North Carolina outdoor 2009


Well-Known Member
Chance all week though :(

In a couple months we're all going to be bitching about how dry it is!


Well-Known Member
yea i'm def not looking forward to our annual drought. anyone have experience with polymer crystals? luckily my shit is only about 100ft from a small year round creek.

bought some Plant Life Bud Start today for the indoor, I've used Ton of Bud with good results in the past so I thought i'd give it a run.

6 plants, 4 unnamed hybrids, at least 2 Kush plants (got seeds mixed up so i'm not 100% sure what's what). they're under 6 23w 2700k CFLs (12 soon), started from seed on 12/12. I use 1 gallon grow bags, and I'm trying out MG Organic Choice potting mix. I usually grow with MH/HPS and Fox Farm soil, but this is budget grow. They are being fed Fox Farm Peace of Mind 5-5-5 as of now. only had a chance to snap one pic so far...



Well-Known Member
Visited the girls tonight. The Super Skunk is starting to get an odor. I noticed it about 25 ft away tonight. Kind of a mix of chocolate and dogshit, haha. The clones are coming along nicely. No pics of those yet. I sprayed all the girls again tonight with safer soap to keep pesky bugs away. Anyway here are some pics.




Well-Known Member
Man, these past few days of sunshine have been perfect for my plants!

The soil has dried out enough to put some food in there and hopefully we won't get too many elongated rain storms at least until next month or July.

All the plants look great fellas!


Well-Known Member
Nice what kinda girls do you have there
a friend of mine brought some bud back from Mexico, and it was some really good smoke so we decided to grow some of the seeds out. after selecting traits we wanted, we ended up with what we have. most come out looking Indica dominant, but we've had a few odd balls which are taller and lankier. one of our best females was stressed out to the point of becoming a hermy and seeded itself, which turned out to be femmed seeds. I've been selecting our best from those, which I plan to cross with Northern Lights hopefully to increase yield and add hybrid vigor. it smokes like a kush plant, real hashy taste, kinda like sandalwood. out of all the femmed seeds grown so far, no males, and no hermies.

As I said somewhere before, my friend was told the bud he got in mexi was brought there during the late 70s-80s from the Afghanistan / India region to be grown by locals for drug cartels, which would explain why it grows and smokes just like a Kush.



Well-Known Member
Visited the girls tonight. The Super Skunk is starting to get an odor. I noticed it about 25 ft away tonight. Kind of a mix of chocolate and dogshit, haha. The clones are coming along nicely. No pics of those yet. I sprayed all the girls again tonight with safer soap to keep pesky bugs away. Anyway here are some pics.


looking great! some of those are going to be huge!

thanks for the compliment on the mylar, a lot of patience and staples.


Well-Known Member
Wow. 3 days in a row without rain.

Sub - I hope they are monsters. The big girl has about a month head start on all the others. If I remember correctly that seed was germinated Feb 15th. So if all goes right she'll be almost 7 months at harvest.



Well-Known Member
some shots of some veggies before it got dark...

the ones in the ground are yellow crook neck squash, and the containers include bell & habanero peppers which i just got today.

i'll snap a pic of my tomatoes and other shit when i get a chance.



Well-Known Member
Did you go with a raised bed or straight in the ground? I'll try to remember to get some pics of Mrs. Wonka's veggie garden tonight.



Active Member
Got some shit in the mountains and some shit at the coast going outdoors right now.... which will do better....??? only time will tell. good luck to the rest of you. Overgrow NC


Active Member
forgot to mention the strain, I've got some really special seeds that my friend brought back from india. the famed Parvati Valley charas plant. I'm hoping to see what these plants look like sensemillia and breed them in the future. btw some charas turn into trees!


Active Member
nah, that is a pic from google of the plant growing in India. I've topped my charas in an attempt to keep them a little shorter, but it would be awesome to grow one out monster style if I didn't have to be stealth.


Well-Known Member
I ordered OG Kush and Pineapple Express seeds from Attitude last night. Gonna do them indoors during the winter. I'm anxious to see how the pineapple turns out.

I fed my girls last night with a mix of Fox Farm grow big and big bloom. My super skunks are looking good and the Afghan Kush is starting to have crystal formation.

One thing I like about growing pot is it is the only plant you can see daily change with.
