My clones arnt looking to good. help plz!


New Member
I cut them at a 45 deg angle, dipped them in clonex and trimmed a lil and put in a soaked rockwool cube and misted plants and top of dome box and they have been on there for 2 or 3 days and all of them are wilty and look dead none of them are perking up or looking good no fresh growth, does someone know where i messed up at??


Well-Known Member
I'm feeling for you that you've yet to get a reply. Personally, I've never used rockwool.....something about it just doesn't look right to me. Plenty love it. I think they are supposed to retain water moreso than other agents??? There may lie the problem....too much moisture, thus the wilt and eventual death.


New Member
I'm feeling for you that you've yet to get a reply. Personally, I've never used rockwool.....something about it just doesn't look right to me. Plenty love it. I think they are supposed to retain water moreso than other agents??? There may lie the problem....too much moisture, thus the wilt and eventual death.
well the cubes are wet and i spray the clones with water 3 times a day! idk wats wrong with them ive read alot of threads on here on how to cut clones and stuff and i followed everyones directions but mine are wilted for some reason!


Well-Known Member
Just peeked in and checked out the pictures. It's like I said, I don't care for the rockwool just by the looks of them. Here's what I would suggest. Thankfully, your clones are still alive and healthy. I'm assuming that you are attempting a hydroponic grow using those?
If so, there is an alternative. I don't know what they are called...spongy looking pellets sold at hydro store. Until you decide what you will be using, placing those clones in some water will keep them healthy til you make your choice.
Also, I'm betting if your clones had been a bit shorter, they wouldn't be leaning like that. A half inch in that tray of water wouldn't hurt either.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Oh, and just looked at first picture. If you're growing in soil, I'm not sure why you even bothered with that stuff. Did I mention I hate the stuff? LOL
I'll have to actually try it to truly make that statement.


New Member
Oh, and just looked at first picture. If you're growing in soil, I'm not sure why you even bothered with that stuff. Did I mention I hate the stuff? LOL
I'll have to actually try it to truly make that statement.
well hydro is too difficult and if you had to much of something ALL your plants are going to die, its jsut too hard and a lil expensive, id rather wait a few more weeks more and plus soil is natural thats how it grows in the wild im trying to be natural as possible! ive always wanted to try a lil hydro setup tho maybe in the future!


Well-Known Member
dont waste ur time tryin that rockwool crap babs.

good advice i thought the cuttings looked a little long. give them a few more days it takes the longer ones to spring back up


Well-Known Member
well hydro is too difficult and if you had to much of something ALL your plants are going to die, its jsut too hard and a lil expensive, id rather wait a few more weeks more and plus soil is natural thats how it grows in the wild im trying to be natural as possible! ive always wanted to try a lil hydro setup tho maybe in the future!
Oh yeah, I want to attempt growing in hydro, but I'd still have to use good ole soil. I love dirt!! I love having my hands in it, I even love the smell.
"Natural" is great....and let's not mention the sun---there is no substitute. It has its drawbacks too. Imagine going to pay a visit to your 4 foot, or 8 foot--whichever is the case-oh, and you're only 2 weeks from harvest. What you find is not that glistening bud you LAST saw, but a nub of a plant because the deer had their own little taste test. :shock::shock::shock:
AND :cuss::cuss::cuss:
...and the bugs.


Well-Known Member
dont waste ur time tryin that rockwool crap babs.

good advice i thought the cuttings looked a little long. give them a few more days it takes the longer ones to spring back up
Thanks for the headsup. You just saved me some money. God knows I can't afford to waste it either...another reason not attempting to go the hydro route---not that it's a waste, mind you. :)


Well-Known Member
Have u considered making a DYI bubble cloner? 20-30 dollars and and 1 hr of ur time, and you'll hardly ever be looking at a wilty clone again.


Well-Known Member
:weed:Oh yes, trust me, I've more than considered it. I've got two of them (33 gallon)sitting around clogging up my space at that. Being I'm a neat freak, just goes to show my intention to go that route soon. LOL, I want one of them just for a tomato plant.
I'm not really so inclined to hop right on a project to make it right now. I would definitely need instructions for dummies...sigh.
First, I would like to try the cloner. By all means, if you can direct me as to how, go for it. I'd be much appreciated. I'll take an hour out for that, no problem.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Okay ive been searching for a cheap insert for my DYI cloner, like a piece of circular foam instead of wut im running right now but that neither here nor there. K lets get started on your cloner bro...uve got the tubs with intact fitting lids 1st set done

2 . go buy 2 10'' fish tanks air stones, appropriate amount of air line, and 30gallon rated fish tanks air pump. $20 bucks

3. buy 2'' net pots (however many site u need), and hydroton rock, (like lava) from the hydro store or online $20 bucks

4. drill a hole under the lid say in a inch where it wont interfere with the lid opening and closing. run your airline to the bottom of tub, where u need to pre silocone the airstones down to the bottom so they wont float.

5. take lid off, and use ur net pots to trace cut-outs with a marker on the lid. If you have a router whamm router that shit out. if not i found a cheezy dry wall knife works great. Not an exacto blade, a dry wall hand saw feel me?

6 simply insert entire net pots flush into cut outs, and fill with lava. (this is the part you can modify, if lava and net pots arent your thing you can probably figure something else out. Im runnin with net pots cause i had a whole box of em doing nothing, but the roots will get large , so they make taking them out of the net pots fucked if your going into soil after rooting. so I just transplant the net pot right into a soil container leaving the hydroton rock intact.

7. Once everything is set and siliconed air stones are dry, fill up your res. how this works is you want your water line 1 inch down from the bottom of your stems on your clones sticked thro the net pots. I didnt get this part at first how water was supplyed for this operation, but really its simple. the air pump creates so many bubbles they reach the surface and exploid, finnaly misting the stems with hightly oxgenated water. (my spell terrrible sry).

8. Take a bunch of clones....use ur prefered cutting method, dip in a rooting gel, and gently put in2 net pots. NO need to alter ph to desired grow ph. Thats right ph as high as 9 is fine. it doesnt matter. plant doesnt need that lower 5.5 or 6.5 for soil until it has grown roots. no supplements needed in the res either. thats at ur own discretion as far as adding nutes or superthrive...this system literally works without nutes or ph'd water.

9 Give them 10-14 days you'll have roots...i found that side lighting instead of direct gave me roots faster. i used 24/7 light

i hope that'll get u in the right direction, my essay's arent that great sry bro



Well-Known Member
6 days and no roots at all? Not even the tiniest of a root? Seriously, if it doesn't show roots in the next 5 days, you can just as easily get roots by placing them in plain (well, distilled) water. I sometimes get lazy when making clones and use small jars--you can get massive roots like this.


New Member
sorry not to be patient but i dont want these cuts to die off does anyone know wat i could do to make them root? i would say its been like almost 8 or 9 days so far and no signs of any rooting going on, thanks guy + rep for ya guys


Well-Known Member
could take up to 2 weeks to show signs of roots, now of coarse u want them in a week but it can take longer. if u put clones st8t to dirt even longer than 2weeks. id just leave em. and if ur not digging it in another week, take more clones and use the dyi bubbler cloner


Well-Known Member
sorry not to be patient but i dont want these cuts to die off does anyone know wat i could do to make them root? i would say its been like almost 8 or 9 days so far and no signs of any rooting going on, thanks guy + rep for ya guys
OK, seriously, your clones are doing fine. You aren't taking them out of the rockwool to check for roots are you? If so, don't disturb them....they need to stay put.
If you are looking for some roots to come out from the rockwool, this takes TIME.....probably at least a couple of weeks. Like I said, I've never used the rockwool, it may take longer to grow from out of those.
Nevertheless, don't take them out to search for new roots. Water them (preferably mist them) and I assure you, you WILL see roots.
If you have already taken them out and placed them back (in hopes of seeing roots)---then I would suggest that you inspect them to assure they have not dried on the tips. If they have, cut them back again, dip in the clonex and most important here.....don't pull them out again. Good Luck! Your clones will turn out fine. :peace: