Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!

It's odd how some people assume if you don't care for Obama, that you must somehow be defending Bush or "war hero" McCain.

Has either Bush or Obama endorsed an audit or replacement of the Federal Reserve banking system? Why not? Did or will either shrink the size of government, decrease a ridiculous public debt or endorse your right to excercise control over your own body or your own labor? Why not?

Getting caught up in the name calling serves one purpose, to keep US arguing, while THEY laugh and print more Federal Reserve debt notes, that you are on the hook for.

It's okay to not like Bush. It's okay to not like Obama...It's okay to not like either...really. Okay I'll go polish my tinfoil hat now.

Oh one more thing...just because a majority of people believe something doesn't make it so...the world isn't flat remember? Ronald Reagan was considered popular, freedom loving even, yet he was a big proponent of the war on drugs, thus making him anti freedom despite his flag waving rhetoric. Reagan SAID when government expands liberty contracts, he was right, but he didn't practice what he preached which seems to be the ultimate qualifier to be President. The arc of the pendulum swings every election or so but nothing really changes when false dichotomies reign.
Just in time for April Fool's Day,Frontpage Magazine's Andrew Walden has a post up, beseeching at long last his fellow travelers to cease promulgating one of the more ornate and insane conspiracy theories about Barack Obama:
A fairly impressive internet industry has sprung up claiming that Obama was born in either Kenya or Indonesia. This is nonsense which distracts from the broadly unexplored story of Obama's upbringing. This kind of nonsense has emerged because the McCain campaign chose not to raise the many questions about Barack Obama's numerous hard-left alliances. Barack Obama was born in Hawai'i, August 4, 1961 at Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu.​
What Walden is describing is the so-called "Birther" movement, of people who believe that Obama is not an American citizen. You see, by their thinking, a elaborate conspiracy and cover-up has been staged by Obama's parents, various foreigners, state and federal officials, and any number of bureaucrats to make it seem like Barack Obama is an American citizen when actually he is not.
Then, the members of this strange cabal, having pulled off their diabolical trick, sat back for a number of decades, in the hopes that Obama might one day run for president. It's the perfect crime, obviously. For an added challenge, they gave Obama the middle name "Hussein" - betting that decades later, the United States would install a dictator in Iraq by that name and then, even later, go to war with that guy, twice! I tell you, it's genius.
So it's nice to see someone, anyone, strongly inveighing against this nonsense. But if you look closely, what Walden is actually doing is substituting an utterly insane conspiracy theory with a thunderously obtuse one:
By refusing media requests for a look at the actual paper birth certificate, Obama's campaign gave sly backhanded assistance to the forgery hype. The internet release of the birth certificate via hyper-partisan website Daily Kos on June 12 before posting it on a campaign website was likely calculated to fuel the frenzy. This is Obama's Gramscian strategy designed to redirect the opposition down a blind alley. It was so successful that Hawai'i government offices found themselves inundated with telephone calls from mainland voters in the days before the November 4 election.​
Ahh, you see! This whole annoying "Birther" phenomenon happened PRECISELY AT THE MOMENT OBAMA PLANNED IT, so he could...uhm...tie up some phones in Hawaii? Because Hawaiian government officials would have prevented a "Granscian strategy designed to redirect the opposition down a blind alley," where presumably all the "many questions about Barack Obama's numerous hard-left alliances," would have actually been raised.
Leaving aside the fact that all of those supposed alliances were raised, repeatedly, by the media, over and over and over and over again (to the point that the reason McCain didn't raise them again was simply because their campaign, so bent on winning the news cycle, wouldn't have derived any benefit from picking over old news), there was another way this cunning Obama stratagem could have been foiled: EVERYONE COULD HAVE BEEN PERFECTLY REASONABLE ABOUT OBAMA'S OBVIOUSLY LEGAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Walden concludes his piece by saying, "It is time for folks to stop being played by the Obama campaign and drop this counter productive 'phony birth certificate' nonsense." And next year at this time, he can call on people to drop this counter productive "Obama manipulated the phony birth certificate nonsense" nonsense.

yes, the Obama camp has spent over a million dollars defending themselves against a hoax RATHER than simply PRODUCING a bona fide birth certificate. Yah, it's simply a hoax. I'll settle for his College admission application which has also MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED.... again, a hoax for which a million dollars must be spent.
It's odd how some people assume if you don't care for Obama, that you must somehow be defending Bush or "war hero" McCain.

Has either Bush or Obama endorsed an audit or replacement of the Federal Reserve banking system? Why not? Did or will either shrink the size of government, decrease a ridiculous public debt or endorse your right to excercise control over your own body or your own labor? Why not?

Getting caught up in the name calling serves one purpose, to keep US arguing, while THEY laugh and print more Federal Reserve debt notes, that you are on the hook for.

It's okay to not like Bush. It's okay to not like Obama...It's okay to not like either...really. Okay I'll go polish my tinfoil hat now.

Oh one more thing...just because a majority of people believe something doesn't make it so...the world isn't flat remember? Ronald Reagan was considered popular, freedom loving even, yet he was a big proponent of the war on drugs, thus making him anti freedom despite his flag waving rhetoric. Reagan SAID when government expands liberty contracts, he was right, but he didn't practice what he preached which seems to be the ultimate qualifier to be President. The arc of the pendulum swings every election or so but nothing really changes when false dichotomies reign.


I couldnt agree more. +rep :joint::peace:
It's odd how some people assume if you don't care for Obama, that you must somehow be defending Bush or "war hero" McCain.

Has either Bush or Obama endorsed an audit or replacement of the Federal Reserve banking system? Why not? Did or will either shrink the size of government, decrease a ridiculous public debt or endorse your right to excercise control over your own body or your own labor? Why not?

Getting caught up in the name calling serves one purpose, to keep US arguing, while THEY laugh and print more Federal Reserve debt notes, that you are on the hook for.

It's okay to not like Bush. It's okay to not like Obama...It's okay to not like either...really. Okay I'll go polish my tinfoil hat now.

Oh one more thing...just because a majority of people believe something doesn't make it so...the world isn't flat remember? Ronald Reagan was considered popular, freedom loving even, yet he was a big proponent of the war on drugs, thus making him anti freedom despite his flag waving rhetoric. Reagan SAID when government expands liberty contracts, he was right, but he didn't practice what he preached which seems to be the ultimate qualifier to be President. The arc of the pendulum swings every election or so but nothing really changes when false dichotomies reign.

Is it okay to Hate Both?
interesting why dont you enlighten us to what he is doing a great job at?
1. Our current president knows how to speak clearly and effectively
2. Our current president knows how to bring world leaders together (whether friends or enemies)
3. Our current president knows how to attack a problem or issue before it blows out of proportion
4. Our current president is highly educated and uses his knowledge for the BENEFIT of America
5. Our current president is not contracting jobs that take away from our armed forces
6. Our current president is fair to ALL people
7. Our current president is spending money mainly to benefit our future as a country, not for his own gain.
8. Our current president looks to hire the appropriate person for the job, his appointments are based on factual evidence.
9. Our current president has changed the world's view of the USA (almost instantaneously)
10. *** Our current president told us what he was going to do(campaign trail), explained what he was doing... while doing it (first 100 days), has a clear picture of how to move forward productively ***

Don't forget that if this mess of gigantic proportions was left for him, after a surplus of titanic proportions was left for the previous president... In all fairness, just to have small victories at this point is phenominal... In any event, I am proud to be an American and proud of the entire US for voting for change in this country. The price of freedom is not free, so I am glad to do my part.

Last but not least... this is a MJ forum... President Obama may not legalize MJ in the US, but we know where he stands on the subject. During this prohibition of MJ, we know that our president is all for decriminalization of MJ... which is a HUGE step forward in the direction of legalization... at least leaving it up to the states to decide. Be aware of your local officials stand on this subject! I respect everyone's opinion here, and to move the country forward we need to ban together for legalization and at the very least decriminalization of MJ, while we have someone that will listen. Imagine legalization and taxation of MJ... I seriously doubt that there would be much of a debt, if any in states like CA, NJ, NY, etc... Shoot, I bet the country's debt would be eliminated within 2 years and imagine how many jobs that would create... not to mention tourists that want to come to the US for ALL of its freedoms and good smoke.

In closing, we don't complain as much about the price of cigarettes, cigars and alcohol... we might, but we don't boycott them... unless we are sick and dying... Hemp will not allow you to overdose on it, its all natural, and we can use the plants not only to smoke... http://students.ou.edu/W/Elicia.A.Wallach-1/usesofhemp.htm
Shoot, I bet the country's debt would be eliminated within 2 years and imagine how many jobs that would create... not to mention tourists that want to come to the US for ALL of its freedoms and good smoke. Accordint to recent statistics, About 15 million, or 1/2 of 1% smoke pot on a regular basis. The revenue generated by taxing their use would be a provernial drop in the bucket, certainly not the kind of money needed to pay off the national debt. You pot smokers seem to think that since you smoke pot and your friends smoke pot, everyone must be doing it, It aint so people, 1/2 of 1% does not a majority make. If it weren't for liberals like me, there would be no medical Marijuana laws on the books either. I smoked for 30 years, gave it up over a good job and piss tests. Found that life after pot wasn't all that bad. Some people never outgrow the need for drugs, some do., BTW, THC is a drug, in case you were wondering, may not be physically addictive, but it sure as hell is mentally addictive. Don't believe me, try quitting.

i agree MM, taxation of legal MJ is not the answer for our gross national debt, but it is comforting that our president does not want to interfer with MJ state by state laws, and will not spend Justice Department revenue and precious resources on state legal operations. Not only that, but he see's the medical treatment of patients with marijuana completly reasonable. thats a huge step, no?
i agree MM, taxation of legal MJ is not the answer for our gross national debt, but it is comforting that our president does not want to interfer with MJ state by state laws, and will not spend Justice Department revenue and precious resources on state legal operations. Not only that, but he see's the medical treatment of patients with marijuana completly reasonable. thats a huge step, no?
Hey man, I'm an Obama fan all the way. I agree that medical MJ should be legalized. I also agree that recreational use for adults should not be criminalized, even legalization if it could be sold in liquor stores or something similar where it could be supervised and taxed. The tax should be designated for some special cause, like lung cancer or some disease that might be related. I'm not against MJ usage, and I even believe it has medical benefits, I just don't believe it is the panacea that most pot smokers think it is, I'd like to see more research into concentrated dosages in the treatment of cancer, like that "Run for the cure" guy.
Obama leads us to fascism and med man is all for him... that's nice.

i don't understand it either. how can people be so ignorant. I understand you med when it come's to your Liberal position (kind of). but can't you see whats happening right in front of you? i feel your behind him simply because he's a Democrat. :cry:
u guys are as bad as mel gibson in conspircy theory for real. were headed down a bumpy path, stap in and shut the fuck up. stock pile ur weapons, and canned food boys a revolution is coming.
u guys are as bad as mel gibson in conspircy theory for real. were headed down a bumpy path, stap in and shut the fuck up. stock pile ur weapons, and canned food boys a revolution is coming.
The bumpy path will not be of Obamas doing. He is trying to repair the damage done by the last regime. The dire straights we find the country in came about by de-regulation and greed. Sort of what all the righties on the site would like to see continue, de-regulation so their greed could continue. It is this stepping in by Obama that has them in hysterics, fuck-em.
dduo420 ...you mention leaving it up to the state's to decide regarding legalization. Why not leave it up to the individual to decide? Replacing the Federal Government whip with the State's whip skirts the issue of who owns your body.

Concerning taxing pot to balance the budget, get rid of the deficit etc. Why do you advocate applying more government force to cover fiscal irresponsibility? You are against initiating force aren't you?
i agree MM, taxation of legal MJ is not the answer for our gross national debt, but it is comforting that our president does not want to interfer with MJ state by state laws, and will not spend Justice Department revenue and precious resources on state legal operations. Not only that, but he see's the medical treatment of patients with marijuana completly reasonable. thats a huge step, no?
well atleast there is that.
oops, nvm
You pot smokers seem to think that since you smoke pot and your friends smoke pot, everyone must be doing it,


You smoked for 30 years, then came out with that..., i expect that from somone who doesn't know, but 30 years??

For shame, thats all :?
The bumpy path will not be of Obamas doing. He is trying to repair the damage done by the last regime. The dire straights we find the country in came about by de-regulation and greed. Sort of what all the righties on the site would like to see continue, de-regulation so their greed could continue. It is this stepping in by Obama that has them in hysterics, fuck-em.

excuse me? not of obama's doing?

look how much he's grown government

LOOK how much he's spent...LOOk at how the dollar is sinking. (and don't compare it to the euro or canadian dollar cuz both of them have been steadily declining for a while now).

You need to escape this awful "right-left" mentality. Just get over it. Bush was a "conservative" who grew government by 1/3. Obama is a "liberal" who has revised the patriot act to include warrantless phone-tapping after he said he'd REPEAL the patriot act during his campaign.

But bush and obama are politicians...as for voters.

When i Look @ obama supporters who still ADHERE to this false paradigm I see one of two things:

the conservative voters, who go with whatever obama says or does and will support him regardless

the liberal voters, who make a million and one excuses to justify obama's policies


it is BEYOND me why anybody would limit their realms of thought by adopting such ridiculously false "terms" like libs, conservs, dems or repubs.

welcome to the world of neo-politics
And the sheep go Baa Baa Baa....

Obama is easily the greatest danger this country has ever faced...hollowing out the great wealth from 250 years of sweat and hard work.....an enemy within.