretty high signal-to-noise ratio, but there were a lot of things that I necessarily had to repeat. I just can't expect everyone to review a hundred pages to find one measly solution to a problem that I can recap in a sentence or two.
welcome back and thanks.. your posts have and are still influencing us noobs. you are an ambassador.
Thanks much.

I hope that I left folx more with overall concepts, such as thinking critically and understanding the science, instead of depending on a preponderance of posts praising a certain method or on rote memorisation of a laundry list of suggestions. Once you grasp the basics of how the plant works, you can make your own way without having to remember all manner of tiny snips of info.
Yipee ka ya! This feels like reuniting with my mentor, how are your growing ops going? Thats a silly question I bet your jungle is doing great.
heh, thanks.
Just so you know, I have ups and downs in my op, too. I get seasonal performance variations due to the fact that while my op can cope with a wide variety of conditions, it is not 100% climate controlled. I have to compensate when winter comes on with the associated lower intake air temps. My tapwater's pH also will swing around quite a lot- after we've had a lot of rain, the water treatment plant will change what they do, to compensate for pathogens being flushed out of catchments. Usually causes pH to swing up a bit. Being a stoned slacker, I am often tempted to simply 'cookbook' my tank mix instead of actually measuring stuff... and it almost always causes me grief, sooner or later. You'd think I'd know better by now, ut it's hard for me to give of my precious slack to actually do WORK or something.
Youll be happy to know Ive finally got my Blueberry (dutch passion) clones growing & are currently in the last 2 weeks of flowering (flushing with Hygrozyme).
Not so sure I'd mess with flushing or Hygrozyme, meself, but if it's working for you, run with it.
When I saw your avatar in this thread I promised I wouldnt scare you away by asking 80 questions so I wont...Ill only ask you one He he he, dont worry Ill make it quick.
On one of my plants I found the tip of the cola turning brown so I gave it a squeeze & it crumble as if lifeless (top right plant in above pics), I cut it off thinking it was mold but the humidity never exceeds 45%rh & there is the vent blowing fresh air directly on it. This happened 1 week ago & the rest of the plant is good & moist. What do you make of it?
Some things I'd check: air temp (28C max), air circ, nute strength (obvious nute burn happening, hold the nutes to 1000ppm max), perhaps some grey mould happening, fixable with a sulfur 'burner.' The mould may also be due to opportunistic mould colonisation on the tips which have already been cooked by excess heat or nute burn.
Hope those suggestions sort it out for you.