ATTN!CFL GROW NEED HELP!Babies not doing well

Hey all, I've started a stealth grow under a few CFL's and im having some troubles about a week in, both of my babies are browning at the tips of their first set of leaves.also the small oval like leaves below are almost completely brown on both babies. Im pretty shure the problem is either a heat issue(i have poor ventilation at the time) or not enough lumens(im only using 4 cfls, only adds up to about 4000-5000 lumens:neutral:).
Its defenitly not the soil because ive used the same kind in succsesful grows. I havent used any nutes yet, just straight bottled water.

Any suggestions/ comments?

pictures up soon
thanks all:peace:


Well-Known Member
No one can actually help you with the scant info you had provided.

What is your soil pH? Room temp/humidity? How close are the lights?
No one can actually help you with the scant info you had provided.

What is your soil pH? Room temp/humidity? How close are the lights?

The lights were about 3 inches away until the browning got worse. they are now about 5-6 inches away. As for temp id say its higher than it should be, i have 3'X2' space to work with and poor ventilation ATM. CFL's don't give off too much heat but im guessing the sucky ventilation and small space is not a good combo

and pH is not a problem i know that for shure


Active Member
how many times have you watered these in the last week? you may be overwatering post some pics so we can see wait they look like


Well-Known Member
The lights were about 3 inches away until the browning got worse. they are now about 5-6 inches away. As for temp id say its higher than it should be, i have 3'X2' space to work with and poor ventilation ATM. CFL's don't give off too much heat but im guessing the sucky ventilation and small space is not a good combo

and pH is not a problem i know that for shure
The only way to know if the pH isnt a problem is to know what it is.
I'm using MG soil that feeds for 3 months, Ive never heard of anyone having pH problems with it, only good reviews
so unless someone is dumping limestone in my soil secretly im sure pH is not an issue here
how many times have you watered these in the last week? you may be overwatering post some pics so we can see wait they look like
Thanks for the reply nitroman, i actually just finished reading up on your CFL grow thread.
Ive been watering them every other day, i just water them till they have runoff at the bottom

& pics will be up in a few days(hopefully they dont completely die by then :neutral:)


Active Member
I'm using MG soil that feeds for 3 months, Ive never heard of anyone having pH problems with it, only good reviews
so unless someone is dumping limestone in my soil secretly im sure pH is not an issue here
MG soil has a high PH to begin with - maybe your water also has a high PH and has changed the soil PH. Check your water!


Active Member
thats the same thing i was thinking timmy. i would cut back on the watering till the soil was just dry as a bone then just add enough to wet it reall good i rarely get any runoff when i water i think personally that if you add lots of water to the nute added soil it releases to much for the lil plants to handle all at once.


Well-Known Member
I'm using MG soil that feeds for 3 months, Ive never heard of anyone having pH problems with it, only good reviews
so unless someone is dumping limestone in my soil secretly im sure pH is not an issue here
Limestone would be an improvement.

I have DIRECT experience with seedlings in time release MG soil. The stuff SUCKS.

Are you going to veg for 3 months?? Of course not! So why would you want a soil pumping nitrogen into the plant during flowering? You DONT!!

These soils will reduce yield, lengthen flowering time, and drive you nuts! MG soil for seedlings is your problem!

Everytime you water, you release copious amounts of nitrogen, which your young plant is not ready for! Water as little as possible and transplant into better soil !!

MG soil has a high PH to begin with - maybe your water also has a high PH and has changed the soil PH. Check your water!
The soil has TOO LOW a ph for seedlings. It is hot with 3 months of nutes!
like i said Ive just been using plain ol' bottled water, so i don't think the pH is a problem in the water either(unless they put something weird in bottled water)
thanks for bringing that to my attention though nitro im defenitly going to cut back on the water!


Well-Known Member
Im tellin ya man...

Read my post b4 this one...I am not bein a douche nor I know it all, but this.....I know my shit on this no if's and's or buts's.
Limestone would be an improvement.

I have DIRECT experience with seedlings in time release MG soil. The stuff SUCKS.

Are you going to veg for 3 months?? Of course not! So why would you want a soil pumping nitrogen into the plant during flowering? You DONT!!

These soils will reduce yield, lengthen flowering time, and drive you nuts! MG soil for seedlings is your problem!

Everytime you water, you release copious amounts of nitrogen, which your young plant is not ready for! Water as little as possible and transplant into better soil !!

The soil has TOO LOW a ph for seedlings. It is hot with 3 months of nutes!

thanks for the input as i said im going to cut down on watering, and im going to switch to MG organic choice soil which ive read is alot safer
to be honest though i think its the lights that are the problem
im only using 4 soft white cfl's, they are 13watt but then they say 60watt replacement too.

im almost shure this isnt enough to sustain 2 i right?


Active Member
theres half the problem as well bro the soft white bulbs are for flowering they have a kelvin rating of 2700 to 3000 which is not what your babies need right now you should be using daylight or full spectrum which will have a kelin rating of 6500 or so and they will look like they are blue versus the orange tone you have now change your lights and cut back on the watering and you should be fine.
yeah looks like im gonna have to make a trip to wally world and actually put a few bucks into this project. should be worth it though, now all i need to worry about is ventilation.

anyone ever tried hooking up a PC fan to a 12V adapter and accidently fried the fan in the process?

I need a new fan or a new idea haha


Well-Known Member
Here is what I would do, and did for my first grow.

Transplant into Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and use their nutes when the time comes for them.

Go get 9x 23 watt 6500k CFL's as mentioned (blue light). That will get you through for veg.

How tall is your grow space?


Well-Known Member
yeah looks like im gonna have to make a trip to wally world and actually put a few bucks into this project. should be worth it though, now all i need to worry about is ventilation.

anyone ever tried hooking up a PC fan to a 12V adapter and accidently fried the fan in the process?

I need a new fan or a new idea haha
How big is your grow room? Walmart has powerful fans for cheap. You can get a little 6" fan with enough power for $12.

I spent about $200 on my first grow, with CFL's, started in MG soil and MG nutes, switched to Fox Farm...yielded 3.9z's from two plants....
How big is your grow room? Walmart has powerful fans for cheap. You can get a little 6" fan with enough power for $12.

I spent about $200 on my first grow, with CFL's, started in MG soil and MG nutes, switched to Fox Farm...yielded 3.9z's from two plants....
My grow box is about 3 feet tall and about 1 and half foot wide
I wanted to use a PC fan because they are fairly quiet and exactly the right size i need, so im probably just gonna end up bumming one off a friend.
Is there any way you couldve increased your yield?more lights?nutes?
hey all i just replaced the current 4 cfl's (13 watt 2700K each) with 4 different cfl's i had laying around(14 watt 3500K each). Not much of a difference i know but i noticed they had more of a blueish tint like i was told to go for, and they are 800K higher. Im doing everything i can to make shure my babies stay alive:hump: