Vegan Organic Nutes?


Active Member
Does anyone know where I can find Vegan nutes that are still organic? I know that earth juice has blood and bone meal in it.



Well-Known Member
Biogenesis Synergy is an all vegan stimulant I know. It is also the best stimulant I have ever used. They also make some other nutrients but I havent used them yet.


Well-Known Member
pura vida from tecknoflora is what your after my freind, great product, you can use a little or a ton, doesnt burn. all vegan and organic and works well in hydro too..


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know where I can find Vegan nutes that are still organic? I know that earth juice has blood and bone meal in it.

How about not using none at all and grow some of the best smoke you could ask for?

If you build your soil first, it takes more time but it is worth it.

Mix you a good soil with about 10% worm castings and five percent Bat Guano.

Then, mix it up and add some filtered or preferably rain water with some of your urine mixed in at about one to two parts urine to at least 10 parts water and give the soil a good drenching with it and give urine again once the plants are about one month old in Vegetation. and it will charge the soil with nitrogen and if you have a good diet, it will add other great things to the soil through your urine.

Once your soil is built to this point, add some live worms and let them start breeding.

Feed the worms veggie and fruit scraps and I even make the soil, fruit and Veggie smoothies at times and pour it in.

I also put a little scoop of outside dirt in the totes or pots and let the beasties in the soil start building also as I prefer to let them in the soil to contribute to my more Natural ways of growing than to worry about it being sterilized from the outside.

Once you have worms building up and you see rollie pollies and other beasties feeding on the scraps, you have living soil, that will almost compete with the beautiful and rich soil of nature.

Then, I roll my seeds in Myco Fungi and pour water with Myco Fungi in the totes over the dirt and put in the plants and watch them go!

At that point, I use nothing but two tablespoons of Molasses to every gallon of water and that is what I give them every other feeding from the time they are four to six weeks old.

I do use some Perrier natural Co2 water for spraying them a couple of times a week and they also like being sprayed with Natural Raw Honey and that is all that I use and the yield is good, but the quality and potentcy of the smoke is beyond anything that I have smoked " besides some of the good stuff from the old days that was grown in the sun. "

It is not really that difficult at all and the patience pays off with plants that never change color in the leaves and the buds get a tremendous amount of resin.

I always share any knowledge that I have freely.

Hope this helps, but if you are interested in producing very potent and more importantly " Healthy " smoke, this is a good way of doing it.

Feed the soil and beasties that help feed the plants.

Organics is the only way to go for me in my grows and in the things that I eat myself.

Be Blessed,

Rev. TheNatural



Well-Known Member
dude, he asked about VEGAN organic. bat guano is NOT vegan. neither are worm castings.
No disrespect, but you are wrong.

If a Vegan is worried about using worm castings and Bat Guano or any of the methods that I proposed for a grow, I can assure them that; " these are in nature as well and the building blocks of a good Organic grow to enhance the potentcy of the soil while you are getting it built up. "

Wether it is Bat Poo or Bird or Dog or cow, ect.ect.ect........there is no way to escape poo and it's ENORMOUS benefits.

There is probably not 1000 people in the U.S. that has a strict of diet as I and my wife have and I promise you my Vegan friend; " the way I outlined my technique to you, will give you the healthiest smoke that you could ever want and very potent and I will gladly answer any other questions you have, if healthy and organic smoke, is what you want to produce.

I am no expert, but my health is of the utmost importance to me and my wife and family and I would never give suggestions to anyone wth the intent of hurting them in any way.

In the end " the closer you can get to nature, the better your plants will treat you and the better quality and more healthy smoke, you will grow and that includes dealing with some poo.

If you had a plant outside in the ground and a bird pooed on it and then a dog came and pooed on it after eating some raw Meat, " I do not believe our Vegan friend would throw his tree away, unless he were extremely ignorant and uneducated. "

Nature has a way and a balance and that includes defecation from Herb eating beings and meat eating beings and otherwise.

The plants know no difference and get benefits from whatever they can and that includes and definately not limited to defecation and urine.

Just the truth.......even for a Vegan..

Good Luck to all in there attempts to grow the " Tree Of Knowledge. "

Be Blessed,

Rev. TheNatural


New Member
No matter how you slice it, bats and worms are animals~ hence not vegan. he did ask for vegan and though I think the whole concept of veganism is wrong-headed (we're all part of the food chain), let them grow Vegan.:peace:

No disrespect, but you are wrong.


Well-Known Member
its true, if youre vegan, you dont use any animal products, including guano and worm castings

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
The way i see it a vegan is a person that only eats fruit and veg. Now i bet you that some organic vegetables have been fed on some animal shit. Vegans can't escape eating fruit and veg that has been grown in some shit. Animals die might get buried and once in the ground gets used up in plants/veg we feed on the veg the lifecycle of the earth.

A vegan has to accept that they might be eating fruit and veg that has been feeding on some animals that eat meat shit. Also this applies to dead animals and insects that are in the soil.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
any plant grown has uptaked some broken down poo in the form of npk vegetarian ok fine but vegans not using animal poop as ferts come on thats ridiculous lol.


New Member
Yes, it's fucking nuts. welcome to Austin texas :hump:

Sorry, that's where I met my first "vegan grower". His shit is dank, even if he can't use shit.

Right, like the microorganisms are not shitting in the soil. :mrgreen:

everybody lives in thier own little fantasy anyway, let them believe they are not using any animal products. Cut off one half of this cycle, plant or animal, and we're fuct... anyone read "The Road"? Gonna be a (disapointing?) movie this summer. I wonder if it'll be the feel good movie of the summer?

any plant grown has uptaked some broken down poo in the form of npk vegetarian ok fine but vegans not using animal poop as ferts come on thats ridiculous lol.


Active Member
First off, The thing that I'm trying to do is grow some guilt-free herb. That means herb that doesn't Kill, herb that wasn't grown off of the flesh and bones of Slaughtered animals, or ones that have been moved post-mortem from their place of rest, ground up and sold as Miracle-Gro or whatever. Poop is fine in my book. Everything poops, poop is everywhere, no shit. The idea of growing without poop is dumb, I'll say that outright. Poop is normal and things growing in poop is normal. There's nothing wrong with poop-weed.

No matter how you slice it, bats and worms are animals~ hence not vegan. he did ask for vegan and though I think the whole concept of veganism is wrong-headed (we're all part of the food chain), let them grow Vegan.:peace:
That's right, we're all part of the food chain. Everything eats something else, then everything dies and gets eaten again. But WE, as rational and as a technologically advanced race, we do not NEED to killl things for substinance any longer. Why do something that is unnessesary, evironmentally damaging, unhealthy and unkind? Many creatures of this planet also have the ability to feel pain, pleasure, anger and such as we do. Just to put it into perspective, how would YOU like to be born and instantly taken away from your mother, branded with hot iron and forced into a life (and I use that word loosely) of imprisonment ,slavery, mistreatment, violence and so on. How would you like that? If you have no empathy for other beings on this planet, then that's your choice, and I respect that as long as you respect my choice to abstain from eating meat : )

Now i bet you that some organic vegetables have been fed on some animal shit. Vegans can't escape eating fruit and veg that has been grown in some shit. Animals die might get buried and once in the ground gets used up in plants/veg we feed on the veg the lifecycle of the earth.

A vegan has to accept that they might be eating fruit and veg that has been feeding on some animals that eat meat shit. Also this applies to dead animals and insects that are in the soil.
Well duh, everybody knows that : )

The ideology behind veganism is abstainance from the unnessesary murder of the sentient beings of this planet. Not to "[eat] only fruit and veg".

Veganism is not just a diet, it's a lifestyle.

Poop doesn't kill anything does it? An animal can live perfectly contently and poop all over the place, if someone wants to pick it up and feed it to their plants, why not?

It's natural for an animal to die and decompose as plant life grows out of the thouroghly enriched soil it left behind, but it's not natural for a perfectly healthy animal to be slaughtered so that people can eat it while their bodies are just as ready to receive plants but they choose to kill things because they taste better.

any plant grown has uptaked some broken down poo in the form of npk vegetarian ok fine but vegans not using animal poop as ferts come on thats ridiculous lol.

His shit is dank, even if he can't use shit.
You used the word "Can't" and I'd just like to point out that Veganism is a choice as is any other lifestyle, and to say that someone can't do something is a little closed minded. The idea of the inability to do something is one that blows my mind. Anybody can choose to do anything they want. There is nothing stopping anybody from doing anything that is physically possible. Often I find that the thing that really holds people back are preconceptions, which are no good because they constrain your perspective and stop you from seeing the whole picture.

Sorry, sometimes I rant.



Well-Known Member
WE, as rational and as a technologically advanced race, we do not NEED to killl things for substinance any longer. Why do something that is unnessesary, evironmentally damaging, unhealthy and unkind?
'Cause killing animals is fun as hell ...and their bloody flesh is quite delicious! :lol:
I worked at a slaughterhouse when I was in high school and it was amazingly enlightening.


New Member
further clarification then. you said VEGAN ferts. not vegetarian. Vegetarians have a more rational approach. they embrace some animal products whole heartedly. I was commenting on veganism.
No offense bro,
Just some clarification

It's real hard to offend me : )


Active Member
further clarification then. you said VEGAN ferts. not vegetarian. Vegetarians have a more rational approach. they embrace some animal products whole heartedly. I was commenting on veganism.
yup, i did say vegan, you're right.

though veganism and vegetarianism are have differences, the ideology is the same in my eyes. It is quite absurd to avoid feces and urine as they're waste products and taking them doesn't in any way disrespect them and I personally wouldn't see it rational to do that, some people might though. Things like milk though are different in my eyes, but again, it's all a matter of perspective.



Well-Known Member
No disrespect, but you are wrong.

If a Vegan is worried about using worm castings and Bat Guano or any of the methods that I proposed for a grow, I can assure them that; " these are in nature as well and the building blocks of a good Organic grow to enhance the potentcy of the soil while you are getting it built up. "

Wether it is Bat Poo or Bird or Dog or cow, ect.ect.ect........there is no way to escape poo and it's ENORMOUS benefits.

There is probably not 1000 people in the U.S. that has a strict of diet as I and my wife have and I promise you my Vegan friend; " the way I outlined my technique to you, will give you the healthiest smoke that you could ever want and very potent and I will gladly answer any other questions you have, if healthy and organic smoke, is what you want to produce.

I am no expert, but my health is of the utmost importance to me and my wife and family and I would never give suggestions to anyone wth the intent of hurting them in any way.

In the end " the closer you can get to nature, the better your plants will treat you and the better quality and more healthy smoke, you will grow and that includes dealing with some poo.

If you had a plant outside in the ground and a bird pooed on it and then a dog came and pooed on it after eating some raw Meat, " I do not believe our Vegan friend would throw his tree away, unless he were extremely ignorant and uneducated. "

Nature has a way and a balance and that includes defecation from Herb eating beings and meat eating beings and otherwise.

The plants know no difference and get benefits from whatever they can and that includes and definately not limited to defecation and urine.

Just the truth.......even for a Vegan..

Good Luck to all in there attempts to grow the " Tree Of Knowledge. "

Be Blessed,

Rev. TheNatural
I dont care if your vegan or not, there is such a thing as vegan nutrients, and they dont come from animals, they come from kelp, alfalfa and mollasses.

if you were a super hardcore vegan you wouldnt even eat figs because fig trees use fig wasps to pollinate and they die inside the fruit. honey isnt vegan either.

I dont give a shit about what you and your wif eat, the guy asked about vegan nutrients, you gave him bad info, and i corrected you.

go look at pura vida and maybe you will know what a "vegan nutrient" is.

whatever, im wasting no more time on you, believe what you want.