can you scrog sativa

nz green

Active Member
iv got 2 sativas indoor under 400mh in 30litre buckets on a top feeding recycle system i want 2 scrog it iv neva done it b4 and iv red that its beta 2 scrog with indica any1 got any advice and pics wud be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
iv got 2 sativas indoor under 400mh in 30litre buckets on a top feeding recycle system i want 2 scrog it iv neva done it b4 and iv red that its beta 2 scrog with indica any1 got any advice and pics wud be much appreciated.
I have the same question. Got a bunch of sativa clones that I want to throw into flowering. Their parents stretched way too much during the first week or so of flowering and I figured to prevent that this time around I could SCROG them. Has anyone done this with sativa, I was thinking such a lanky plant would be good for SCROG where as a stout indica there is no need to SCROG?

nz green

Active Member
I have the same question. Got a bunch of sativa clones that I want to throw into flowering. Their parents stretched way too much during the first week or so of flowering and I figured to prevent that this time around I could SCROG them. Has anyone done this with sativa, I was thinking such a lanky plant would be good for SCROG where as a stout indica there is no need to SCROG?
exactly what i thought top it young and let it stretch across the screen im thinking dont weav it just keep tuking it under until the rest levels out near enough then 12/12 im hoping anyway

nz green

Active Member
sory about the spelling man first post ever any way i was looking at your pics my medium is pumis im noticing some green type algae stuff were the water is dripping you have any clues


Well-Known Member
exactly what i thought top it young and let it stretch across the screen im thinking dont weav it just keep tuking it under until the rest levels out near enough then 12/12 im hoping anyway
I would do just that. I was reading uncle bens 4 cola post and was thinking about doing that to a sativa under a SCROG.

Steps would be something like:

1) take clone - let it root
2) once rooted put in veg until 5-6 nodes tall.
3) cut just above 2nd true node
4) wait a week and let it grow a little and recover from shock (if any).
5) when I see it is doing good and growing throw it in 12/12.

Once in 12/12 the plant will explode with growth for a week. 4 main colas will stretch up to the screen, train them in a way that exposes all bud sites horizontally....chill and wait and hope for the best?


Well-Known Member
Absolutely. Sea of Green is entirely possible with sativa. However, size of the grow space and time to harvest would have to be adjusted dramatically. It's a matter of scale. Which is exactly why indica/indica-dominant varieties are preferred for Sea of Green.

Btw, you need a helluva lot more than two plants to conduct a Sea of Green grow, regardless of type.

nz green

Active Member
Absolutely. Sea of Green is entirely possible with sativa. However, size of the grow space and time to harvest would have to be adjusted dramatically. It's a matter of scale. Which is exactly why indica/indica-dominant varieties are preferred for Sea of Green.

Btw, you need a helluva lot more than two plants to conduct a Sea of Green grow, regardless of type.
kool man but im not going for a sea of green i want to use a mesh screen iv seen it with 1 plant and it yielded ova a pound

nz green

Active Member
to jjf1978 sounds good but i wud veg untill a majority of the screen is full about 70% then turn it and let it stretch out thats what i was gona do anyway itl take longer because sativa takes longer to mature anyway plus the time it takes to let the screen fill


Well-Known Member
kool man but im not going for a sea of green i want to use a mesh screen iv seen it with 1 plant and it yielded ova a pound
Please refer to the topic of the thread. The thread you created.

ScrOG is an acronym for Sea of Green.

EDIT: SCROG is NOT an acronym for Sea of Green. My mistake.


Please refer to the topic of the thread. The thread you created.

ScrOG is an acronym for Sea of Green.

No SoG is Sea of Green. Scrog is for Screen of Green. Completely different. He is talking about doing a screen of green.

And yes you can Scrog with a sativa. Try to FIM it and then just weave it as it grows to help support to buds that will grow


Well-Known Member
Both are the same: SOG and ScrOG.

SOG/ScrOG is a perpetual harvest technique which employs the use use of screens for support. It requires multiple grow chambers for seedling/clones, vegetation, and flowering. Furthermore, it requires the use of mother plants.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sea of Green (SOG) is the theory of harvesting lots of small plants, matured early to get the fastest production of buds available. Instead of growing a few plants for a longer period of time, in the same space many smaller plants are grown that mature faster and in less time. Thus, less time is required between crops. This is important to you when the electricity bill comes each month. One crop can be started while another is maturing, and a continuous harvest, year round can be maintained. 4 plants per square foot will be a good start for seedlings. 1 plant per square foot will allow plenty of room for each plant to grow a large top cola, but will not allow for much bottom branching. This is OK since indoors, these bottom branches are always shaded anyway, and will not grow very well unless given additional light and space. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The indoor grower quickly realizes that plants that are too tall do not produce enough at the bottom to make the extra growing time used worth while. An exception to this rule would be if it is intended the plants are to go outside at some point, and it is expected that the light/shading issue will not be a factor at that point. The plants, if started at the same time, should create what is called a "green canopy" that traps most of the light at the top level of the plants. Little light will penetrate below this level, since the plants are so close together.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The gardener is attempting to concentrate on the top of the plant, and use the light and space to the best advantage, in as little time as possible. Use of nylon poultry fence or similar trellising laid out over the green canopy will support the plants as they start to droop under the weight of heavy fruiting tops. Stakes can be used too, but are not as easy to install for plants in the middle and back of the room, where reach is more difficult. It's easy to want big plants, since they will produce more yield per plant, but it's usually better with limited space to grow smaller plants that mature faster and pack into smaller spaces. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sea of Green was developed in Holland. Instead of fitting 4 large plants in that small room, fit 12 small ones on a shelf above 12 other small plants. These plants take only 3-4 months to mature from germination to ripe buds, and harvesting takes place constantly, since there is both a vegetative and flowering area devoted to each, with harvests every 45-60 days. It's not the size of the plant, but the maturity and quality of the product that counts. Twice as many plants grown half as big will fill the grow space twice as fast, so harvests take place almost twice as often. Get good at picking early flowering plants, and propagate only those that are of the best quality. 6" square containers will allow for 4 plants per square foot. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You may also gauge by the size of your growing tray (for passive hydroponics); I like kitty litter boxes. ($3 each at Target) Planted 4 per square foot, (for vegetative seedlings) a 12 sq. ft. closet will hold 48 seedlings on one shelf. In my case, I use 4" rockwool cubes that fit into kitty litter pans @ 12 cubes per pan. I can get 5 pans onto a 12 sq. ft. closet upper shelf, so that is 60 seedlings on one small shelf! For flowering indoors, 1 plant per sq. ft. is a good rule of thumb for SOG. If less plants are grown in this size space, it will take them longer to fill the space, thus more electricity and time will be used to create the same amount of product. If more than one plant p.s.f. is attempted, the grower will soon find that plants thus crowded tend to be more stem than bud, and the total harvest may be reduced, so be cautious. It's good to avoid "topping" your plants if you want them to grow as fast as possible.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]It's better just to grow 2 or 4 times more plants, since they will produce more, faster, in the same space. Also, "training" plants with twist-ties is a great way to get them to bush out a bit. Just take any type of plastic or paper twist tie and wrap it around the top of the plant, then pull it over until the top is bent over 90-180 degrees and then attach this to the main stem lower on the plant. Do this for one week and then release the plant from it's bond. The plant can be trained in this fashion to take less vertical space and to grow bushier, to fill the grow space and force lower limbs to grow upward and join the green canopy. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This technique takes advantage of the fact that if the top is pulled over, it creates a hormonal condition in the plant that makes it bush out at all lower internodes. Sea of Green entails growing to harvest the main cola (top) of the plant. Bottom branches are trimmed to increase air flow under the "blanket" of growing tops. Use these cuttings for clones, as they are the easiest part of the plant to root. It's also the fastest part of the plant to regenerate after flowering has occurred.[/FONT]
www . concept 420 . com/marijuana_sea_of_green.htm

EDIT: I was wrong.

I've SOGed but never Scrogged.


Well-Known Member
Sea of Green and Screen of Green are two completely different methods of growing. You do not need multiple chambers for scrog but with you sog you do need multiple chambers. Scrog uses from one to multiple plants on one screen. SoG is multiple small clones that are put into flower directly after rooting to achieve full cola plants.

Screen of Green:

Sea of Green:


Well-Known Member
We'll have to agree to disagree.

Is the 'scrog' you reference strictly a hydro method?

EDIT: Again, I was incorrect.


Well-Known Member
No scrog is Screen of Green. It is where you place a screen over a plant or plants and weave all the new growth underneath and over the screen so that it grows out not up. You can do it in any type of medium. It is not agreeing to disagree it is you being wrong. They are two completely different growing methods. Please do not spread false information around this website. If they were the same why is there two different sections of the FAQ dedicated one for Scrog and one for Sog. Read up both of these links so you can know for yourself that the two methods are far from the same thing.

