Any other plants besides weed that have THC


Well-Known Member
Well weed is deffiently my drug of choice by far, but I don't mind a few pills here an there, or some liquor but I'm not much of a drinker. Havn't tried any pschadelics...yet =D
yeah, I just smoke the weed every now and again. don't drink or anything. I wan to try the psychadelics badly man. I'll probably try to grow some shrooms sometime. not now though, something to be dealt with in the future since I have my own plant growing now =]


Well-Known Member
Lol yeah i've seen cardboard steamrollers before. One time i took a peice of drywall an convinced my 16 year old cousin it was crack an her take a huge drag of it, than I was like wow you;re a fucking moron you;d smoke crack if i acctully had some? lol

Sweet ima marijuana toker now, I acctully had 40 posts before today lol.
shit youve been posting away:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Actualy there are many smokeable plants used by cultures over the world. I don't know if any of them contains cannaboids, but smokeable they be.


Well-Known Member
my 2 mates decided to smoke a lemon herbal tea bag pure. They both said that they were absolutely fine but there knees went numb.... Weird


Well-Known Member
haaha idk i took the picture with my web cam im still kinda weary about smoking this bud. it would take about 3 plants 2 maKe a joints worth. and it does i just rolled one and smoked it and it didnt get me high at thinking it should be picked before it gets seeds in it because the crystall is already amber


I pondered the same question aloud with a friend who then said he heard Raspberry leaves have THC. So, being a highly experienced veteran at making honey hash oil I decided to get some butane and try it.

This was around November, so it was cold out. Fortunately in our yard we have a huge raspberry patch. I went out and gathered up any of the old leaves from the summer that hadn't fallen off. When I ran out of those I picked up as many as I could find on the ground. There was about a quarter pound of leaves. I then spent some time drying them out the rest of the way.

From there I proceeded to use the standard honey hash oil technique that I'd done so many times with butane. I ground up the leaves, loaded up my PVC pipe and proceeded to do a run.

The butane coming out the other end was yellowish and after a few seconds no more yellow so I stopped.

It took a few minutes for the extractant to dissipate in my warm water. The oil remaining was about 1/6 or so of what I'd get from typical cannabis 'trash'. However upon smoking it the taste and high were no different, albeit the oil was dryer than usual due to the season and oldness of the leaves.

If my oil production is expected to be low, what I like to do is take a bit of aluminum foil, and using a book or something I shape it around the object. Could be a bottle or whatever. But make sure the foil won't fall over in the water. A stable floating piece is what you need.

Leaving the foil in the warm water, do your run over this and everything will go on the foil. Which you can then cut up into pieces and smoke a little at a time right off the foil using a plastic tube while lighting the foil beneath.

For those fortunate enough to have lots of raspberries growing in the neighborhood, I found something which may be useful for economically getting the oil. Butane is to spendy. I'm going to try distillation. Found cheap ass kits here If I remember to do it, I'll post an update on my results from this.

Sittin On A Cloud

Well-Known Member
i reakon you should to a trial and error experiment and go around smoking heaps of plants to see if any give you the same or good effect
On 1000 ways to die these three teenagers smoked like a bush or something because they were out of green and it had some kind of poisonous chemical in it. It was pretty crazy.


dunno about the us but in the uk you can buy a herb called salvia from most smoking shops it dont have thc init you only need to take one hit from a bong hold it in for 30 sec then exhale and it makes you trip out sooo bad for about 10 mins search it on youtube its funny shit


Active Member
i tried to smoke the buds from a butterfly bush once.

other than the shittiest taste ive ever had in my mouth, and the worse cough of my other affect were felt.

i was 14 give me a break...


Active Member
dunno about the us but in the uk you can buy a herb called salvia from most smoking shops it dont have thc init you only need to take one hit from a bong hold it in for 30 sec then exhale and it makes you trip out sooo bad for about 10 mins search it on youtube its funny shit

you can get it here. best stuff to smoke is the extract rather than the actual plant.

my state recently outlawed it no more salvia for me. ive done it twice...shit is intense as hell


the best free high is def magic mushrooms in england they come up around september anyone ever done them ? i dry mine out grind em up and put them on pizza hahaha


Well-Known Member
cannabis beans

Jees, what does salvia have to do with cannabis, HARDLY comparable....
I actualy planted out two salvia cuttings today that rooted.... its still legal here.

I think the closest you are gonna get to pot is Kratom, although you eat or drink the leaves.
It does seem to fill the void of running out of pot.


i heard somewhere that if yo take out the inside of banna skin and bake it in an oven then smoke it its ment to get you high dunno if its true tho