24 week experiment so far...


Well-Known Member
Alright, first time posting, but been on this board since I started my first grow in mid january.

I got some White Rhino (they don't seem to popular!) that I started indoors. After about 3 months in 5 gallon pots of fox farm ocean forest soil @ 65 degrees under 150w CFL apiece, I had to move them outdoors because the space was only 3.5ft tall I was using.

I planted these behind my house next to the pool deck which gets about 6 hrs of direct sunlight in late april. I water them every couple of days unless I know rain is coming. Weather here in Chicago is nice and warm now-a-days!

I plan on topping these plants in the next couple of days so they bush out, but I still don't even know if these are males or females. I've tried to clone about 6x so far and all my clones die after a day. Gonna try the water method this weekend and see what happens.

Anyways, here are some pictures taken from a shitty camera to show my progress so far! Tallest is 6.5ft and other is 5.4ft



Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. Those plants look nice and healthy. You may want to try just bending and tying it down instead of topping. You will need to determine if any are male and get rid of them. VV


Elite Rolling Society
For the water cloning, try dipping the tips in HONEY first, just the very end tip, then soak them.
You wil have to wait a while, til the days start being shorter, before you see signs of sex..........unless you try the paper bag trick.


Well-Known Member
Glad to be here! It's been a looooooooong 6 months since I started this grow and surprised they are as healthy as they are!

I'll look into the bending, thanks!

Dip in honey? Hmm, haven't heard that, but I'm willing to try anything at this point! I've been using the root hormone powder but I keep fuckin something up. Maybe the temp is too cold? I throw the clones in 3 gallon pots in ocean forest soil @ 65 degree temp under 150w CFL which are about 6 inches away. I keep the light on for 24hrs and would switch to 18/6 after a couple days, but I can never get that far....Will try the honey with the water method this weekend...thanks!


Elite Rolling Society
The HONEY is like an antibiotic, I am told, and prevents root rot and allows them to be in the water longer.

DJ Losh

Active Member
ah very nice, you're in a similar situation as me, i dont even know if i have a male or female, and im too lazy to go figure it out :P


Well-Known Member
Update: I just planted 5 clones. 3 in the soil again with the hormone powder under 150w CFL about 6inches away and the other 2 using the water method dipped in honey sitting in a plastic cup with about 2 inches of water on my windowstill which gets no direct sunlight.

Did I miss anything? I've failed 6x so far...


Well-Known Member
Update: Out of the 5 clones, 2 of them actually rooted after 2 weeks! They are both growing nicely now in their ocean forest soil! I'm gonna toss them in the flowering mode next week. Can't wait to see what happens!

Attached are pics I took last Friday...I never did top them as I was curious how tall these plants could get. I have no choice but to trim them down some now.




Well-Known Member
very nice man... so your in chicago? wow im only like 2 hours away.. maybe ill have to come over and help you harvest :)


Well-Known Member
wow those are some niice looking plants, glad to hear you got the cloning working! im looking forward to seeing which are male and female


Well-Known Member
Update: 2 weeks ago, my father decide to trim my plants without telling me, as far as I was concerned, it looked like shit and I gave up on the plants (mother nature took care of them). The stems my father cut off, he decided to dry them out (he grew back in his day) and 2 weeks later, had some nice dry leaves (I knew nothing about this project of his). He created his own metal pipe and smoked for the 1st time in 23 yrs (high off leaves which is what he's used to!). He told me about it and I didn't believe any of it until he showed me what he had done. I took a hit outta his metal bowl (fuckin huge) and I got a nice rip. I call over a couple buddies to have them test this shit out. They decided it would be best to roll a blunt (I thought 1ft bong was good) but blunt we went. To my surprising, they actually catch a buzz off it (I was expecting nothing at all) but geez! We rolled another blunt, man, were we toasted....lol

While high, I decided to check on my plants that I gave up on outside....well, to my surprising, I nearly shit a brick when I noticed one of my plants was a female! I see white hairs all over the place! I nearly kissed the plant because I was so friggin happy! The other plant, I can't tell anything yet. I don't see any balls, but no white hairs either. Doesn't matter as far as I'm concerned, all I wanted from this whole experiment was at least 1 female!

Sorry for going on, but I'm high off these leaves.....lol

No pics of the new butchered plants, but soon!


Well-Known Member
He don't even go into the backyard anymore. I told him how he ruined my plants, so he stays away....lol

Would have been nice with all those extra buds, but shit happens.


Well-Known Member
yup more bush=more leaves.:mrgreen: errrrrrrrrr buds. Good job dad. let him back in and when you harvst, thro some bud in the pipe and tell him it's his favorite.....leaves. Then when he gets super stoned tell him that was for scaring the shit out of you. After smoking the real thing he may want to help you grow more, and more, and more.


Well-Known Member
Some nice plants you have there Homerbud...

Have you tried to clone into any type of root riot cube, instead of soil ?

could be low humidity and an easy way to solve that would be to get a propagator to place cuttings in before planting in/outside, or 4 wooden skewers in the pot and a clear plastic bag over the top held in place buy a rubber band

That should see your clone last more then a few days
