afgahn mafia


New Member
the bubblegum is coming along nicely. it looks like the WW is going through a second flowering stage...I thought it was almost done and now it's got new flowers.....I put one of the mystery plants in flower today, that's the new girl in the pics......


Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
the bubblegum is coming along nicely. it looks like the WW is going through a second flowering stage...I thought it was almost done and now it's got new flowers.....I put one of the mystery plants in flower today, that's the new girl in the pics......
What is that purple haze/hue in the fifth picture? Is that the LSD plant???? Maybe that is the mystery plant?

Ever figure out how that male plant got into your yard? I mean, something other than magical plants????

Bubble gum, huh? Am I invited over??? kiss-ass

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
it makes a brother has a 1000 watt hps with a mover. I gave him 3 WW's that I had already started and only 1 was female, so he has 1 plant under 1000 watts and that plant is huge.
Yup, I've seen that too. REALLY impressive.

That pollinated plant is incredible! I also had a freudian slip reading what you wrote about how hard the cola is. I bet you can guess what my slip was, right???


New Member
What is that purple haze/hue in the fifth picture? Is that the LSD plant???? Maybe that is the mystery plant?

Ever figure out how that male plant got into your yard? I mean, something other than magical plants????

Bubble gum, huh? Am I invited over??? kiss-ass
Yup, I've seen that too. REALLY impressive.

That pollinated plant is incredible! I also had a freudian slip reading what you wrote about how hard the cola is. I bet you can guess what my slip was, right???
hey LG...the 5th pic is one of the bubblegum. the 4th pic is the new mystery plant. and yes, you are invited over...just make sure you wear panties this colas are already hard enough.........kiss-ass

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I can imagine.
it makes a brother has a 1000 watt hps with a mover. I gave him 3 WW's that I had already started and only 1 was female, so he has 1 plant under 1000 watts and that plant is huge.
Looking nice.
the bubblegum is coming along nicely. it looks like the WW is going through a second flowering stage...I thought it was almost done and now it's got new flowers.....I put one of the mystery plants in flower today, that's the new girl in the pics......

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
thank you miss stoney.......:hug:
All these mysteries with you . . . the Paris Hilton Drag Queen in the yard, the mystery plant, the purple in the bubblegum, the hard coc . . . eh, colas, references to my panties?

You have so much fun, don't you, with your plants? I'm so jealous. :evil:

They ALL look good!
Plants look good
i got 3 bubblegums & 3 thunderfucks myself @ 4 weeks into veg
got any pointers for the bubblegum strain? Ive never grown b4 so im pretty wet behind the ears



New Member
Plants look good
i got 3 bubblegums & 3 thunderfucks myself @ 4 weeks into veg
got any pointers for the bubblegum strain? Ive never grown b4 so im pretty wet behind the ears

my brother gave me the BG and they were 4-5 years old, I was not sure they would crack. but they seem pretty much like most others I have grown...


Well-Known Member
hey there, thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction. I really have been outta the loop for a while and getting back in has been fun. I'll make sure to go back and go through the thread, but glad to be here, and we'll keep watching from here on out. All the best man and Walk On!


New Member
[quote="SICC";2530647]any pics :weed: ?[/quote]hey sicc...I'll do some pics this afternoon...thanks for stopping by................:)