How much longer? Jack Herer , Sour Jack 65 days into 12/12


Active Member
The trichs have been nearly all cloudy for a week or more on the short one, and have just gone all cloudy on the larger plant. Neither have more than a few amber trichs but both strains are reaching the upper limit of their flowering time ( about 70-72 days ) How long should I let them run?

Also, I'm not sure which strain is which, so any help with identification would be appreciated.

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
looks like it could go a little longer to me. I would let the hairs brown and keep checking the trichs.. let it go, maybe.... a week and a half..
After all, you have to really let it go, before it gets over-done.


Active Member
Thanks Puffer, I read somewhere that Jack has a pretty narrow window to harvest for peak potency. I also pollinated the lower branches about five weeks ago. Any ideas on how long it takes before the seeds get ripe? Would the time differ btw a sativa and an indica? Thanks


Active Member
i dont know about flowering time but as for seeds, just wait it out and the seeds will fall out on their own or even a little shake will drop your seeds.

jeff f

New Member
the photo on the left looks like week r 2. pic on right needs some time maybe 3 weeks, for seeds figure out how many seeds you want to germ. get a rough count with the buds and let those buds on the plant. let that many on the plant till they basically fall off the plant by touching it.

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
sativa's take a little longer ( up to 14 weeks) than indicas, but if your checking trichs you would want Amber/Cloudy on the indicas, and all cloudy on the sativas. If you chop early you won't get the full potential of this thing that you just baby-ed for 3 months. so just let it go.. i know it sucks, but it will fun to smoke your own dank ass weed.


Well-Known Member
im still working on my first grow (check my sig) so im not totally positive but i would think after everything ive learned during this is that once the bottom buds mature (which for you were germinated) then the tops should be well done. so under that, and assuming that what was posted here already is true, then once the seeds are done and falling out or can easily be knocked out, then i would assume your entire plant is done.

for the pictures, are those two different plants or the same one just with a different color filter and photo angle?


Active Member
I saved some pollen from a couple of my males and pollinated the lower branches on my girls so I have a few dozen seeds for my upcoming outdoor grow while still having nice sinsemilla colas on the top.

Puffer, where did you find out that the optimum trich color depends on whether it is a Sativa or not?


Active Member
See how your plant still looks really healthy and green and lush. When its ready it will look tired. Worn out from growing. Trichs are very important but look at the whole plant also.
BTW, your plants look really good. I like how they are short, one cola, and tight fan leaves.

Also, keep in mind ya still gotta dry and cure for like 2 weeks or more so theres really no rush.