Yeah got nailed


Well-Known Member
Yuck man. That sucks ballz. Drug convictions are never good. I hope you had 1-5 plants. That typically will get dropped off your record after a year to two with no other drug convictions (and no previous drug convictions). Otherwise you could get screwed. One of my buddies (a really smart guy actually one of the smartest people I know) got a drug conviction and it rocked his world. He now works in restaurants (which there is nothing wrong with that, I've done that in the past) but, there is no chance in hell he'll ever get a good job in his respected field of study (medicine).

Also with all due respect your wife is a dumb cunt for calling the cops on your especially if she knew weed was in the house. Any time you call the cops to a residence (or invite them in) you open yourself up to inspection. Some dumb dude in my neighbor hood was going around pointing (what people thought was) a gun. He locked himself in his home and didn't come out so swat came by to break in. Because of this our home was secured by a personal police women (while very nice and kind) she was totally grilling our home and looking around for suspicious activity (that so much was pretty obvious). FYI the guy only had a toy gun and was mentally challenged.


Well-Known Member
Also with all due respect your wife is a dumb cunt for calling the cops on your especially if she knew weed was in the house. Any time you call the cops to a residence (or invite them in) you open yourself up to inspection. Some dumb dude in my neighbor hood was going around pointing (what people thought was) a gun. He locked himself in his home and didn't come out so swat came by to break in. Because of this our home was secured by a personal police women (while very nice and kind) she was totally grilling our home and looking around for suspicious activity (that so much was pretty obvious). FYI the guy only had a toy gun and was mentally challenged.
from the never get busted dvd.... ive been interested in this...

they wanted to get into your house to "secure it" did they have a warrant ? probably not ... you could have done like the movie said " yell through the door asking what they want and if they insist on coming in without a warrant tell them they have to kick the door down" .... would have been interesting... they didnt need to "secure" your house any way


stays relevant.
yo dawg jes do dis take yo gat an pimp slap that ho down on da groun an put yo heatuh in that bitchez fayce and be all like 'OOPS POW SURPRISE' im g'd up from the feet up come roun here u gonna get beat up, and eat up then u blas tha bitch hoez dentures out tha back her silly white ass. WORD! :lol: :roll:

thanks MTV. :roll:

Iron Lungz23

Well-Known Member
So, in those 13+ states u can just go to a store that sells bud & pick up a 1/4 oz? Or can u only get it if you've got a medical condition?


Well-Known Member
I don't buy her being afraid. Despite your military service SHE KNOWS WHO SHE FUCKING MARRIED! She knows what you'll do when you're going to do it. She got caught up in some BS and knew the only way out of it was to call the cops. They were her buffer. She knew you'd be pissed/worried/upset that she rolled in at 11am. She knew everything that was going to go down. Get away from this far as you can. If you don't have children...even better. Start new, and find a woman who has an open heart and open mind, and not some chick who's willing to throw a marriage away for some 19 year old punk.

Patiwan Grl

Active Member
and things got said that shouldnt have and she called the cops fearing for her safety
This makes me curious. What was said that made her fear for her safety? Was her exit blocked? Was she physically threatened?

I can't imagine anything that would ever lead me to call the police to deal with my husband. Then again my husband has never so much as raised his voice at me in the 10+ years we have been married. If he was aggressive by nature, was prone to male posturing and I had seen him fly off the handle and do stupid shit in anger, then I might have a different view.
Not accusing you or even defending her actions but the old addage "don't shit where you eat" might apply here.

In my opinion, three kinds of people always give you signs: the crazy, the predator, and the disloyal. When the actions of others take you by surprise, looking back usually reveals "signs" that the behavior was possible - if not inevitable.

Sorry 'bout all the chaos. Hopefully life will calm down soon and you can get on with moving on.


Well-Known Member
Yeah haha... dude tells his wife he's gonna kill her, why the fuck wouldn't she call the cops, regardless if she's out partying with a young crowd... man up, grow some balls, and tell her to get her stuff out the house and file for divorce. Once you threaten to kill someone, especially your wife... it's a whole different ballgame.


Well-Known Member
EDIT.... he shouldn't have threatened her. He should have just set her shit out on the curb. With a boombox blasting "If you think you're lonely now....Wait until Tonight Girl"