Fat Chicks WTF

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Miss England Is A Size 16. You Know Most People With Mental Illnesses Reject The Idea That They're Mentally Ill. No Offence, But Why On Earth Would You Want To Die Because Your Friends Were Hot And You Werent. I Understand You Were Teased But The Reason People Tease Others Is To Make Them Feel Bad So You'd Be Doing What They Want By Fealing Bad.
And I Dont Know About You But I Was Taught All Those Things. So Anybody That Wasn't I'm Sorry, I Feel Bad For You.
its very hard to deal with when you're 12 years old. being called all these names...and i wasnt even big when i was 12...i never really started gaining a lot of weight until i started with the meds. i've always been chubby...but not big like i am now...even though i still dont think im *that* big. i dont have the opportunity to reject the idea that im mentally ill. if i want it to change, i have to acknowledge and accept it. im doing much better now with meds and therapy...but its been a very long difficult journey. and its alright...i dont take any offense, people that havent been there just really dont understand at all. unless you've gone through mental illness...its really hard to understand what a person goes thru. i wanted to die because i was different. and when you're 12...all you want is to fit in with your friends. being different is really hard at that age...and being made fun of relentlessly because of it makes it 100 times worse.
the first post is awesome! FOOD should not equal LOVE. eat to live, don't live to eat!

my mom is a chunkmonster. like 300lbs at 5'6". she hides food around the house like it is a drug, and is always, ALWAYS shoving food in her mouth. since she packs her face with food while she is doing other things, she doesn't remember that she has just downed 300 calories while sitting on her ass at the computer and then she proceeds to tell everyone she "doesn't eat that much." then an hour later she'll say "i'm hungry" will eat another 600 calories and i'll think to myself "your fat ass isn't 'hungry' in fact your frame could feed a small village for a couple of days." i've told my dad that she needs an intervention, but he is weak. i breached the subject multiple times in the past but she always say "you don't know how it feels!" and she cries and carries on the whole WOAH IS ME! don't cry over it, do something about it, be self disciplined, stop being weak, it is only going to make you die sooner and lower your quality of life. your fat fat fat fat fat until you aren't. suck it up and take the ridicule and change or eat yourself into the grave. and if you chose to do the latter, i have no sympathy for you and you deserve what is coming to you.
when I first found out I had MS, the doc had me on some meds that caused me to gain 80 lbs. as soon as I stopped taking the meds the 80 lbs. went away.
the first post is awesome! FOOD should not equal LOVE. eat to live, don't live to eat!

my mom is a chunkmonster. like 300lbs at 5'6". she hides food around the house like it is a drug, and is always, ALWAYS shoving food in her mouth. since she packs her face with food while she is doing other things, she doesn't remember that she has just downed 300 calories while sitting on her ass at the computer and then she proceeds to tell everyone she "doesn't eat that much." then an hour later she'll say "i'm hungry" will eat another 600 calories and i'll think to myself "your fat ass isn't 'hungry' in fact your frame could feed a small village for a couple of days." i've told my dad that she needs an intervention, but he is weak. i breached the subject multiple times in the past but she always say "you don't know how it feels!" and she cries and carries on the whole WOAH IS ME! don't cry over it, do something about it, be self disciplined, stop being weak, it is only going to make you die sooner and lower your quality of life. your fat fat fat fat fat until you aren't. suck it up and take the ridicule and change or eat yourself into the grave. and if you chose to do the latter, i have no sympathy for you and you deserve what is coming to you.
not all overweight people over eat. some of us cant lose weight because we under eat. i have no appetite because of the medication i take and im lucky to get 800 calories a day sometimes. my body wont lose weight because most of the time its in starvation mode. im sorry, but your post was incredibly ignorant. and i usually dont call people out...but you just really dont get it. also for some people food is as much of an addiction as crack or alcohol. i think that you would benefit from learning self disipline and stop being weak in your narrow minded view of the world. stop being judgemental and try to see things from another persons perspective. learn empathy. learn compassion. learn. because if that post is representative of your entire intellect, you clearly have much learning to do. :?
when I first found out I had MS, the doc had me on some meds that caused me to gain 80 lbs. as soon as I stopped taking the meds the 80 lbs. went away.
i wish it was that easy for me. smoking bud helps...i got really heavy after taking one of the meds...it took 3 months to get that weight off after i stopped...with the bud i have an appetite...and i eat more. so im able to lose :) *sigh* l love mama nature and her amazing universal wonder drug called cannabis :hump:
not all overweight people over eat. some of us cant lose weight because we under eat.

i think the definition of "overeating" should be something close to eating more food than you need. if you are putting on fat, pounds of fat you are eating more than you need.

i have no appetite because of the medication i take and im lucky to get 800 calories a day sometimes. my body wont lose weight because most of the time its in starvation mode.
if you only take in 800 calories and you can't lose weight, you need to exercise or eat less or both. the starvation model is only a regulation of short periods of time such as a week. if you eat less than you need, over time you will lose weight.

im sorry, but your post was incredibly ignorant. and i usually dont call people out...but you just really dont get it.
i do get it. no one is going to help you but you. it is you that has no will power. don't make excuses.

also for some people food is as much of an addiction as crack or alcohol.
exactly, now you are talking. if the addiction is not stopped by will power it will consume the addict. weak people don't have will power. so they make excuses and poor decisions.

stop being judgemental and try to see things from another persons perspective. learn empathy.

i see it from your perspective. you are weak and have no will power. i do feel sorry for you, and imagine it must be terrible to have no control over your life. there is nothing that can be done for this except for you to realize that no one is holding a gun to your head telling you to overdose on krispy kremes, potato chips, "big gulps", and foods so filled with fat and sugar. its all in your head, figure it out. everybody wants you to be skinny, to be hot, to be healthy, but nobody can will these things on you. it takes hard work dedication and WILL POWER. you have got to want it. some people just don't and for those, excuses won't save you from the inevitable.

change your lifestyle fatty. this one is going to take 15 years off your life. we would like to have you around, but if you want to kill yourself off quicker that will leave more food for the rest of us. god knows you've been eating more than your share.
Medication can be a huge factor here, though. I was on medication for 10 years... and when I weened myself off of it, I dropped almost 60 pounds in about 9 months. My eating habits didn't even change much (they weren't that poor to begin with). Still, even dropping those 60 pounds, I'm vastly overweight. If it takes 15 years off my life... the fine. Those'll be the 15 years at the end ... which are shitty years anyway. Why I'd want to live long enough to get Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia... I dunno. Once you hit 80 years old, the vast majority of people develop those sorts of conditions...
i think the definition of "overeating" should be something close to eating more food than you need. if you are putting on fat, pounds of fat you are eating more than you need.

if you only take in 800 calories and you can't lose weight, you need to exercise or eat less or both. the starvation model is only a regulation of short periods of time such as a week. if you eat less than you need, over time you will lose weight.

i do get it. no one is going to help you but you. it is you that has no will power. don't make excuses.

exactly, now you are talking. if the addiction is not stopped by will power it will consume the addict. weak people don't have will power. so they make excuses and poor decisions.

i see it from your perspective. you are weak and have no will power. i do feel sorry for you, and imagine it must be terrible to have no control over your life. there is nothing that can be done for this except for you to realize that no one is holding a gun to your head telling you to overdose on krispy kremes, potato chips, "big gulps", and foods so filled with fat and sugar. its all in your head, figure it out. everybody wants you to be skinny, to be hot, to be healthy, but nobody can will these things on you. it takes hard work dedication and WILL POWER. you have got to want it. some people just don't and for those, excuses won't save you from the inevitable.

change your lifestyle fatty. this one is going to take 15 years off your life. we would like to have you around, but if you want to kill yourself off quicker that will leave more food for the rest of us. god knows you've been eating more than your share.
i do exercise. i have a 4 year old boxer that loves to walk and play. i work out at home. i go out a lot with friends...walk more than drive/bus...some people just *are* designed to be bigger. theres nothing wrong with my lifestyle. yes i indulge in fast food every now and then...so does everyone. i dont bother much with foods like donuts and potato chips and other junk because it makes me feel ill. i have will power. if i didnt have will power i would be dead via suicide months, or years ago. im not weak, again, if i was weak i would be dead by now. im just *big* and its not affecting me in a negative way aside from the bullshit that people like you sling at me. and most people with addictions need more than just "will power" to get better. i was addicted to razors. i needed medications and therapy to stop. i dont eat "more than my share" and for you to assume that without knowing me means that you dear, are the weak person who is obviously afraid to step outside your little box, open up your eyes and take a look around. i dont know how old you are..but seriously? its time to grow up. everyones body is different. no 2 people are born the same (with the exception of identical twins) and there is not a specific "ideal" for people to live up to. that idea of what is healthy and beautiful is a product of society. for you to blindly follow and agree to that means that your incapable of free thinking. and in a nutshell, makes you a sheep. wow. arent my judgements making you want to go out and learn everything you can? no, of course not. being rude, judgemental and ignorant to the feelings of others is not a way to incite change in people. making people feel bad is not a way to help. having the attitude you have is not helping anyone. smarten up sweetheart.
...some people just *are* designed to be bigger.
i concur to some degre. but obesity skyrocketed from 100 years ago. same gene pool as before folks. and to see an obese gene pervasively spread through the population to affect 1/3 of the U.S. population would take hundreds of years.

theres nothing wrong with my lifestyle. yes i indulge in fast food every now and then...so does everyone.
im just *big* and its not affecting me in a negative way aside from the bullshit that people like you sling at me.
not yet, wait until you are in an assisted living home because you can't wash and care for your backside properly having had the immensity of your frame grinding your joints away until you are wheelchair bound. my grandma is in this situation now. she can't exercise properly so she can't open her lungs like normal folks should, so she has caught pneumonia twice. she also contracts UTIs on a pretty regular basis because of her inabilities to care for herself. pneumonia will get her and it is because she is sessile. she always regarded food as love and actually fed her miniature dachsund so much it weighed 22 lbs instead of the normal 9lbs. the dog died just recently 4 year before the avg lifespan for mini dachsunds, but i digress.

i dont eat "more than my share"
if you are obese i would argue the exact opposite.

being rude, judgemental and ignorant to the feelings of others is not a way to incite change in people.
i don't care, its your life. cut off your nose to spite your face, its only you and your remaining family who suffers.
i concur to some degre. but obesity skyrocketed from 100 years ago. same gene pool as before folks. and to see an obese gene pervasively spread through the population to affect 1/3 of the U.S. population would take hundreds of years.

not yet, wait until you are in an assisted living home because you can't wash and care for your backside properly having had the immensity of your frame grinding your joints away until you are wheelchair bound. my grandma is in this situation now. she can't exercise properly so she can't open her lungs like normal folks should, so she has caught pneumonia twice. she also contracts UTIs on a pretty regular basis because of her inabilities to care for herself. pneumonia will get her and it is because she is sessile. she always regarded food as love and actually fed her miniature dachsund so much it weighed 22 lbs instead of the normal 9lbs. the dog died just recently 4 year before the avg lifespan for mini dachsunds, but i digress.

if you are obese i would argue the exact opposite.

i don't care, its your life. cut off your nose to spite your face, its only you and your remaining family who suffers.
being a size 16 hardly makes my incapable of caring for myself. i dont continually gain. the only time i gain is when the doctors switch my meds. but then it spikes for a couple months and goes back down. i dont eat nearly as much food as people half my size. my best friend is a size 2. she can eat several times the amount of food i can. people are just made differently. thats all.
No, meds and a slow metabolism can do it to you, as well as an under active thyroid.
i think the definition of "overeating" should be something close to eating more food than you need. if you are putting on fat, pounds of fat you are eating more than you need.

Wrong again, see above.Less than 800 calories?Are you on crack?
if you only take in 800 calories and you can't lose weight, you need to exercise or eat less or both. the starvation model is only a regulation of short periods of time such as a week. if you eat less than you need, over time you will lose weight.

No you don't, or you'd realize that size 16 isn't morbidly obese, and some people DO have medical complications which cause them to retain weight.
i do get it. no one is going to help you but you. it is you that has no will power. don't make excuses.

Good.You're a strong person...quit smoking pot and having sex.Now.
exactly, now you are talking. if the addiction is not stopped by will power it will consume the addict. weak people don't have will power. so they make excuses and poor decisions.

Wow.Just incredibly insensitive assumptions here.
i see it from your perspective. you are weak and have no will power. i do feel sorry for you, and imagine it must be terrible to have no control over your life. there is nothing that can be done for this except for you to realize that no one is holding a gun to your head telling you to overdose on krispy kremes, potato chips, "big gulps", and foods so filled with fat and sugar. its all in your head, figure it out. everybody wants you to be skinny, to be hot, to be healthy, but nobody can will these things on you. it takes hard work dedication and WILL POWER. you have got to want it. some people just don't and for those, excuses won't save you from the inevitable.

Calling people names is against the rules on here.I made sure to point it out to a mod.:peace:
change your lifestyle fatty. this one is going to take 15 years off your life. we would like to have you around, but if you want to kill yourself off quicker that will leave more food for the rest of us. god knows you've been eating more than your share.
While I do agree that some people do have problems losing weight be it from meds or a problem with their health. The majority of people do not try hard enough to lose it, 14 months ago I was 50 lbs heavier than I am now. I used to be pretty damn fat, and thought I was exercising enough. I realized that inorder for me to keep the weight down I have to do a shit load of exiercise. I now run over 25 miles a week, swim atleast once a week and work out 3-4 times a week. I also go bike almost everyday, but dont record how far I go since im usually at the skatepark. When I start doing less I instantly start to gain weight back. People say they do exercise, but they are going for a walk around the block or shit, obviously that isnt gonna keep weight off.
You Know Most People With Mental Illnesses Reject The Idea That They're Mentally Ill.
I'm not crazy!

my mom is a chunkmonster. like 300lbs at 5'6". she hides food around the house like it is a drug, and is always, ALWAYS shoving food in her mouth. since she packs her face with food while she is doing other things, she doesn't remember that she has just downed 300 calories while sitting on her ass at the computer and then she proceeds to tell everyone she "doesn't eat that much." then an hour later she'll say "i'm hungry" will eat another 600 calories and i'll think to myself "your fat ass isn't 'hungry' in fact your frame could feed a small village for a couple of days." i've told my dad that she needs an intervention, but he is weak. i breached the subject multiple times in the past but she always say "you don't know how it feels!" and she cries and carries on the whole WOAH IS ME! don't cry over it, do something about it, be self disciplined, stop being weak, it is only going to make you die sooner and lower your quality of life. your fat fat fat fat fat until you aren't. suck it up and take the ridicule and change or eat yourself into the grave. and if you chose to do the latter, i have no sympathy for you and you deserve what is coming to you.

Wow! Happy mother's day huh...It sounds to me like your poor mother suffers from some severe depression, quite likely stemming from her previous beliefs that human life is sacred, and abortion is wrong in all cases...

change your lifestyle fatty. this one is going to take 15 years off your life. we would like to have you around, but if you want to kill yourself off quicker that will leave more food for the rest of us. god knows you've been eating more than your share.
Dude, you are talking to a young lady. You may be very physically fit, but you are just not nice. As difficult as it is to loose weight...changing a personality, as abrasive as you at least want people to believe you have, is much more difficult. With all of your spew about will power and weakness when speaking of you own mother, I assume you believe yourself to be strong and powerful. Therefore my challenge, monumental as it may be, and though I would not bet a single nickle for, is one which you may deem yourself worthy....here is my challenge: Try to be a nice person dude. No really...try, to go some period of time (depending on your strength of course...), without thinking (much less uttering) ill thoughts of anyone other than yourself (self-reflection is not excluded during this "exercise", in fact it is encouraged!)....Dare ya!

No, meds and a slow metabolism can do it to you, as well as an under active thyroid.

Wrong again, see above.Less than 800 calories?Are you on crack?

No you don't, or you'd realize that size 16 isn't morbidly obese, and some people DO have medical complications which cause them to retain weight.

Good.You're a strong person...quit smoking pot and having sex.Now.

Wow.Just incredibly insensitive assumptions here.

Calling people names is against the rules on here.I made sure to point it out to a mod.:peace:
you are my hero.............:twisted:
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