Male plant use

Robo high

New Member
Ok so i researched for about a hour so don't say i didn't look but i was wondering what are some uses for male plants?

And i have a lot of people i can sell to that would no if it was even weed and i was wondering would a dumb kid even notice if i gave them male bud?

cuz i know they still have a little THC so i think as long as i gave a good dime and they got a buzz i would be good.

And any cool uses other than selling u could get out of it?

oh and don't worry i would sell any male to any one that smart or somewhat cool :)


Active Member
The make pollen and seeds, they are a waste of space everyone here agrees on that fact we tear them out of the pots the second they show their sex. I honestly can't tell you about male thc production, I've been told it's so low you'd have to consume about a pound of it to feel anything. don't want to piss off the geeks man, you might wind up working for them one day :P

Robo high

New Member
hahah k thanks man helps a lot just sucks u know? im just tring to make a few bucks put some time and to a males! ahha


Active Member
If it's a super strain I'd smoke the male a male white widow probably has more THC in a leaf than a bowl of swag.


Active Member
Males actually dont produce seeds, its the females that makes seeds if they get pollenated by males so if u dont want ur female plants to have seeds put that male in a diff room if u have more than1 male u can try and make hash with it, if not i would just find a place in the woods and plant him there and just let it grow wild or just throw it out.. w/e.

Robo high

New Member
If it's a super strain I'd smoke the male a male white widow probably has more THC in a leaf than a bowl of swag.

nah its a super random strain! hahaha just from a random bag! weak i know but i cant afford $100 seeds like some of u guys :(


Well-Known Member
thats how people get busted!! why would you want to grow then try to pull some shit like that? not good at all bro!! the kid you think might not do anything will be the one that gets you! a three year old kid can kill you with a rock to the head remember that!!