hot grow room


Active Member
ok so my grow room fucken hott, i was thinking about getting fans to cool the light but i dont have a hood i can do that with so i was looking at this portable swap humidifier air cooling conditioner ..... and i was wondering could this be an alternative to using a fan and a cooling hood?


Well-Known Member
ok so my grow room fucken hott, i was thinking about getting fans to cool the light but i dont have a hood i can do that with so i was looking at this portable swap humidifier air cooling conditioner ..... and i was wondering could this be an alternative to using a fan and a cooling hood?
absolutely! I am buying one today! it still needs an exhaust to exit out of BUT that is easy.....duct this baby right into your room, or in your room....good to go!



Active Member
This is not actually an AC unit, its just a swamp cooler (cools the air by using water to reduce the air temperature then blows the water cooled air out). From what I know swamp coolers do not have an exhaust.
Its basically just a high tech air bong with a fan.


Well-Known Member
these arnt a/c they are evaporative air coolers
i got one, a different brand tho and it only blows cool air where its pointing
it wont make your grow room cooler, its more of a spot cooler
but then again its up to you to try it or not
im unsatisfied with mine


Active Member
Swamp coolers are not a/c units and will not cool a grow room, will also create excessive moisture in the room. Portable a/c units do come in similar looking models but will be around $200-$700 depending on the btu's. 12,000 btu is about as big as they get and will cool a 12x12 grow room with no problems. I would try to avoid the swamp coolers for grow rooms for a couple reasons, 1. they need to be refilled daily with ice or very cold water 2. since the water is cooling the air they will create an excessive amount of moisture which will create a problem in itself. I am currently running a 5400 btu a/c window unit with 2400 watts of lights and it has no problem keeping the room cool even on the warm days. As far as this being an alternative to fans cooling and exhausting hot air from lights, it is not a very efficient option. It will help with overall temp of the room but the hot air from lights needs to be exhausted with a fan, then the a/c unit might not even need to be used.


Well-Known Member
i have a similar unit, and i no longer put ice water in it, doesnt do much good other than being a really nice fan and add humidity, if you were sitting in a room without high intensity lighting, you will feel a difference, but if you run a 400w and better ad have twemp issues i dont believe this will help you


Well-Known Member
if it is a viable option and depending on your lights wattage, for the same money, you can pickup a air cooled hood or cool tube on ebay for 80 bucks, and hook up a 250cfm 6in duct fan($25), these fans can cool 400 and 600 watters without problems, if you are able to make holes in your grow room walls you hook up a duct fan for intake , duct to light and duct right out another outlet, so you dont disturb grow room air , if you wanted to add co2 later this is the way to go, , this way its not about cooling, its about getting that hot air out of the enclosed hood

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
ok so my grow room fucken hott, i was thinking about getting fans to cool the light but i dont have a hood i can do that with so i was looking at this portable swap humidifier air cooling conditioner ..... and i was wondering could this be an alternative to using a fan and a cooling hood?
To put it simply.

Do not put that in your grow room.
Buy the hood it's relatively the same price.
A/C are best though, because they cool + dry the air.
They also double as an exhaust for your grow.