Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Hi folks, hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. Our weekend was fun and got alot of chores done around the house, long overdo so that makes me feel good.

hi uncle ben i was wondering if you could help me out for a sec. I have 40 clones that have been vegging for 5 days now and i was wondering when the perfect time would be to cut the top off? i read ur guide a few times and it says to cut as soon as there are some true nodes. i understand what u mean with true nodes but my question is how long should the nodes be in order to classify them as true nodes?

You must be thinking about the space between the nodes. That is an internode. Top when you have a well rooted plant, about 6 nodes total is fine.

iappreciate your help and ur discovery is fucking awsome mad respect

Glad you're having some fun and find it of value. Funny, but someone posted a link to an indoor garden by Arjan of Greenhouse Seeds about a year ago and here he was topping alot of plants to 4 main colas. I just about died laughing. I've been doing it to cannabis for over 10 years. I consider myself an expert when it comes to playing games with mama nature's hormones regarding apical dominance. On my farm, I not only practice branching which creates multiple terminal leaders like your 4 main colas but I can force/train a plant or a tree back to a single terminal leader too. You just have to understand plants. Hormones control everything including germination which is just a fancy name for bring an embryo out of dormancy.

I also understand it is very strain dependant...which is why I am asking if anyone has done Critical Plus and applied these methods...let me know. Thanks in advance!

It is not strain dependent. Hormones are hormones whether they reside in a sativa, indica or your typical mutt.

Good luck,
you should start a seed company and do some crazy strains....

I've done alot of crosses and given away alot of seeds. Weirdest cross was a Posi. Jack Herer X Sensi Skunk that auto flowered upon the 8th node. Yielded some great sativa bud, 25 oz.
YOU ARE THE MAN! I've been doing a lot of reading about different ways to grow and ways to get good yields and after reading this thread, I am just amazed at the yield from 1 plant. Fantastic!
when is it too late to do the cut? can this be done to a plant that is already a big tree? i guesse what im asking is are there any time constraints?
this WW is 26" tall .... less than a half gallon of soil
3 main-ish colas ... but not topped at the 2nd node

I have a question UB I've been reading through most of this thread SORRY in advance if you've answered this question already,, I know how repeating things over can be quite a hassle,but would it be beneficial at all to ALSO apply the SCROG method???I've been growing for several years using several different techniques but I've never combined these two.I mean I have the time to experiment and try it myself but I was hoping if you could share some of your wisdom with me I would greatly appreciate it.
I think UB really only uses screens in pipes and windows..:)
Not that you couldn't string 4 tops through a screen if you're dead set on doing so, but this method usually works out to be pretty light efficient without a screen..
I think UB really only uses screens in pipes and windows..:)
Not that you couldn't string 4 tops through a screen if you're dead set on doing so, but this method usually works out to be pretty light efficient without a screen..

Hi everyone!

Thanks for answering a question that has been asked before. jcdws602, the issue is light efficiency as it applies to photosynthesis, as mentioned.

420weedman, looking good. Can't argue with that kinda success.

Stay free,
Hi everyone!

420weedman, looking good. Can't argue with that kinda success.

Stay free,

thanks man, that one came out to be a successful experiment.:hump:
i have one that is topped at the 2nd node and has 4 colas ... but its a indica so not as thick with bud. but its doing better than my first couple clones i flowered

also i have another WW .. topped at maybe the 3rd node and flowered pretty short .. has a nice top of big buds on it as well only 10" tall (4-5main branches)... ill take a pic of her soon too:peace:
Great Comment Merahoon
Yeah I agree. I personally like to try all the new crosses and what not just to try different flavors and to get different highs or mixed highs. I don't like how peolpe just put a name on something like you said. Thats just stupid. If a strain is made, it should show its lineage and be called something similar to what it came from. UB I'm not highjacking your thread just going to add something funny to it. This link is to Katt Williams sketch on weed. In his sketch he talks about people random names on their weed. Take seven minutes of your time to watch it if you haven't seen it.

Right on Merahoon !!

I agree with YOU !! Gimme a lineage .. all these names ... they seem to be like .. a bunch of catch phrases used by salesmen to promote the latest fads .. I'm a Sativa Believer !! And I agree with a number of posts above .. Uncle Ben is a MASTER !! and i agree with ALL his guidelines ... B2Kspam knows what the F#$ he's talkin' about too !!

And .. Merahoon .. thanks for the Kat Willliams segment !! .. EXCELLENT ! LMAO !!! your topping Expt's look great too !! Live and Learn !!

Thanks to everyone for good info and good replies, sincere questions and great answers !!
After u topp to get 4 main colas how long does it take for the plant to show any progress in makin the new 4?
K. Thankx Bt
Are u serious?
Where u find that info?
...Sounds like u trying 2 be a smart ass lol
After u topp to get 4 main colas how long does it take for the plant to show any progress in makin the new 4?

its not making a new 4 ... they are already there they just become the new tops. id say 2 weeks and you see them more pronounced
uncle ben, i know rep is over rated just a bit here but im sending some your way regardless. thank you for this very informative info. i am a 4 year vet with soil, new to deep water culture. however with my bubba kush i have in soil, i did exactly what your topping post informed me of, and today i have 6 bubbas in my garden, 5th week into flowering, 4 of them have 4 true colas, and 1 has 3 colas- (human error & a windy day) and 1 has 2 colas. i was able to achieve this all within a 2 month veg cycle before going into flowering. its amazing to see this happen for the first time and hard to believe, but, its hard not to believe when i look outside at my topped plants w/ multiple colas. this method is super easy and informative. thanks!
uncle ben, i know rep is over rated just a bit here but im sending some your way regardless. thank you for this very informative info. i am a 4 year vet with soil, new to deep water culture. however with my bubba kush i have in soil, i did exactly what your topping post informed me of, and today i have 6 bubbas in my garden, 5th week into flowering, 4 of them have 4 true colas, and 1 has 3 colas- (human error & a windy day) and 1 has 2 colas. i was able to achieve this all within a 2 month veg cycle before going into flowering. its amazing to see this happen for the first time and hard to believe, but, its hard not to believe when i look outside at my topped plants w/ multiple colas. this method is super easy and informative. thanks!

Wow! Thanks for taking the time to share your story. Happy harvest!

Actually lilkc, I've seen born2killspam "do it" in much less time, at least 36 nanoseconds. It's all in the balance.

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