First Joint Doctor Diesel Ryder Grow


Active Member
Ok so im getting some regular diesel ryder seeds soon and i just need some recommendations on nutes.

I plan on doing everything outdoors im located in New York and going with FoxFarm Ocean Forest with some extra perlite.

Tell me what you think.
What works the best with these lowryders outdoors.

Also instead of transplanting into 3 gallon bags i wanna go and put it directly into the ground.


Well-Known Member
I would just say easy on the nutes. I grew mine indoors in soil, but they did not like any of the nutes I gave them. The only feedings that didnt cause burning, were with very diluted nutrients. I think the trick is to just use good potting soil. The nutes in the soil alone fed my plant (with just water) for the first month without seeing any signs of nute defficiency. Then I started burning them by feeding nutes, so I eased up on the concentration. hope it helps.