FoxFarm Ocean Forest Soil Mix. Worth it?

So im gettin ready to transplant my plants into bigger 5 gallon containers. I used MC soil up to this point but would like to switch to something better for my plants.

I read that the Ocean Forest Soil from Fox Farm is recommended by a lot of growers. The only thing is that its really expensive at he only store that I can find it. Its $23 for a 1.5 c. ft bag.

How many of these would i need to fill three 5 gallon containers? and is it really worth it considering the organic mix from MC costs just $8.50


Well-Known Member
hey whats up man, i am have been a fox farm ocean forest grower for a while now and i know alot about it, it is very good soil worth the money, what u have to remember is not to add any nutrients to the soil for about two to three weeks after u get it, because it already has a little food in it, also the bag you are wanting to get would average out to eleven gallons of soil per 1.5 cubic foot bag =D OH yeah another important thing, dont mix ur nutrient company, so if ur using fox farm nutrients, only use those, dont use botanicare nutrients and fox farm, or gen hydro nuts and fox farm


Well-Known Member
You get what you pay for when it comes to FFOF. You can also get a bale of pro mix and some guano and wormcastings and make a good growing medium yourself :hump:


Well-Known Member
I think 1 cubic foot = 7 gallons.
So 3 bags would be more than enough.
5 gallon pots are huge for an indoor grow, assuming you are indoor.
2 gallons would be adequate for most plants.
I mix my soil with 50% perlite, which doubles the mileage of my soil.
Perlite lets the soil drain good and fast which is great when it comes time to flush.


Well-Known Member
I think 1 cubic foot = 7 gallons.
So 3 bags would be more than enough.
5 gallon pots are huge for an indoor grow, assuming you are indoor.
2 gallons would be adequate for most plants.
I mix my soil with 50% perlite, which doubles the mileage of my soil.
Perlite lets the soil drain good and fast which is great when it comes time to flush.
hey, i beg to differ, when i did a 22 gallon container of fox farm for my GWS i yeilded a half pound off one plant in five months, using a 400 watt HPS

Also i have been doing 2 plants, where each one gets its own 10 gal container and i actually got ten ounces altogether off both plants using a 400 watt hps,

Oh yeah and my grow space is 4 feet wide, 3 feet deep , and 7 feet tall


Well-Known Member
Please, just go with the bigger pot it is weeeeeeeeelllllllllll worth it
I'm certainly not saying big pots are a bad idea, just not necissary for a huge yield.
You just have to be on top of things to pull it off.
Search "Rootbound" on here and read what fdd says about it.