PH = 5....yesterday it was low 6s

I have 2 flowering about 7days in..yesterday i checked the PH and it was in the low 6s. today i checked and its 5. what did i do, and what DO i do..?

*i water 500ml(about) every other day.
*using 1/1teaspoon of MG 18-18-21 to 1 liter of water.
*usefull info
I bought 1 of those 3-1 testers, it has ph,light,and moisture tester..($7 home Deep) anyway, i stuck it in the soil and it reads 5, so is that incorrect? should i be testing the water im adding instead? bc some1 just told me they are inaccurate in the soil,???
i just mixed a batch of 1/4 tsp of that shitty MG food, with my 1 liter of water. and stuck the PH tester in there, it reads 5. so i guess my question is, how do i get that batch of MG/water up to 7 before i feed it to my babies....????


Well-Known Member
If your in soil your ph needs to be 6.5-6.7 Ph fluxes with nutes and weather, so just test daily after you put in nutes.
so test the soil then? not the water? ok, well how do i get it up i said there @ 5, i want to fix them b4 they die....


Well-Known Member
There are many house hold items you can use, just google ph up.
Your welcome.
Ph is very important, with out proper ph the roots can not accept the nutes given to them.
UPDATE: i just checked that water that i let sit for an hour wit the MG 1/4tsp in it, the PH is now hi 6' my tester fucked or is it possible that the PH changed in an hour?


Well-Known Member
If you are useing tap water you need to let it sit out for 24 hrs so chlorine can spew away. As for ph change thats fast?