Bud Problems - help diagnose! (PICS)


Well-Known Member
Well my plants were doing fine up to a week ago. They are currently in week 7 of flowering...The temperature in my grow tent rose to like 90-92 for a night or two...I have a lot of circulation in the tent. 2 inline fans sucking air in / out. A fan blowing air onto the plants, not directly its set back a little but I read not to blow air onto them as it can dry out the leaves. The temps are usually 84-88F. The tent is pretty dry, humidity is around 37-38%. I don't really know what happened. When I touch the bud its all crispy and to me looks burnt...this is so disheartening after 7 weeks of work I surely hope my crop does not go south.

Oh also check out the picture of the top of the one plant, it looks healthy and has nice white pistils comming up...



Well-Known Member
looks to be a defficiency! are you using any nutrients to feed your girls? and is it just me or do i see ball sacks at the top of the plant on the very first pic?!


Well-Known Member
Ok so I gave it a closer examination. It seems both plans are experiencing this curling / drying / burning leaf affect at mid level. The very bottom popcorn buds are fine and the tops both really look healthy. I have a small fan on the floor blowing air up to the plants, they are ~2.5 feet tall. I looked at the direction of the air from the fan and it would be exactly at the mid level where this is happening. Could it be the fan drying out the leaves combined with the low humidity and the spike in heat and the fact I may have missed a wattering could have caused this? Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Any ideas? Could it be bud rott, some sort of nutrient burn or just temperature problem?


Well-Known Member
i say she's done her job, made seeds and is now dieing,

how did she get up the duff, did u have a male,or a hemi.

if its not a hemi you could cut her back to the bottom bits that are still good, then re-veg her.


Well-Known Member
i say she's done her job, made seeds and is now dieing,

how did she get up the duff, did u have a male,or a hemi.

if its not a hemi you could cut her back to the bottom bits that are still good, then re-veg her.
She isn't a hermi but I had a hermi in there with her and took it out after a while. What you said makes sense because her seeds are real nice looking, definitely mature and finished! I actually am germinating a few right now :)


Well-Known Member
yeah looks like those seeds are done not much bud though you could have a new killer strain though
Hehe yeah we'll see what comes from it. I'm hoping to get some more bud on that plant but I dont know if I'll have much luck in that area. She was seeded when her first flowers came up so they closed upon pollinated and bud production basically stopped. Was hoping a few more buds would crop up but eh..might just chop her ass down after the flush and start fresh :)