Buds were just new leaves, I'm so sad.


Active Member
Damn I thought for sure this time I saw pre-flower pistils, but they all shot up quick last night into new leaf growth. Now all I have that looks like flowers are little green fat pear shaped claws above most of the calaxy's.


Active Member
I guess I'll force flowering, I really wanted to wait for pre-flowers but it's been over two months now and the plants getting too big for my space anyway I hope I'll get a girl.


Active Member
Jesus, it's been in veg for 2 months and no pre-flowers?
It's been alternating node's the last six growth's for two weeks, and it's getting to be almost as tall as me if I give it another month it'll be too tall, I think I do have pre-flowers but I've never seen a plant going into a flower stage so I don't know just what to look for.


Well-Known Member
Gblink3...I don't want to rain on your parade...but the plant will double it's size once deep into flowering. Read about LST...ASAP! Start the 12/12 cycle ASAP!


Well-Known Member
Damn, i've just usually seen people veg their plants until their about 18" tall and then stick them into 12/12 for flower. Pretty sure if you put it into flower you'll see what sex it is within a week.


Active Member
It started to take off a month ago growing a foot a week, so I decided I would let it go and it would just slow down on it's own but I guess it's going to keep growing anyway during flowering so I may as well start, if I start flowering with 150 watts of CFL then get my better lighting system in two weeks and add light in can I increase buds?


Active Member
I also don't have a pitch black space to move it for night, if I do the dark cycle all night once the sun is gone I can still only get nine hours of complete dark.