My pot movie

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100% Authentic A$$Hole
Clearly its the end of summer.....he should have 2 if not 3 by now.....they should be finished soon:hump:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Sorry BDW, if what you do is real I respect that......but don't waste others people time at your expense...


Well-Known Member
Sorry BDW, if what you do is real I respect that......but don't waste others people time at your expense...

how do you even know it's from this year dude?? even if it is...
it takes a little bit of time and effort to make those amazing videos, and when he has to do all this work tending to the crop... think about it.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Im done with this thread..........You can be naive if you want....Im not saying he is anything to worry about....all I am saying is keep it real...Suck his dick some more....don't be so naive, grow up a lil bit. You want his myspace page also cuz I can bump that post:hump:


Well-Known Member
Im done with this thread..........You can be naive if you want....Im not saying he is anything to worry about....all I am saying is keep it real...Suck his dick some more....don't be so naive, grow up a lil bit. You want his myspace page also cuz I can bump that post:hump:

odd behavior. wonder what's up.

you don't have to suck his d&*k, but you should and least give him credit for what he's doing. :peace:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
How m,any people post a myspace talking about growing marijuana ILLEGALLY?

Do you know people around here are locked up cuz they thought myspace was a good place to post their pics of town grafitti.....Im just a better judge of character....BDW is just a fish in the sea....plenty of others like himself...Yet I would rather not be a part of his Bullshit.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
odd behavior. wonder what's up.

you don't have to suck his d&*k, but you should and least give him credit for what he's doing. :peace:
Nothing is wrong with me.......this is the guy that recieves thousands of emails a day.....


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Yeah I may be coming off a lil bit strange............But have I ever before?

Nope I just put 2 and 2 together and it doesn't equal BDW

Sorry it is just the way I feel.....If he was sincere, he would show up a lil bit more and not leave his thousands of FANS hanging!!


Well-Known Member
Everyone has seem to abandon my thread. I thought a 5 ft plant was ok for my first grow but nooooo. FDD has to ruin everything with his huge monster garden lol. jk.


Well-Known Member
Saw it already. Thats big and everything but thats just 2 plants. His is like 2 Big trees and your is like the rainforest. Both extremely good grows and very impressive.
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