DWC 121 Total days 85 day flowering

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
DWC 121 Total days 85 day flowering

I'm not sure if my final plant is going to harvest with small bud points but the heads are forming and wonder if it's my lack of experience that this plant's OK and will harvest just later then the other 3, some 2 weeks ago?

I'm at April 13 121 days total 85 days flower on this plant.

Seems way slow but I may be wrong and just not patient

Top 44 should be ready normally in 65 days and I did make the mistake starting blooming some 10+ days early if thats a clue.



Major Tom

Well-Known Member
The problem was a light leak in the tent when I went into the grow room sometimes and it fk it up, back to veg, fixed the problem


Well-Known Member
Tom,man it looks like its dying man,sagging,spinagy ,burnt looking leaves,,,looks like you got some defficiencies,,whats the ppm and ph man?SOrry man but i had to say that it doesnt look too healthy!

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
Tom,man it looks like its dying man,sagging,spinagy ,burnt looking leaves,,,looks like you got some defficiencies,,whats the ppm and ph man?SOrry man but i had to say that it doesnt look too healthy!
Holy shit I think I know why my plant was having a hard time to bloom!!!!

The fucking CFL's glow for HOURS after you turn them off! :cuss::cuss::cuss:

I discovered this being on a war path to find any light leaks this being the first 12/12 day of my second grow :cuss::cuss::cuss:

Get in your bloom room next time and see how you can use the CFL's to walk around in the so called pitch black room, NOT :cuss::cuss::cuss:

There not old bulbs yet !

There on my bench in another room, just the bulbs and there STILL glowing WTF?

I will only use CFL during Veg ever again :cuss::cuss::cuss:

You can light seal the room but who would have thought the CFL's would be still glowing for hours afterwards inside the tent? :cuss::cuss::cuss:

Picture are of the poor thing hovering in veg confusion. :???:



Well-Known Member
it is showing signs of over nute.to me.not a defficiency,they startin to yellow all over now!


Well-Known Member
oh yea man,,that too,,haha im a lil stoned i forgot about that,,yes that is prolly fuckin shit up too...mine just went off like any other regul bulb...idk man!?!?ROSEMAN?

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
oh yea man,,that too,,haha im a lil stoned i forgot about that,,yes that is prolly fuckin shit up too...mine just went off like any other regul bulb...idk man!?!?ROSEMAN?
Someone said "CFL are luminescent so that can be a bit fooling but their time from full to off should only be dependant on the ballast.

I also doesn't make sense because many grow with CFL only and get to flowering.

It's a mystery! "

Now I'm not sure, :?

I shocked the plant with a 41 hr blackout to get her in gear and it went nuts making new bud points all over the plant and looks to be nice new growth.

So after a few day off 12/12 I went to 10/14 then a blackout.

She's now in the same space as the 2nd grow starting 12/12

Linda missed the bus and had to start over :-?



Well-Known Member
i had the same problen with my cfls . now i only run the hps during flower and never have had the same problem again


Well-Known Member
its cfls. i know i will piss alot of people off but i just dont think that cfls r the way to go during flowering. they do glow on for long time after turning them off


Active Member
Ahhhh you concur them, bitchen I agree too !
Thanks !
look idon't know anything about this, but, i saw on the discovery channel a program about tesla and some crazy plan to get rid of wires of the electric grid, his plan was to use some sort of electric field to light fluorescent lights so they wouldn't have to be plugged in. the guy on the program showed how he could hold a cfl near some sort of machine and it would glow dimly.

so anyways my point is, maybe you guys live near power lines? or somewhere that there's some sort of electro magnetic intereference? maybe you should see if it is something unhealthy to be liing in.

and now that i read this i see i sound a litttle crazy, oh well.

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
i had the same problen with my cfls . now i only run the hps during flower and never have had the same problem again
look idon't know anything about this, but, i saw on the discovery channel a program about tesla and some crazy plan to get rid of wires of the electric grid, his plan was to use some sort of electric field to light fluorescent lights so they wouldn't have to be plugged in. the guy on the program showed how he could hold a cfl near some sort of machine and it would glow dimly.

so anyways my point is, maybe you guys live near power lines? or somewhere that there's some sort of electro magnetic intereference? maybe you should see if it is something unhealthy to be liing in.

and now that i read this i see i sound a litttle crazy, oh well.
Yea cazy works :lol::mrgreen:, you can light up a FL with static so your not that far off


Well-Known Member
Holy shit I think I know why my plant was having a hard time to bloom!!!!

The fucking CFL's glow for HOURS after you turn them off!
I ain't never heard of such a thing as your describing. I also have a shitload of cfl's and when I turn them, off .....there off. No after glow at all.
Maybe your timer or off switch is defective and letting some wattage get thru.
Really my cfl's and room is dead black when that switch goes off, as yours should be. Check your equipment.


Well-Known Member
Just go 12/12 for flowering. Anything else will just fuck them up. The afterglow of the cfls won't change a thing. You fucked up somewhere else, it's not the cfl's. No I don't flower with cfls's, just common sense.

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
I ain't never heard of such a thing as your describing. I also have a shitload of cfl's and when I turn them, off .....there off. No after glow at all.
Maybe your timer or off switch is defective and letting some wattage get thru.
Really my cfl's and room is dead black when that switch goes off, as yours should be. Check your equipment.
Dude I made it clear EVEN on the bench OUT OF THE SOCKET they still glowed, check the thread

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
Just go 12/12 for flowering. Anything else will just fuck them up. The afterglow of the cfls won't change a thing. You fucked up somewhere else, it's not the cfl's. No I don't flower with cfls's, just common sense.
Just go 12/12 for flowering. Anything else will just fuck them up.
No shit
12/12 is what I'm looking for, not an hour+ of glowing CFL's, it's only common sense
The afterglow of the cfls won't change a thing.
It help re-veg my plant in the thread, read up and it dose change things with a hour+of this shit every night.
it's not the cfl's.
Another in thread agreed with my conclusions of the CFL glowing an hour to 2 and that adds up against the plant

No I don't flower with cfls's, just common sense
And some do flower with CFL's with great success

CFL are more stealth for good reason but with precaution and space I would rather use my 400 HSP then put up with anything but a solid 12 hours of pitch black.

This just in ...............

Originally Posted by timsatx1
i had the same problen with my cfls . now i only run the hps during flower and never have had the same problem again

Originally Posted by timsatx1
its cfls. i know it will piss alot of people off but i just dont think that cfls r the way to go during flowering. they do glow on for long time after turning them off
