My clones arnt looking to good. help plz!


Well-Known Member
Getting a little more technical. I know you are concerned.
I just looked at the tray the cubes are in. Ideally, you would want to keep at least a little water in there at the base of the rockwool...just a little. And "ideally" you will want to keep that water clean.....change it out daily and use good water.
Finally, when I say "mist".....I am speaking about misting the cubes themself with a sprayer. Moisture to the clone attempting to root needs to be a gradual kind of light watering. By spraying from the top, you give it the moisture it needs, and by having just that little bit of added water in the tray itself, you give it something to feed off of from the bottom. But don't spray the leaves.


New Member
o i had water in there but the cubes are soaked now so i took the remaining out and plan on putting some more back in there! as for me taking up the cuts ya i took 2 of them out and didnt see nothing so i just put clonex back on and stuck them back in the cubes! i do spray the leaves about 2 times a day cuz theres no roots to take up and feed off the water! i read it somewhere on this forum! well its been a lil over a week ill give it one more week and pull another one up to see if any roots have formed or anything! thanks guys ill take a few pics tomorrow so u guys can see them, im gonna make a diy cloning maching after this batch

phil le b

Well-Known Member
I cut them at a 45 deg angle, dipped them in clonex and trimmed a lil and put in a soaked rockwool cube and misted plants and top of dome box and they have been on there for 2 or 3 days and all of them are wilty and look dead none of them are perking up or looking good no fresh growth, does someone know where i messed up at??
i had the same thing happen to me i think u jus got to keep trying to u get it one of my mate said srape the out side at bottom and 45 agle to sounds like u r doing it right thats how i do it but have a look at my pics and comment

phil le b

Well-Known Member
Getting a little more technical. I know you are concerned.
I just looked at the tray the cubes are in. Ideally, you would want to keep at least a little water in there at the base of the rockwool...just a little. And "ideally" you will want to keep that water clean.....change it out daily and use good water.
Finally, when I say "mist".....I am speaking about misting the cubes themself with a sprayer. Moisture to the clone attempting to root needs to be a gradual kind of light watering. By spraying from the top, you give it the moisture it needs, and by having just that little bit of added water in the tray itself, you give it something to feed off of from the bottom. But don't spray the leaves.
y not spary the leaf i had a few clones and they died ??????????


New Member
ok guys its been 15 days and i still dont have any roots! not one has poped through! none of them are wilty or nothing they just dont have roots they are a lil yellow i think cuz maybe it was too hot in there! do i leave the heat mat on 24/7??? and leave the lid vents closed??? i take off the lid once a day to give it fresh air! a couple leafs have died and some are yellow at the edges!


Well-Known Member
Any clone you pulled out of the rockwool, if you didn't inspect the tip---do it now. The tip may have dried over, thus not allowing proper water apsorption.
When placing a clone in their new "home"....never take them out to search for roots.
Looking a little more closely, your clones look healthy.......only inspect the yellowing one.


New Member
Any clone you pulled out of the rockwool, if you didn't inspect the tip---do it now. The tip may have dried over, thus not allowing proper water apsorption.
When placing a clone in their new "home"....never take them out to search for roots.
Looking a little more closely, your clones look healthy.......only inspect the yellowing one.

i havent took a clone out of the rockwool since a week ago, i woke up this morning (day 16) and i pulled one out and there was nothin no roots or nothin! i think ill just throw all these away cuz there pissing me off and a waste of time and i guess ill invest in a ezcloner and start over, its been 16 days and not even a lil bump on the clone i took out!


Well-Known Member
If those are clones from a good strain, it would be foolish to throw them away just because they don't have roots. I think your problem is the rockwool.
Again, those clones are nowhere near death. If you want roots, place them the tips of them in water.....find yourself a more suitable medium. You are going to be growing in dirt, yes? Use seed starter mix. Just nip the ends, so as to have a fresh start......dip in the clonex. Make sure to prepare that medium by making it moist, but not completely drenched.
It would be such a waste to just throw those away.
I just recently cut a clone and I placed in water to later "plant." I didn't realize that I had accidentally knocked it out of its water. It was all shriveled and looked dead. I put it back in the later, it's vibrant as can be.
F.Y.I clones tend to wilt abit after taking the cuttings,and you dont have to water so often,just mist inside the dome evey so often and oepn the done to let in fresh air every so often as well and your clones should be fine and they should recover after a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
dude i know what ur problem is....i did the same thing with my first batch of clones.

first of all. ditch the dome after 3-5 days. and stop misting the leaves so much too after that. if you keep foliar feeding them through the leaves its gonna stunt root growth because they are getting what they need to stay alive through the leaves. let that rockwool dry out!. your gonna rot your stems if you keep it up. the way i do it is to let it dry out almost bone dry then water it to promote root length. the drier you let it get the longer the roots get searching for water.

1. ditch the humidity dome.
2. stop foliar feeding.
3. let that rockwool get dry!! your gonna rot those babies.

p.s. things are gonna look worse before it gets better. almost all the leaves on them now will turn yellow as the roots grow. then the new growth will start.

follow these directions and youll be fine. good luck.


Well-Known Member
SlipperyP cloning steps

Here is the steps I follow when cloning....I have had good success with these steps...I hope this helps.

I use an old aquarium.

It works well and it had a temperature sticker on the side of it. I just used plastic wrap to cover the top.

1. Start off by getting a clean area to work.

2. Make sure you have your rooting gel or powder, a container of water big enough to do cuttings in, SHARP scissors, and some pre-soaked peat pellets.

3. Spray the aquarium down with hydrogen peroxide.

4. Get a get amount of your rooting agent on your scissors and poke holes int the peat pellets to prepare a home to poke the clones after cutting. I like to get a bunch of the hormone in the hole.

5. Pick your branch for cloning confidently cut it. I like to have a couple sets of nodes. I peel the skin of the plant back by breaking the bottom node apart and peeling the little branches off. This exposes fresh skin to heal.

6. Place the cutting under water and take a 45 degree cut, get some root hormone on the bottom of the cutting and plug it into the peat pod.

7. Use your fingers and poke the peat pod shut so no light gets in around the stem. Place under a small florescent tube light 24 hours a day for a week or so.

8. Don't over water them...i just use the spray bottle of low ppm water (rain water) to do my watering when they look dry, let them breath a couple of times a day by taking the plastic back for a few minutes. Mist them about ounce a day, and don't do too much to them.

Also...I don't have to worry about it but for people who are trying to stay on the DL disposing of rockwool is also a consideration.


Well-Known Member
Your main problem has been over watering with the secondary problem....leave them alone after they are in the cubes.

From the pics, your rockwool has been too wet from the start. After you soak the rockwool in your ph'd solution, hold the cube on two sides and flip the water out of the cube like you would a sponge. Don't squeeze the cube because it breaks down areas for oxygen and moisture to stay. The cube will be fairly light after this. Then put your cut clones in the cubes and spray them 2 to 3 times a day. Keep the humidity dome on and spray the inside of it also. If you grow in soil, why not start with the Jiffy peat pellets that swell when you soak them in water?


New Member
stop misting!!!! u dont want them getting water through their leaves anymore u want them to root!

well everyone ya my cubes have been wet since the beginning i soaked them and put the cuts in! so now i took all the water out iof the tray and im letting the cubes dry up a lil! so dont mist anymore???? should i put water back in the tyray then????


Well-Known Member
LOL......sorry. Everyone has SO confused you--yet given good advice. What you should do is get a new medium.
If you are growing in soil eventually, it only makes sense to root in peat or soil.


New Member
so pull the 17 day old cuts out of the rockrool and put them directly in soil or seed starter pods? or are you talking about the next time i cut some clones???

theres no water in my dome! i misted once earlier today! what should i do now???


Well-Known Member
The best advise you have been given is to quit pulling them out of the rockwool. If they DID have roots, you would tear them off trying to look at them. There is nothing wrong with rockwool. A lot of people have great success with it. You can get roots in just about any medium if you have a little patience. If you must check for roots all the time, use an aero system. Thats what I did. The roots grow in the air so you can look at them 20 times a day if you feel you need to. The main thing to remember is this shit takes time. If you need instant gratification, play a video game or something. Marijuana is a weed, it will grow unless you stop it from doing so. Dont give up, that first joint of your own bud is worth the wait.


New Member
The best advise you have been given is to quit pulling them out of the rockwool. If they DID have roots, you would tear them off trying to look at them. There is nothing wrong with rockwool. A lot of people have great success with it. You can get roots in just about any medium if you have a little patience. If you must check for roots all the time, use an aero system. Thats what I did. The roots grow in the air so you can look at them 20 times a day if you feel you need to. The main thing to remember is this shit takes time. If you need instant gratification, play a video game or something. Marijuana is a weed, it will grow unless you stop it from doing so. Dont give up, that first joint of your own bud is worth the wait.

i was thinking about building one after these set of clones! so right now my tray has no water and it looks pretty dry in there and the dome isnt humid! SO I SHOULD NOT MIST ANYMORE???? how do i get the dome humid again, the cubes were drenched so thats why i drained all the water out! should i add a lil water in the tray so the cubes get water or spray the dome????? sorry guys this is my first gro and my first set of clones i cut!