Maybe a faster way to determine sex?


Active Member
Ive been lurking around here for awhile now,
learning as much as I can trying to find the best way for me to start my first grow.

I was thinking about how annoying it would be to ScrOG a plant all the way to flowering that you didnt know the sex of,
only to find out it was male and have to untangle the plant and start over with a new seed.
I can probably only ScrOG one plant at a time due to space restrictions..

But then I can thinking...
The plant shows sex about 1 week into flowering yeah?
Would it be possible to take a clone of the unknown sex plant a few weeks into its vege period,
get the clone started and throw it into 12/12 lighting straight away to determine the the sex?
This way you would know the sex of the mother before its even half way through vegetation?

Is this possible? Or am i dreaming...

Thanks :D

EDIT: Too long? Didnt read? :
Take clone from plant in 2 weeks into vegetation.
Get clone reasonably healthy then throw it straight into 12/12 to dertemine sex of the original pant.
You just found out the sex of the original plant before it finishes vegetation?
Would this work?

ol man

Active Member
A plant isn't likely to start showing any sex signs in one week, there may be some that will sex in a week, but not likely, that's the first thing..... The second thing is why not sex a plant before doing any of what you're talking about........germinate, then veggy for for a week or two, then sex the plant, but keep in mind, when you sex a plant, you are flowering that plant, it will take time to revert it back to vegging......but sex the plants before you clone or anything else, saves you time and confusion........


Well-Known Member
Would it be possible to take a clone of the unknown sex plant a few weeks into its vege period,
get the clone started and throw it into 12/12 lighting straight away to determine the the sex?
of course, that's what the pro's do.


Well-Known Member
I heard that putting the plant into flowering and then reverting it back to veg reduces the quality of the strain, no evidence to back this up its just what I heard.


That isn't what he's suggesting, he's suggesting a kind of "sacrifice the clone for the greater good" type of thing. Growing an inferior plant (clone) and forcing it to flower before your main plant. Considering it has the same genetics, the clone can be used to sex determine before the main plant, and you can avoid tending to a male plant.

I'm just reiterating what he's trying to get across, it sounds logical to me, but I'm kind of an amateur.