DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

Lol these new pics are like mine, all blurry and require weed goggles to view properly :-)

eally am impressed they are looking so gorgeously resinous its incredible.

I say take a sample, dry it for the 3 days or so it will take, and try it. Mind it will lack ood cure, but you can test out the high. I am thinking 4 to 7 days to go.

Or, wait until the day you reach your 1000th post here on RIU. What an occasion to mark the milestone, eh?

Have you noticed the growth totally shut down on the kush? What's the relative resin production like?
Now that the sun is in a different place in the sky... my closet gets direct sunlight for about 5 minutes now. I just noticed now. I snapped a couple pics but unfortunatly didn't get a clear one of the bud I'm thinking of cutting... I'm including the blurry picture anyways.

The others are good shots.

If I remember tomorrow between 6:45-6:50 pm I'll snap some more pics.


blurry or not, you can still see those shiny crystals all over!

Very nice jig, something about the way a plant looks in natural's beautiful. :hump:

How much longer now? sorry if i missed it, been busy lately trying to keep up with everything.
thanks jig!:joint:
Have you noticed the growth totally shut down on the kush? What's the relative resin production like?

About the growth... It seems as if every single bud in the closet is at a different stage of maturity.

Throw out the White Widow, she is on a totally different time scedule... her hairs haven't even started changing and she continues to just blow up.... even with a week on water and molasses.

So the Hindu Skunk... there is the one bud that is the furthest along, but then there are other hindu skunk buds from the same plant even that have like 80% white pistals... and the white pistals are on new spurts of growth that weren't there a week ago.

It's hard to tell day by day, but I'm almost SURE that like 30-50 % of the buds are sill growing, not swelling, but growing.

The ones that seem pretty 'ready' seem to not be growing or swelling... maybe the tiniest tiniest bit are they fattening but I think thats just a case of leaving the weed goggles on too long.

Today I figured this..... I've waited since Feb 13 when I bought the plants... I can hold out a few more days.

Question: I know diferent stains are different, light levels, blah blah.... Once my white widows' hairs start changing from white to amber, about how long until all the hairs are amber? (and I mean hairs not trichs)
How much longer now? sorry if i missed it, been busy lately trying to keep up with everything.
thanks jig!:joint:

Thanks never summer... nice seeing you too roast.

I am going to cut a sample in the next couple days. I'm thinking most or all the hindu skunk will be cut down by this time next week (i'm harvesting in parts)... I don't know when this white widow is going to finish.

mafia... the white widow is like a crazy secret ninja or something... hiding in the shadows waiting to pounce. I swear just like 2 weeks ago all the buds on here were little puny things and they are still growing (see last post). They haven't started changing their hair color, much less develope half the trichs I know they will.

It really is something. I remember reading your thread thinking "these guys are kinda nuts talking about how the white widow performs in her last week"... I'm seeing it with my own eyes.

And she hasn't even had any nutes for a week.
I am not sure about the pistil time. I wonder that myself for my own grow.

I wouldn't harvest until 80% + of the pistils change though, at the earliest...
Thanks never summer... nice seeing you too roast.

I am going to cut a sample in the next couple days. I'm thinking most or all the hindu skunk will be cut down by this time next week (i'm harvesting in parts)... I don't know when this white widow is going to finish.

mafia... the white widow is like a crazy secret ninja or something... hiding in the shadows waiting to pounce. I swear just like 2 weeks ago all the buds on here were little puny things and they are still growing (see last post). They haven't started changing their hair color, much less develope half the trichs I know they will.

It really is something. I remember reading your thread thinking "these guys are kinda nuts talking about how the white widow performs in her last week"... I'm seeing it with my own eyes.

And she hasn't even had any nutes for a week.

Yup, she is a beautiful thing to see change. My MH lights on them gave the trichs a glisten that would almost blur your vision looking through the loupe at them.

I dont remember how long it took for all the hairs to turn, but i think the lowers actually started turning first. When the hairs were all amber, the trichs went pretty fast. Remember me saying " i dont know what happened, i guess it's the gravity, these girls just finished up in the course of a week".
If you use the G, watch them very close through the last days.

Me and my buddy at the op, would go in every day and notice massive growth on the WW during the flowering stage. I mean like double stretch and swell over night. They stay a little looser than the PPP though, more fluffy I guess. I think the Widow is a strain i will keep going for personal stash only, not a good one if you are more focused on weight.

I don't know where my seeds came from, what breeder, but i know there are various versions of the widow. Where did your widow come from?
clones from the co-op... so I have no idea the background. Just that they seem to be pretty good plants.

Don't know if you saw, but I'm using both BushMaster and Purple Maxx along wth the Gravity on this next grow... let's hope I don't fry the little Purple kush's. If they make it unscathed they should be purple, covered in trichs, dense and fat nugs from the squat plant. It's all in the new journal.
Hey Jig, those girls look awesome! I haven't been by in a while and knew the harvest was getting close so had to come and see how things are going....and I have to say, looks like all the hard work is going to be a nice pay off. How is the aroma? I bet it's sweet! Can't wait to see those roots when pull them.
yo jig havent posted before on your thread was to busy reading it, and all i can say is big rep to you man. read beginning to end along with mamaths thread , 2 very good reads, loads of info, help, and advice. like they say 2 heads are better than one or in this case several hundred heads lol
they should make a move like
mammath and jigfresh do colas ( cheach and chong , harold and kumar you get my drift ?)
anyway im here till the end man
Hey TL... glad to have you along for the ride. Like you said two (or more) head are better than one... and we have quite the collection of potheads on this thread, haha.

I'll have to check mammoths thread. I pretty much have only seen people's grows that have stopped by here. I'll have to read his journal and then have a talk with my hollywood connections see what kind of production we can get going on. Maybe we can start doing plays... open for phish or something.

About the grow... I'm still holding out. Nothing has been cut. It's tough, but I just picked up a nice eighth of 'Purple Mr. Nice Guy'... don't know but it is bomb. Hopefully last I have to buy.

One thing that frustrates me a bit... the fan I bought at home depot a couple weeks ago, the one I had in the front of the closet (next to the door)... it was heating up my grow space by maybe 4-5 degrees. So much for being worth moving some air. I don't need that. Needless to say it is out... and the humidity isn't a problem without it.

Not much esle to say. Clones are looking good. White Widow is still growing bigger buds. Still no sign of deficiency from the plants either.
Jig, u r officially my new favorite person.
i spent 2 and a half hrs last night reading ur journal, and it has inspired me.
i am now reworking the plans for my first grow, and fully plan to use the SCROG method all the way, ive never seen someone put so much dedication and effort into doing it right the first time. Unfortunately my budget is extreemely tight, and i will have to ghetto rig a lot of my setup, but i think that if i put as much effort and attention into this as u did, i should have some good results :]
happy tokin, cant wait to see how the harvest turns out
just getting to the thread for the week. Now I know what you've been up to. Random good news from SD---medical marijuana ID's will begin to be handed out in June. The court refused to review the last of the local suits so SD will be following California State law. Finally.
Enjoy that purp!

Patience is a virtue and you are doin good!

Trust me, I know how it is. I am waiting until most of my pistils turn amber (as long as the trichs cooperate) to even start the two week flush! But I have an urge now and then to just say fuck it and flush them now! LOL I wont though.
Patience is a virtue.

ok everyone... so I am still here waiting. Haven't cut but a couple tips of leaves to check trichs. Here's where we stand. I think there could be plants in my closet for another 2 or 3 weeks (at least the WW). Looking at buds... I'd guess about 30% of the Hindu's look anywhere near ready. 50% look like they are getting there... and 20% don't have any brown hairs on them at all. The white widow is just barely on some buds starting to change hair color. Like mafia mentioned they are starting to change from the bottom of the bud/ cola up. Interesting.

The super bud in the middle has 80-85% amber trichs, but still has 'new growth' parts that are not ready yet... when I say new growth, I just mean that the specific part of the bud has sprung up much much later than the rest and is not even close to ready yet.

The bud in the back, that I thought has looked ready for a couple days now... it's trichs before were totally not ready, maybe 30%... but in the 2 1/2 days the trichs have turned to 60-75% amber... and the bud itself hasn't changed at all from what I can tell.... I was watching it (like you told me jesse) and the first day I think I noticed a tiny bit of swelling, but in the 48 hours since that point it looks to be exactly the same... only the trichs have changed.

I asked my wife and she looks at it from a risk reward of cutting now/ later. And really there is no point to cutting it now. Just for arguments sake... let's say the but would be perfect to cut tomorrow. If I cut it today I would lose more than if I cut it in 2 days (a day late)... becuase from what I gather from you guys and reading is that the week before the 'optimum' time there is a lot of maturation that goes on, while the week after the 'optimum' time doesn't really deteriorate the bud that much (as compared to the dfference in the week before). Does that make sense?

Also... I understand there is no 'optimum' time so much... not like it's a mathematical equation, but picturing an optimum time helps me to understand the ideas in harvesting and maturing and stuff.

Another thing... does anyone cut up branches as the buds dictate? what I mean is some of my taller shoots (along the walls) seem like the top couple inches of bud is more ready then the bottom few inches. Does everyone just cut the whole thing, or if I'm crazy enough should I cut what is ready when it is ready? Or is that a ton of extra hard work for nothing?

Thanks for all the help and interest guys.
Based on what fdd says, the whole plant should be ready at the same time. I have never harvested piecemeal, but many on here have.

It makes sense that the trichs would say go before the 'doneness' of the plant.

Do they look done to you? Pics are one thing...I cant truly SEE them.

You have bought a nicely grown bag in your they LOOK ready? I have never smoked bud that looked premature, but wasnt really.

I have smoke bud that looked done and smoked me done and good :-)

The harvest window is more like a garage door. It would be measured in days. Maybe even a week or so, based on some of the more creditable information I have encountered.

If you could accurately calculate the "perfect" moment to harvest, technically, harvesting just before or just after that moment would not reduce quality/yield much as all.

The key is to wait until you make it to the 'harvest window' itself, rather than arriving at it with all the precision of a NASA space shuttle reentry.

Make sense?
Do they look done to you? Pics are one thing...I cant truly SEE them.

Make sense?

They do not look ready yet :cry: just very close.

And the garage door makes sense. I am not in that window yet. But I'm getting closer and closer.

About drying... if I have it in a closed cabinet hanging, the little bit of light the comes through the cracks isn't going to be bad is it??? It wouldn't be too hard to seal the gaps, but don't want to if there is no need.
They do not look ready yet :cry: just very close.

And the garage door makes sense. I am not in that window yet. But I'm getting closer and closer.

About drying... if I have it in a closed cabinet hanging, the little bit of light the comes through the cracks isn't going to be bad is it??? It wouldn't be too hard to seal the gaps, but don't want to if there is no need.

I can't say if there is a NEED or if it will be BAD.

My statement would be two fold. One, THC is degraded by sunlight. Two, you have aimed for perfect, got great results, why change now?
why change now?

beleive it or not... I'm pretty damn lazy. But I agree... why do all this work, and especially all this waiting to do something half assed. It's not like I have to buy a $500 drying machine, just have to lift my hand a bit to fix something up.

One more question... the Trichomes, is it the heads that are going to turn amber vs. the whole thing? Is that correct, or does it depend?

I just wonder becuase pretty much every trich I see amber on/ in... it is up near the top, like it starts from the part that the light hits, that makes sense becuase it is the chemicals breaking down from the light I think I read.

I'll try to remember and get some more sunlight shots today.