big yield with no nutes


Active Member
i keep reading about problems with soil grows, ph levels and blah blah and so on but i just a have one question. i watched a short bio and weed and how it became what it is today and back then there was no fox farm and all those other nutes and it seem to work out fine back then for a while. but now with all these nutes out there which are proven products, it just seem that with all these knew products is causing alot problems with the plants. im not old and im a noobie but im just going to see what will happen if i continue to use rain water in my closet and grow naturally what will happen, because using rain water you should not have ph level problems, my second question is whats the worst can happen if i continue to use rain water without no nutes. i read about old schoolers growing plants with yields high as a pound with nutes ,so correct me if im wrong if im saying being patient will grow a proper plant...:peace:


Well-Known Member
i've seen many grows start to finish and it deffentily grows without adding nutes, i say adding because theres naturally nutes in soil.
clearly nutes are proven products, and everyone uses them because when in pot and with limited soil theirs only so much nutes in the soil
personally when growing outdoors i plant directly into soil and use no nute , with great yeilds


Well-Known Member
if your only using rain water, hopefully you live somewhere where there isn't any pollution in the air. rain water where i live isn't as clean as you think it is. get a reverse osmosis machine ;)


Well-Known Member
i think it all depends on what soil you use to begin with and how many nutrients are in the soil.if you have shit soil , chances are you will have to add nutrients to it or you will have shit weed.this is why i use pre nuted soils . don't have to fuss with em, so long as you keep on a good watering schedule.:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
Growing outdoors and indoors is like apples and oranges. We try to replicate all the conditions to include lighting and nutrients. Outdoor soil has been conditioned forever with things like compost, dead animals, shit, worms, fruit, nuts and who knows what other things like bacteria and fungus etc... Growing in your closet with straight up dirt and a light will not give your plant what it needs to grow properly. This plant has been throughly studied and therefore lines of nutes has been developed to give it what it needs to flourish.

Of course you have a few courses of action with one being organic nutes and another being chemical nutes....or you can do nothing at all and see what you get. I'm willing to bet that you will suffer greatly without nutes in your closet grow.


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Growing outdoors and indoors is like apples and oranges. We try to replicate all the conditions to include lighting and nutrients. Outdoor soil has been conditioned forever with things like compost, dead animals, shit, worms, fruit, nuts and who knows what other things like bacteria and fungus etc... Growing in your closet with straight up dirt and a light will not give your plant what it needs to grow properly. This plant has been throughly studied and therefore lines of nutes has been developed to give it what it needs to flourish.

Of course you have a few courses of action with one being organic nutes and another being chemical nutes....or you can do nothing at all and see what you get. I'm willing to bet that you will suffer greatly without nutes in your closet grow.

Right on Boneman.

What if he is getting his dirt from outdoors? I would think it could probably go start to finish and produce some flowers, but the nutes would be used up pretty quick and not replaced, so your plant won't be the best it could be.

But then you've got all sorts of things living in your soil...unless you sterilize it...but would it retain the nutrients...?


Well-Known Member
i think it all depends on what soil you use to begin with and how many nutrients are in the soil.if you have shit soil , chances are you will have to add nutrients to it or you will have shit weed.this is why i use pre nuted soils . don't have to fuss with em, so long as you keep on a good watering schedule.:joint::joint:
Exactly. No two growing mediums are the same. A MJ plant WILL require nutrients. How much is dependant on SOOOO many factors. Do want weed, or do you want good weed, or do want excellent weed?
What you really need to do is learn about organic growing without CHEMICAL fertilizer. Use compost and molasses and natural soil enrichment. If you know what your doing, you dont have to spend a single penny on "nutes".


Well-Known Member
Right on Boneman.

What if he is getting his dirt from outdoors? I would think it could probably go start to finish and produce some flowers, but the nutes would be used up pretty quick and not replaced, so your plant won't be the best it could be.

But then you've got all sorts of things living in your soil...unless you sterilize it...but would it retain the nutrients...?
Exactly :hump: Growing is like any other hobby and with that comes the love of money and the love of making money on the part of people trying to make it easier by producing lines of nutes. I am totally sold on BMO's line of organic nutes (ebay store) and I have only used the Super Plant Tonic (root innoculant) on my girls, but I have used the grow it green on some of the other stuff I have growing around the house. I did get their entire line and will be using it on the next grow.


Active Member
thanks for all you guys advice log story short, still replicating outdoor conditions with a indoor grow is virtually impossible to grow with no nutes because of the natural soil in the ground and soil you buy from your local store makes since thanks again guys and gals


Well-Known Member
You don't always need nutes indoors.

The times when you do are
1 hydro
2 bad soil or grow media without much nutrient
3 too small a pot

The times when you don't
1 you're pot is huge and you start with half decent soil
2 you're pot is just right, and you start with great soil (better than ocean forrest)

It doesn't matter if you're growing indoors or out, your plant needs a certain amount of building material to grow and it either get's it from the media alone or the nutes you give it. Even outdoor grows can suck if you're try growing in clay or sand. The difference is outdoors, the roots can stretch a lot further to find nutrients.