Growmans Outdoor Grow 09


Well-Known Member
Currently have 2 Females started indoors
one is 4 weeks flowering
the other is 2

30 little guys

Fox farm ntrients and mollases,
nute less soil with perlite i mixedin

Female 1

Female 2

A few others



New Member
is that pine needles on the ground? I have been told but dont know from personal experience that pine needles cause the soil to be highly acidic. They look fine so I wouldnt worry to much but you may want to test ph of the soil just in case.
Anyways just a thought


Well-Known Member
is that pine needles on the ground? I have been told but dont know from personal experience that pine needles cause the soil to be highly acidic. They look fine so I wouldnt worry to much but you may want to test ph of the soil just in case.
Anyways just a thought

the pine needles are on top for stealthyness,
i have dug a hole and filled with my own soil


Well-Known Member
Well here they are,
smaller female has passed away,
she was a trooper man i was holding her up with stixks and she made it,
well she has suppplied me with an eighth of some straight fire bud, my hands could make hash from all the resin on em

Big Female is beeefiiiinnn uppppp
small guys are doing well



Well-Known Member

Lsted a lot of the plants and topped all
gave biggest some grow big yesterday

Some little guys

2 days after LST

Plot 1

I found a good spot

Big Female



Well-Known Member
this is beautiful. i have to be honest, as fun as it is to "play god" controlling the lights, the temp, the humidity, the water blah blah blah...
i grow tomatoes and basil and parsley and squash and bell peppers and flowers and shrubs and ivy and so on and so on outdoors...
out of doors, its the way to be man. have you experience with both indoor and outdoor? which is better? better for taste, potency, etc..

by the way, the grow looks amazing. it just seems right. i look forward to greenhouse growing in the mountains of colorado one day...


Well-Known Member
haha here i am checking out da journal brotha but i see u planted in the ground and i kno u live in florida but the soil in florida is so shitty iz all fucking sand so i wana kno what u do when you plant it the ground cause i planted some in the ground down where im at and im afraid there gonna run out of top soil and extra soil i put in der and die what u think?


Well-Known Member
this is beautiful. i have to be honest, as fun as it is to "play god" controlling the lights, the temp, the humidity, the water blah blah blah...
i grow tomatoes and basil and parsley and squash and bell peppers and flowers and shrubs and ivy and so on and so on outdoors...
out of doors, its the way to be man. have you experience with both indoor and outdoor? which is better? better for taste, potency, etc..

by the way, the grow looks amazing. it just seems right. i look forward to greenhouse growing in the mountains of colorado one day...

haha i have actually grown many a time indoors, it has become too much of a hassle for my lifestyle so outdoors is the way to go, the sun is the best growing light, and to top it off it unlimited and fucken freeee!
out door for yield and density
indoor for taste and potency,
dont mean i havent seen some fucken flame outdoor plants

haha here i am checking out da journal brotha but i see u planted in the ground and i kno u live in florida but the soil in florida is so shitty iz all fucking sand so i wana kno what u do when you plant it the ground cause i planted some in the ground down where im at and im afraid there gonna run out of top soil and extra soil i put in der and die what u think?

i dug a hole 3 and a half feet deep and two feet wide,
filled it with soil and perlite
i add all nutrients


Well-Known Member
Off the Hook...!!!:hump:

Seeing that sand made me want to go surfing!!! I miss Florida sometimes...

Banging grow dude...

I'm subscribifying now... lol..




Well-Known Member
That looks tight...

What are your plans as for style..?

Personally, I would do away with the veg area and fill the whole space with lollipops...

4 20g lollipops per square foot...

It's hard to beat SOG's efficiency, especially when you consider that ALL buds are top colas.. no small buds at all... just .. well a lollipop...

Like this...



Well-Known Member
That looks tight...

What are your plans as for style..?

Personally, I would do away with the veg area and fill the whole space with lollipops...

4 20g lollipops per square foot...

It's hard to beat SOG's efficiency, especially when you consider that ALL buds are top colas.. no small buds at all... just .. well a lollipop...

Like this...

i wanted to take the hassle out of 50 clones and keep it to about 8 clones per 2 weeks, It will give the other inner growth on the mothers more time to get even bigger for next go round
They will be topped and effectively LSTed for maximum Colas
prolly each room will be 5'x4'
might have to add in some more veg time tho
i know it will take a while to get everything all setup and ready but its fun as fuck