Noob Mistake-Over Fert Prob? Do I flush? How?

Hello there.... I hate to link to my post, but I don't want to repost into a new forum. Basically the problem I'm having stems from over-fert. You can prob just read and get the gist, if you want more detail:

Summary- I had been giving the plants too much water, too often and in addition too much fertilizer, especially since they were already in pre-fert soil. I've now transplanted them from small pots with miracle grow soil (about the amount of dirt that would fit into 2 solo cups) into larger 3 gallon pots.

My Question is this:
Given that all the soil surrounding the repot is fresh organic unfert soil, because of that I have no idea how much water I should I flush with. I'm unsure about the amount and also plan to use a salt leaching solution.

Also- doesn't over-watering hurt the plants? Will I just put a ridiculous amount of water through the soil until it's saturated and then just let them dry out for a week and recover??


Well-Known Member
those plants are to young for that much nutes, because u have soil with nutes in it...when u flush do it with PH'ed water tell your run off is the same...just let them do there thing tell u see they want food,then go easy on them use 1/4 nutes and go from there. they also maybe have a lack of mag,see how there yellow from the bottom up??...are you use tap water??
no but it may be lacking cal/mag....i had the same prob go get botinacares cal/mag and add it to ur watering,that should help alot
well i'm in luck, i bought a sample kit of botanicare and it just happens to have cal mag in it!

So my next steps are...
1.) flush each plant with about 1000mL of water w/ clearex (salt leaching solution) on each plant
2.) let them dry up for 3-5 days
3.) start feeding again with pH water + calmag - 1 week
4.) start up the nutrients again at 1/4 strength


Well-Known Member
well i'm in luck, i bought a sample kit of botanicare and it just happens to have cal mag in it!

So my next steps are...
1.) flush each plant with about 1000mL of water w/ clearex (salt leaching solution) on each plant
2.) let them dry up for 3-5 days
3.) start feeding again with pH water + calmag - 1 week
4.) start up the nutrients again at 1/4 strength
yeah that sounds good to me...i never used clearex before but thinking of trying it when i start my flush befor harvest..good luck:peace:..MEANGREEN.
Here is 1 week after the flush.
they've been watered once since the flush and I think so far so good.

They are about 4 weeks old (since seeds) currently. I think I stunned them from overwater/overfert, otherwise maybe they would be bigger.

Thx for the help on telling me to flush!

