New Member
damn man your kind of an asshole i got the money order yesterday i work lots of hours. chill out


Well-Known Member
Well over a month later and still nothing, hmmm

You would think people would man up!

What do you think people??

If your going to throw in a contest and DECLARE a winner, would you follow through?

Don't be scared voice your opinions, if you read this post a comment.


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Dick move, considering the time everyone took out of there day to view your useless, idiotic garbage thread
Wow I am heated! Im in the process of building on of these DIY Nutramists and just spent over an hour reading this thread to find out the results, and I dont just skim thru threads! I wanna know everything! Pros, cons, deficiencies, root issues, and it just ends outta nowhere like the damn Sopranos!
Why would you have to shut down because your girl was cheatin anyway? I mean thats shitty as hell but I dont get it, if Hoho's girl caught him screwin around I would understand him being worried about her pullin the ol okydoke on him but she cheated on him... I guess its just an all around shakey situation.
This all points back to the GOLDEN RULE people! Dont tell nobody! He shouldve watched that SeemoreBuds video a little closer and put a mirror on hinges in front of his growroom door! I know there are always exceptions to the rule cause everybody has that one person that they can "trust" but you have to plan for situations like this. If your girl is the crazy type that some of us like that will snitch on you when shit hits the fan then she cant know! Same for crazy friends, brothers and sisters, moms and dads, whoever they are.
Im done rantin and ravin yall but after spendin an hour to find out that the final pages of the book are missing I had ta vent real quick!
I just picked up all the materials to build the Nutramist today. Ill be running my special little pheno of chocolope thru flower for the first time. My buddy is running the first batch of clones now and somehow she has only stretched from 10 inches at the start of 12/12 to 15 inches at the end of the stretch! Those of you that know The Choc also know that she normally stretches to almost 3 times her original size so needless to say if she produces and is as potent as her sisters this will be one amazing little pheno.
So for eveybody that got to the end of this thread and felt extremely fleeced the results of this DIY Nutramist system will be coming soon to a thread near you!

Oh and PS Worldwide I wouldnt have sent you shit either man. Especially after reading post after post of annoying ass comments and trying ta win a punk ass 40 bucks first off of a poorly worded contest and then off of a technicality. I mean I know you were jokin but you know you were half serious too man. Give the guy a break, his girl was fuckin around and he had ta shut everything down after all that hard work with nothing ta show for it and no girl! I woulda been way more pissed about not seein the results than that damn 40 bucks!