day 8 of flower lookin ok??


Well-Known Member
Some of your lower leaves on the 3rd pic are a bit messed, but other than that, fab. Looks like your light distance was near perfect based on the tight ass node spacing. Good work! ;)


Well-Known Member
ya that 3rd pics plants has grown kinda wierd from the start. im growing in a 0.08-0.12-0.08 soil that i mixd a little perilite into and using technaflora nutes


Well-Known Member
I actually have no idea what to expect to be honest. My last grow was a dual spectrum CFL grow and I got exactly 1 ounce off of 1 single plant.. It was good.. but i think i may have stressed it through flower 1 to many times... my past grow also fell over because of weight 3 or 4 times...

But like i said.. with this 1000w I dunno what to expect... she is looking mighty healthy I just hope the clones i took off her take roots soon.. I just have them sitting in water by the window sill.. (water method)

any suggestions would be helpful


Well-Known Member
this is my first grow but so i cant really help but im pretty sure i wanna do a dual MH/HPS grow for the whole grow next time


Well-Known Member
I didnt actually have my HPS running for my whole grow either.. I vegged the plant until it was about 8-10"s under CFL's then switched it over to the 1000w sunmaster MH for 2 days to let it adjust to my new light.. and after that i switched the bulb for the hortilux super HPS and Changed over the nutrient regime.. and It has been loving the light off of that thing