DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever


Well-Known Member
700th, i'm such an ass, sorry jig, lol
dude, you are an ass, haha. It took me a bit to figure out what the hell you were talking about, but that's pretty funny.

Thor... thanks for sharing all that. I always enjoy you sharing your grow info, and the other stuff that comes with it as well. I really hope you have a fun weekend.

I'm pretty upset today becuase of some stuff that went down with my co-op. The place I go to get my herb was raided by the police.... and that is not even close to the worst of it. Here's a link to some of the story: (it's a long post)

My wife and I spent the morning protesting with maybe 60 others in front of the Pomona Police Department. Quite a few of the volunteers that work at the co-op are out on bail charged with felonies. They are holding one of the volunteers on $1 million bail.... how's that for crazy.

I talked to all kinds of offices in the city and they are all in it together apparently. The Police Department, City Council, Mayor, City Manager, and City Attourney.

The whole thing really pisses me off and what really hurts is that I so hate the police right now... in case you haven't read every one of my past posts I am not a detractor of law enforcement. I have never felt on the same team with them, but I respect what they do. The put themselves in dangerous positions to protect the general public... but my wife thinks all cops are crooked, and anyone who want to do that job only want to do it to fuck with people and frame people for crimes and beat people up.

After this incident I must say I am beginning to agree with my wife. And that makes me sad.


Well-Known Member
My buds are literally exploding. It looks like they are the popcorn things you do on the stove with the foil, you guys know what I'm talking about, right?


The buds are exploding outwards... like alien with the thing inside... It's like something is trying to get out that is trapped inside the buds.

I'm pretty excited about it, at the same time, I feel like I totally missed out on this growth for a while. But here it is now so no complaining.

I'll take picutes in the next hour or so. I'll make a new post for it tomorrow.

Hope all are well.


Well-Known Member
looks strange. Im excited for new pics. Yah I know what your talking about with the popcorn, and that is exactly what it looks like lol.

so sad about the grow shop. I myself dont think all cops are crooked, but it seems like more of them are every day. Its good that your protesting it. thats about all that can be done.


Well-Known Member
My buds are literally exploding. It looks like they are the popcorn things you do on the stove with the foil, you guys know what I'm talking about, right?


The buds are exploding outwards... like alien with the thing inside... It's like something is trying to get out that is trapped inside the buds.

I'm pretty excited about it, at the same time, I feel like I totally missed out on this growth for a while. But here it is now so no complaining.

I'll take picutes in the next hour or so. I'll make a new post for it tomorrow.

Hope all are well.
sounds like the G is kicking in nicely then!:hump:
I love fat chunky nuggs!!!!:hug:


Well-Known Member
Congrats Grower,

It only inspires me...

I think that's the only reason i follow on this forum, because it's inspiring, WAY TO GO!!! JigFresh!!!
HAHAHA, Can't even imagine what it feels to be looking at your buds growing and growing, to the point of exploding in thricomes...

Congrats again.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot for the nice words.

Here are the pics I promised.

I added 2 gallons of RO last night.

There are a few leaves doing interesting things. I figure it's just starting to finish things up, putting on a show.

The pic with arrows shows where the growth has been.




Well-Known Member
theres what you been waiting on. that nute lock didnt hurt ya as much as we feared. this swellingf was what i was speaking about when i said your buds look like they set up, but stopped swelling. now you can see what i was saying. 1st two weeks of 12/12 you get little hairs, 2nd round of 2 weeks, your bed sites "set up" 3rd round of 2 weeks they fill in, last 2 weeks, the hairs switch to colors instead of white (50 of your hairs should switch about 7 to 10 days b4 harvest) then, the real swelling will start. it will look like your plants took a big breath, they weill swell within the last 5 days or so, to about 50% or more bigger.

one night, it will look as big around as a redbull, next, it looks like a mickey bigmouth beercan.


Well-Known Member
got me SAT Radio on the grateful dead channel, got my rental all set up, got me a pile of rolled meds for the drive, leaving in the morning, 5 hours there, 6 hours for breakdown street, the show is 5 more hours, then, 6 hours home, i got a 2 hour window this way, to get car back.

jiggy man,

i got 2 rolled to blaze in drums, think of me at 8:30 tomorrow night. you can join in, in spirit.

i wish i could of been there for the protest, that is a messed up situ going on there in Pomona.


Well-Known Member
i noticed your tips are a bit brown. is that from the same time as the nute lock? that can be from low/high ph, but the most common reason is a touch too much nutes. every strain has a max nute level, the bad thing about multi strains in 1 res, is some want stronger nutes, some like it weak.


Well-Known Member
amazing those buds have grown a lot. That last pic shows a lot of huge trichs too. Those buds are going to be amazing. It looks like those hairs are starting to turn amber too. How long untill you pull?


Well-Known Member
one night, it will look as big around as a redbull, next, it looks like a mickey bigmouth beercan.
I'm hoping tomorrow is that day, haha.

jiggy man,

i got 2 rolled to blaze in drums, think of me at 8:30 tomorrow night. you can join in, in spirit.

i wish i could of been there for the protest, that is a messed up situ going on there in Pomona.
I'm going to roll one in a few, to smoke at the same time. I'll blaze mine around 8:45... make sure things get going there. Thanks for thinking of me.

I also really appreciate you wishing you could protest with us. It is a very disturbing situation and makes me mad that I once again feel like a criminal for using marijuana.

dam man that last pic is coverd in trichomes looks very frosty.... is that the white widow ??
That one is the Hindu Skunk... it's funny the white widow doesn't have half the trichs the HS does. I am guessing the environment was better suited for the HS, for whatever reason.

Also that bud is totally under the MH, it doesn't get any direct HPS.... It seems to me that the buds under the MH only have the most trichomes. The ones in the middle are the best looking with a good combination of being big and crystally. The ones under the HPS only look the fattest and meanest (if that makes any sense). The MH buds look nice and pretty, the HPS looks mean and hard.

i noticed your tips are a bit brown. is that from the same time as the nute lock?
Yeah... that all showed up during the low pH period. The yellow on the edge is new... and it's only on maybe 5 leaves total.

is there 2 different strains? 1 looks frostier than others looking good though man..
Yeah Hindu Kush and White Widow... funny though (as I just said) that the White Widow has maybe 30% of the trichs the Hindu Skunk does.

Pic 1 in my update (with the arrows) the bud on the left is Hindu Skunk, the middle and right are White Widow. The 4th pic is a close up of the biggest WW bud.

Thanks for all the interest guys.


Well-Known Member
how are the trichs looking now ?? does your camera have mirco on it ?
Thanks for always keeping on top of things hulk.... I'll go check now... haven't in a while. If I have the energy I'll try to take a pic of them, it's just really hard to do.

(you're invisible, i can tell)


Well-Known Member
i noticed your tips are a bit brown. is that from the same time as the nute lock? that can be from low/high ph, but the most common reason is a touch too much nutes. every strain has a max nute level, the bad thing about multi strains in 1 res, is some want stronger nutes, some like it weak.
it could be from the plant using up the laeves it dont need as extra budding energy. i see most plants turn that way with the starting of budding


Well-Known Member
Thanks brick... That's kinda what I was thinking. And now that we have someone who deals in bricks the journal it's pretty much complete. Thanks for stopping by.