So This Morning I Found About 25+ plants


Active Member
Pyrex. Personal advice. Take it if you are going to smoke it. If you sell it for profit, dont do it. Im friends with those guys, Red bloodz, mostly Asian gang. They won't loose anything by 20 plants. They have alot more.

from Hamilton.


New Member
Pyrex. Personal advice. Take it if you are going to smoke it. If you sell it for profit, dont do it. Im friends with those guys, Red bloodz, mostly Asian gang. They won't loose anything by 20 plants. They have alot more.

from Hamilton.
asia gang!! LMFAO:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Active Member
by this time, i wouldve taken half of the plants, chopped em, trimmed em and left the guy a note saying " sorry man, but if i was a cop you'd be talking to me right now telling me why you have pot plants, and why they are 5ft down a path-on the side of a road, and you'd have no crop to be smiling at right now"


Active Member
in new york an ounce of strawberry cough or shiskaberry goes for 500/ounce, so you do the math -thats 8000 a pound, at a flat rate. you can make a lot of money if you just sell dimes twenties and eighths for 30, then quarters for 50, and 90 or 100 for a half. i get my ounces of OG Kush for 160 an ounce, but thats a good deal, and most of you will be paying at least 200 for an ounce. this just shows how much prices vary, and what a great friendship can do for your weed smoking


Well-Known Member
selling for 2k a pound, a pound of dank nets you 2k...

What's your point? No one sells pounds a gram at a time, that's retarded
Yeeeea.... guess you don't go out to clubs where people just want a quick gram to toke on and will pay $20 for it. Pound gone in a night no problem.

There are more ways to sell weed than just waiting for someone to call you going "I need a quarter."


Active Member
my buddy and i found a large patch when we were 11 on his neihbors property, before we could say a word he was flying up on his 4 wheeler, wetried twice after that to see them and he always ripped up on his quad within 2 minutes and we would run off the path into the bush and hide.he had cameras or motion sencors forsure. we didnt even want to steal them, we were just curious and used to throw rocks at cop cars and book it for fun so we had fun (when he lived in the city)after he moved we found this to be the closest thing. He knew it was us and came the 3rd time to his door and told his mom right infront of us"your kids found my plants, if anything bad happens this year you 3 are responsible,cop robbers dont giva fuck"(Iv never seen him without his rifle)
of coarse we never went back and i assume he had a good harvest.
this thread went in so many directions, from 25 found plants to 17 year old girls....i think the ones who mentioned looking at "16 or 17" year old girls should stop that habbit and buy a dvd or look at 18 or owuld you like coming home to your dad beign arrested becouse of your kiddy-snatch?
i know the fresh ones are tempting but go get them, dont download their photo's!!!(no one worry about me im with my "wife" of 5 years and im only 22.wish me luck)peace out crackers and cookies


Well-Known Member
grab em its gurilla grow, people shouldnt be going around on public land and doing that, its not there property, grow your own at your own property, if its public its public so grab em, whoever put em there shoulda known better
wow you guys are ragging on me for finding plants? that i stumbled across, but your both looking up "16-17" year old girls naked? now whos fucked up? you guys are sick
:weed:Taking plants you found and getting laid are two different things and looking at girls nekkid is a perfectly natural thing for boys of all ages to want to do. If she is posting her pictures on the internet then she must be wanting a little action herself. If I was younger I would probably want to go check her out myself but I'm still very much into my wife to worry over it.:hump:


Well-Known Member
alryt mate ... read the first couple of pages on this and i wouldnt listen to most of these people .. that was such a find and if i was you i would go nab dat shit, and growing outdoor which is not on your property it comes part in parcel of shit that can happen .. be that shit and be aload of green up lol i bet near enuff every1 here would lift dem ...